{% extends "templates/web.html" %} {% block title %} {{ title }} {% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {% include "templates/includes/breadcrumbs.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block page_content %} {% from "erpnext/templates/includes/macros.html" import product_image %}
{% if slideshow %} {% set slideshow_items = frappe.get_list(doctype="Website Slideshow Item", fields=["image"], filters={ "parent": doc.slideshow }) %}
{%- for slideshow_item in slideshow_items -%} {% set image_src = slideshow_item['image'] %} {% if image_src %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% set first_image = slideshow_items[0]['image'] %} {{ product_image(first_image, "product-full-image") }}
{% else %}
{{ product_image(website_image, "product-full-image") }}
{% endif %}

{{ item_name }}

{{ _("Item Code") }}: {{ variant and variant.name or name }}

{% if has_variants and attributes %} {% for d in attributes %} {% if attribute_values[d.attribute] -%} {%- endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}

{{ _("Description") }}
{{ web_long_description or description or _("No description given") }}
{% if website_specifications -%}
{{ _("Specifications") }}
{% for d in website_specifications -%} {%- endfor %}
{{ d.label }} {{ d.description }}
{%- endif %}
{% endblock %}