Saqib a6f98d48bc
refactor: POS workflow (#20789)
* refactor: add pos invoice doctype replacing sales invoice in POS

* refactor: move to pos invoice

* feat: add pos invoice merge log doctype

* feat: ability to merge pos invoices into a sales invoice

* feat: [wip] new ui for point of sale

* fix: moved to pos_invoice

* feat: loyalty points for POS Invoice

* fix: loyalty points on merging

* feat: return against pos invoices

* Merge 'fork/serial-no-selector' into refactor-pos-invoice

* chore: status fix and set warehouse from pos profile

* fix: naming series

* feat: merge pos returns into credit notes

* feat: add pos list action for merging into sales invoices

* feat[UX]: add shortcuts & focus on search after customer selection

* feat: stock validation from previous pos transactions

* Merge 'fork/serial-no-selector' into refactor-pos-invoice

* chore: fix df not found for base_amount precision

* feat: serial no validation from previous pos transactions

* chore: move into pos page

* feat: pos opening voucher

* feat: link pos closing voucher with opening voucher

* chore: use map_doc instead of get_mapped_doc for better perf

* feat: enforce opening voucher on pos page

* feat: [ui] [wip] point of sale beta ui refactor

* fix: auto fetching serial nos with batch no

* feat: [ui] item details section for new pos ui

* feat: remove item from cart

* refactor: [ui] [wip] split point_of_sale into components
* new payment component
* new numberpad
* fix pos opening status
* move from flex to grids

* fix: search from item selector

* feat: loyalty points as payment method

* feat: pos invoice status
* fix a bug with invalid JSON

* fix: loyalty program ui fixes

* feat: past order list and past order summary

* feat: (minor) setting discount from item details

* fix: adding item before customer selection

* feat: post order submission summary
* save and open draft orders
* fix: item group filter

* fix:  item_det not defined while submitting sle

* fix: minor bugs

* fix: minor ux fixes

* feat: show opening time in pos ui

* feat: item and customer images

* feat: emailing and printing an invoice

* fix: item details field edit shows empty alert

* fix: (minor) ux fixes

* chore: rename pos opening voucher to pos opening entry

* chore: (minor) rename pos closing voucher and sub doctypes

* chore: add patch for renaming pos closing doctypes

* fix: negative stock not allowed in pos invoices* default is_pos in pos invoices* fix: transalation

* fix: invoices not getting fetched on pos closing

* fix: indentation

* feat: view / edit customer info

* fix: minor bugs

* fix: minor bug

* fix: patch

* fix: minor ux issues

* fix: remove uppercase status

* refactor: pos closing payment reconciliation

* fix: move pos invoice print formats to pos invoice doctype

* fix: ui issues

* feat: new child doctype to store pos payment mode details

* fix: add to patches.txt

* feat: search by serial no

* chore: [wip] code cleanup

* fix: item not selectable from cart

* chore: [wip] code cleanup

* fix: minor issues
* loyalty points transactions
* default payment mode

* fix: minor fixes
* set correct mop amount with loaylty points
* editing draft invoices from UI

