# REMEMBER to update this # ======================== last_patch = 359 #------------------------------------------- def execute(patch_no): import webnotes from webnotes.modules.module_manager import reload_doc from webnotes.model.code import get_obj sql = webnotes.conn.sql from webnotes.utils import cint, cstr, flt from webnotes.model.doc import Document from webnotes.model import delete_doc if patch_no == 301: from patches.delivery_billing_status_patch import run_patch run_patch() elif patch_no == 302: sql("update `tabDocField` set no_copy = 1 where fieldname = 'naming_series'") elif patch_no == 303: pass elif patch_no == 304: sql("delete from `tabDocField` where parent = 'company' and label = 'Trash Company' and fieldtype = 'button'") reload_doc('setup', 'doctype', 'company') elif patch_no == 305: sql("update `tabDocField` set options = 'link:Company' where options='link:Company' and fieldname='company' and fieldtype='Select'") elif patch_no == 306: sql("update `tabDocField` set options = '\nAccount\nCompany\nCustomer\nSupplier\nEmployee\nWarehouse\nItem' where parent = 'Rename Tool' and fieldname = 'select_doctype'") sql("update `tabDocField` set options = 'link:Item' where parent = 'Raw Materials Supplied' and fieldname = 'po_item'") sql("update `tabDocField` set options = 'Sales Order' where parent = 'Indent Detail' and fieldname = 'sales_order_no'") sql("update `tabDocField` set options = 'link:Company', fieldtype = 'Select' where parent = 'Stock Ledger Entry' and fieldname = 'company'") reload_doc('utilities', 'doctype', 'rename_tool') elif patch_no == 307: sql("delete from `tabDocField` where parent = 'company' and label = 'Trash Company' and fieldtype = 'Button'") reload_doc('setup', 'doctype', 'company') elif patch_no == 308: sql("update `tabDocField` set reqd = 0 where fieldname = 'select_item' and parent = 'Property Setter'") elif patch_no == 309: sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname = 'item_attachments_details' and parent = 'Item'") sql("delete from `tabModule Def Item` where parent = 'Stock' and doc_name = 'Landed Cost Wizard'") elif patch_no == 310: from erpnext_structure_cleanup import run_patches run_patches() elif patch_no == 311: sql("update `tabDocField` set reqd = 0 where fieldname = 'select_item' and parent = 'Property Setter'") #reload_doc('core', 'doctype', 'property_setter') elif patch_no == 312: sql("delete from `tabSessions`") sql("delete from `__SessionCache`") elif patch_no == 313: dt = ['GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry'] for t in dt: rec = sql("select voucher_type, voucher_no, ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') from `tab%s` where modified >= '2011-07-06 10:00:00' group by voucher_no" % t) for d in rec: sql("update `tab%s` set docstatus = %s where name = '%s'" % (d[0], d[2]=='No' and 1 or 2, d[1])) other_dt = ['Enquiry', 'Quotation', 'Sales Order', 'Indent', 'Purchase Order', 'Production Order', 'Customer Issue', 'Installation Note'] for dt in other_dt: rec = sql("select name, status from `tab%s` where modified >= '2011-07-06 10:00:00'" % dt) for r in rec: sql("update `tab%s` set docstatus = %s where name = '%s'" % (dt, (r[1] in ['Submitted', 'Closed'] and 1 or r[1]=='Cancelled' and 2 or 0), r[0])) dt_list = ['Delivery Note', 'Purchase Receipt'] for dt in dt_list: sql("update `tab%s` set status = 'Submitted' where docstatus = 1 and modified >='2011-07-06 10:00:00'" % dt) sql("update `tab%s` set status = 'Cancelled' where docstatus = 2 and modified >='2011-07-06 10:00:00'" % dt) dt_list = ['Enquiry', 'Quotation', 'Sales Order', 'Indent', 'Purchase Order', 'Production Order', 'Customer Issue', 'Installation Note', 'Receivable Voucher', 'Payable Voucher', 'Delivery Note', 'Purchase Receipt', 'Journal Voucher', 'Stock Entry'] for d in dt_list: tbl = sql("select options from `tabDocField` where fieldtype = 'Table' and parent = '%s'" % d) for t in tbl: sql("update `tab%s` t1, `tab%s` t2 set t1.docstatus = t2.docstatus where t1.parent = t2.name" % (t[0], d)) elif patch_no == 314: # delete double feed sql("delete from