* chore: pos invoice merge log tests

* fix: batch / serial validation in pos ui and on submission

* feat: use onscan js for barcode scan events

* fix: cart header with amount column

* fix: validate batch no and qty in pos transactions

* chore: do not fetch closing balances as opening balance

* feat: show available qty in item selector

* feat: shortcuts

* fix: onscan.js not found

* fix: onscan.js not found

* fix: cannot return partial items

* fix: neagtive stock indicator

* feat: invoice discount

* fix: change available stock on warehouse change

* chore: cleanup code

* fix: pos profile payment method table

* feat: adding same item with different uom

* fix: loyalty points deleted after consolidation

* fix: enter loyalty amount instead of loyalty points

* chore: return print format

* feat: custom fields in pos view

* chore: pos invoice test

* chore: remove offline pos

* fix: cyclic dependency

* fix: cyclic dependency

* patch: remove pos page and order fixes

* chore: little fixes

* fix: patch perf and plural naming

* chore: tidy up pos invoice validation

* chore: move pos closing to accounts

* fix: move pos doctypes to accounts

* fix: move pos doctypes to accounts

* fix: item description in cart

* fix: item description in cart

* chore: loyalty tests
* minor fixes

* chore: rename point of sale beta to point of sale

* chore: reset past order summary on filter change

* chore: add point of sale to accounting desk

* fix: payment reconciliation table in pos closing

* fix: travis

* Update accounting.json

* fix: test cases

* fix: tests
* patch loyalty point entries

* fix: remove test
* default mode of payment is mandatory for pos transaction

* chore: remove unused checks from pos profile

* fix: loyalty point entry patch

* fix: numpad reset and patches

* fix: minor bugs

* fix: travis

* fix: travis

* fix: travis

* fix: travis

Co-authored-by: Nabin Hait <>
2020-07-23 18:51:26 +05:30

250 lines
7.2 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe, json
from frappe.utils.nestedset import get_root_of
from frappe.utils import cint
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.pos_profile.pos_profile import get_item_groups
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.pos_invoice.pos_invoice import get_stock_availability
from six import string_types
def get_items(start, page_length, price_list, item_group, search_value="", pos_profile=None):
data = dict()
warehouse = ""
display_items_in_stock = 0
if pos_profile:
warehouse, display_items_in_stock = frappe.db.get_value('POS Profile', pos_profile, ['warehouse', 'display_items_in_stock'])
if not frappe.db.exists('Item Group', item_group):
item_group = get_root_of('Item Group')
if search_value:
data = search_serial_or_batch_or_barcode_number(search_value)
item_code = data.get("item_code") if data.get("item_code") else search_value
serial_no = data.get("serial_no") if data.get("serial_no") else ""
batch_no = data.get("batch_no") if data.get("batch_no") else ""
barcode = data.get("barcode") if data.get("barcode") else ""
condition = get_conditions(item_code, serial_no, batch_no, barcode)
if pos_profile:
condition += get_item_group_condition(pos_profile)
lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value('Item Group', item_group, ['lft', 'rgt'])
# locate function is used to sort by closest match from the beginning of the value
result = []
items_data = frappe.db.sql("""
name AS item_code,
image AS item_image,
idx AS idx,
disabled = 0
AND has_variants = 0
AND is_sales_item = 1
AND is_fixed_asset = 0
AND item_group in (SELECT name FROM `tabItem Group` WHERE lft >= {lft} AND rgt <= {rgt})
AND {condition}
name asc
{start}, {page_length}"""
), as_dict=1)
if items_data:
items = [d.item_code for d in items_data]
item_prices_data = frappe.get_all("Item Price",
fields = ["item_code", "price_list_rate", "currency"],
filters = {'price_list': price_list, 'item_code': ['in', items]})
item_prices = {}
for d in item_prices_data:
item_prices[d.item_code] = d
for item in items_data:
item_code = item.item_code
item_price = item_prices.get(item_code) or {}
item_stock_qty = get_stock_availability(item_code, warehouse)
if display_items_in_stock and not item_stock_qty:
row = {}
'price_list_rate': item_price.get('price_list_rate'),
'currency': item_price.get('currency'),
'actual_qty': item_stock_qty,
res = {
'items': result
if len(res['items']) == 1:
res['items'][0].setdefault('serial_no', serial_no)
res['items'][0].setdefault('batch_no', batch_no)
res['items'][0].setdefault('barcode', barcode)
return res
if serial_no:
'serial_no': serial_no
if batch_no:
'batch_no': batch_no
if barcode:
'barcode': barcode
return res
def search_serial_or_batch_or_barcode_number(search_value):
# search barcode no
barcode_data = frappe.db.get_value('Item Barcode', {'barcode': search_value}, ['barcode', 'parent as item_code'], as_dict=True)
if barcode_data:
return barcode_data
# search serial no
serial_no_data = frappe.db.get_value('Serial No', search_value, ['name as serial_no', 'item_code'], as_dict=True)
if serial_no_data:
return serial_no_data
# search batch no
batch_no_data = frappe.db.get_value('Batch', search_value, ['name as batch_no', 'item as item_code'], as_dict=True)
if batch_no_data:
return batch_no_data
return {}
def get_conditions(item_code, serial_no, batch_no, barcode):
if serial_no or batch_no or barcode:
return "name = {0}".format(frappe.db.escape(item_code))
return """(name like {item_code}
or item_name like {item_code})""".format(item_code = frappe.db.escape('%' + item_code + '%'))
def get_item_group_condition(pos_profile):
cond = "and 1=1"
item_groups = get_item_groups(pos_profile)
if item_groups:
cond = "and item_group in (%s)"%(', '.join(['%s']*len(item_groups)))
return cond % tuple(item_groups)
def item_group_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters):
item_groups = []
cond = "1=1"
pos_profile= filters.get('pos_profile')
if pos_profile:
item_groups = get_item_groups(pos_profile)
if item_groups:
cond = "name in (%s)"%(', '.join(['%s']*len(item_groups)))
cond = cond % tuple(item_groups)
return frappe.db.sql(""" select distinct name from `tabItem Group`
where {condition} and (name like %(txt)s) limit {start}, {page_len}"""
.format(condition = cond, start=start, page_len= page_len),
{'txt': '%%%s%%' % txt})
def check_opening_entry(user):
open_vouchers = frappe.db.get_all("POS Opening Entry",
filters = {
"user": user,
"pos_closing_entry": ["in", ["", None]],
"docstatus": 1
fields = ["name", "company", "pos_profile", "period_start_date"],
order_by = "period_start_date desc"
return open_vouchers
def create_opening_voucher(pos_profile, company, balance_details):
import json
balance_details = json.loads(balance_details)
new_pos_opening = frappe.get_doc({
'doctype': 'POS Opening Entry',
"period_start_date": frappe.utils.get_datetime(),
"posting_date": frappe.utils.getdate(),
"user": frappe.session.user,
"pos_profile": pos_profile,
"company": company,
new_pos_opening.set("balance_details", balance_details)
return new_pos_opening.as_dict()
def get_past_order_list(search_term, status, limit=20):
fields = ['name', 'grand_total', 'currency', 'customer', 'posting_time', 'posting_date']
invoice_list = []
if search_term and status:
invoices_by_customer = frappe.db.get_all('POS Invoice', filters={
'customer': ['like', '%{}%'.format(search_term)],
'status': status
}, fields=fields)
invoices_by_name = frappe.db.get_all('POS Invoice', filters={
'name': ['like', '%{}%'.format(search_term)],
'status': status
}, fields=fields)
invoice_list = invoices_by_customer + invoices_by_name
elif status:
invoice_list = frappe.db.get_all('POS Invoice', filters={
'status': status
}, fields=fields)
return invoice_list
def set_customer_info(fieldname, customer, value=""):
if fieldname == 'loyalty_program':
frappe.db.set_value('Customer', customer, 'loyalty_program', value)
contact = frappe.get_cached_value('Customer', customer, 'customer_primary_contact')
if contact:
contact_doc = frappe.get_doc('Contact', contact)
if fieldname == 'email_id':
contact_doc.set('email_ids', [{ 'email_id': value, 'is_primary': 1}])
frappe.db.set_value('Customer', customer, 'email_id', value)
elif fieldname == 'mobile_no':
contact_doc.set('phone_nos', [{ 'phone': value, 'is_primary_mobile_no': 1}])
frappe.db.set_value('Customer', customer, 'mobile_no', value)