tabFeed where subject like 'New %'") elif patch_no == 315: # delete double feed sql("delete from tabFeed where doc_name like 'New %'") reload_doc('core', 'doctype', 'property_setter') from webnotes.model.doc import Document m = Document('Module Def Role') m.role = 'All' m.parent = 'Home' m.parenttype = 'Module Def' m.parentfield = 'roles' m.save(1) elif patch_no == 316: pass elif patch_no == 317: sql("update `tabPage` set name = 'profile-settings' where page_name = 'Profile Settings'") elif patch_no == 318: reload_doc('utilities', 'doctype', 'bulk_rename_tool') elif patch_no == 319: sql("delete from tabFeed where doc_name like 'New %'") elif patch_no == 320: reload_doc('setup', 'doctype', 'series_detail') elif patch_no == 321: reload_doc('hr','doctype','leave_application') elif patch_no == 322: sql("delete from `tabDocField` where parent = 'Leave Application' and fieldname = 'latter_head'") elif patch_no == 323: reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'stock_entry') sql("update `tabDocField` set options = 'get_stock_and_rate' where parent = 'Stock Entry' and label = 'Get Stock and Rate'") sql("delete from `tabDocField` where label = 'Get Current Stock' and parent = 'Stock Entry'") elif patch_no == 324: sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname = 'test_field' and parent = 'Customer'") elif patch_no == 325: sql("update `tabDocField` set fieldtype = 'Data' where parent = 'Salary Slip' and fieldname = 'total_days_in_month'") reload_doc('hr', 'doctype', 'salary_slip') elif patch_no == 326: # load the new billing page if cint(webnotes.conn.get_value('Control Panel',None,'sync_with_gateway')): reload_doc('server_tools','page','billing') elif patch_no == 327: # patch for support email settings now moved to email settings reload_doc('setup','doctype','email_settings') # map fields from support to email settings field_map = { 'support_email': 'email', 'support_host':'host', 'support_username': 'username', 'support_password': 'password', 'support_use_ssl': 'use_ssl', 'sync_support_mails': 'integrate_incoming', 'signature': 'support_signature' } for key in field_map: webnotes.conn.set_value('Email Settings',None,key, \ webnotes.conn.get_value('Support Email Settings',None,field_map[key])) # delete support email settings delete_doc('DocType', 'Support Email Settings') reload_doc('support','doctype','support_ticket') sql("delete from tabDocField where fieldname='problem_description' and parent='Support Ticket'") elif patch_no == 328: if webnotes.conn.get_value('Control Panel', None, 'account_id') != 'axjanak2011': sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname = 'supplier_status' and parent = 'Supplier'") elif patch_no == 329: reload_doc('utilities', 'doctype', 'rename_tool') reload_doc('utilities', 'doctype', 'bulk_rename_tool') elif patch_no == 330: reload_doc('accounts', 'doctype', 'lease_agreement') reload_doc('accounts', 'doctype', 'lease_installment') reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_agreement_list') reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_monthly_future_installment_inflows') reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_overdue_age_wise') reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_over_due_list') reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_receipts_client_wise') reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_receipt_summary_year_to_date') reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_yearly_future_installment_inflows') reload_doc('accounts', 'Module Def', 'Accounts') elif patch_no == 331: p = get_obj('Patch Util') # permission p.add_permission('Lease Agreement', 'Accounts Manager', 0, read = 1, write=1,submit=1, cancel=1,amend=1) p.add_permission('Lease Agreement', 'Accounts Manager', 1, read = 1) elif patch_no == 332: sql("update `tabDocField` set permlevel=1, hidden = 1 where parent = 'Bulk Rename Tool' and fieldname = 'file_list'") elif patch_no == 333: sql("update `tabDocPerm` set `create` =1 where role = 'Accounts Manager' and parent = 'Lease Agreement'") p = get_obj('Patch Util') p.add_permission('DocType Mapper', 'System Manager', 0, read = 1, write=1, create=1) p.add_permission('Role', 'System Manager', 0, read = 1, write=1, create=1) p.add_permission('Print Format', 'System Manager', 0, read = 1, write=1, create=1) elif patch_no == 334: reload_doc('knowledge_base', 'doctype', 'answer') elif patch_no == 335: for dt in ['Account', 'Cost Center', 'Territory', 'Item Group', 'Customer Group']: sql("update `tabDocField` set fieldtype = 'Link', options = %s where fieldname = 'old_parent' and parent = %s", (dt, dt)) elif patch_no == 336: reload_doc('server_tools','page','billing') elif patch_no == 337: item_list = webnotes.conn.sql("""SELECT name, description_html FROM tabItem""") if item_list: for item, html in item_list: if html and "getfile" in html and "acx" in html: ac_id = webnotes.conn.sql("""SELECT value FROM `tabSingles` WHERE doctype='Control Panel' AND field='account_id'""") sp_acx = html.split("acx=") l_acx = len(sp_acx) if l_acx > 1: for i in range(l_acx-1): sp_quot = sp_acx[i+1].split('"') if len(sp_quot) > 1: sp_quot[0] = str(ac_id[0][0]) sp_acx[i+1] = '"'.join(sp_quot) html = "acx=".join(sp_acx) webnotes.conn.sql("""UPDATE tabItem SET description_html=%s WHERE name=%s""", (html, item)) elif patch_no == 338: # Patch for billing status based on amount # reload so and dn reload_doc('selling','doctype','sales_order') reload_doc('stock','doctype','delivery_note') # delete billed_qty field sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname = 'billed_qty' and parent in ('Sales Order Detail', 'Delivery Note Detail')") # update billed amt in item table in so and dn sql(""" update `tabSales Order Detail` so set billed_amt = (select sum(amount) from `tabRV Detail` where `so_detail`= so.name and docstatus=1 and parent not like 'old%%'), modified = now()""") sql(""" update `tabDelivery Note Detail` dn set billed_amt = (select sum(amount) from `tabRV Detail` where `dn_detail`= dn.name and docstatus=1 and parent not like 'old%%'), modified = now()""") # calculate % billed based on item table sql(""" update `tabSales Order` so set per_billed = (select sum(if(amount > ifnull(billed_amt, 0), billed_amt, amount))/sum(amount)*100 from `tabSales Order Detail` where parent = so.name), modified = now()""") sql(""" update `tabDelivery Note` dn set per_billed = (select sum(if(amount > ifnull(billed_amt, 0), billed_amt, amount))/sum(amount)*100 from `tabDelivery Note Detail` where parent = dn.name), modified = now()""") # update billing status based on % billed sql("""update `tabSales Order` set billing_status = if(ifnull(per_billed,0) < 0.001, 'Not Billed', if(per_billed >= 99.99, 'Fully Billed', 'Partly Billed'))""") sql("""update `tabDelivery Note` set billing_status = if(ifnull(per_billed,0) < 0.001, 'Not Billed', if(per_billed >= 99.99, 'Fully Billed', 'Partly Billed'))""") # update name of questions page sql("update tabPage set name='questions' where name='Questions'") sql("update tabPage set name='question-view' where name='Question View'") elif patch_no == 339: reload_doc('production','doctype','bill_of_materials') elif patch_no == 340: sql("update `tabDocField` set permlevel = 0 where (fieldname in ('process', 'production_order', 'fg_completed_qty') or label = 'Get Items') and parent = 'Stock Entry'") elif patch_no == 341: reload_doc('stock','doctype','delivery_note') reload_doc('stock','doctype','item') reload_doc('selling','doctype','quotation') reload_doc('stock','Print Format','Delivery Note Packing List Wise') if not sql("select format from `tabDocFormat` where name = 'Delivery Note Packing List Wise' and parent = 'Delivery Note'"): from webnotes.model.doc import addchild dt_obj = get_obj('DocType', 'Delivery Note', with_children = 1) ch = addchild(dt_obj.doc, 'formats', 'DocFormat', 1) ch.format = 'Delivery Note Packing List Wise' ch.save(1) elif patch_no == 342: sql("update `tabDocField` set permlevel = 0 where parent = 'Stock Entry Detail' and fieldname in ('s_warehouse', 't_warehouse', 'fg_item')") elif patch_no == 343: reload_doc('stock','doctype','item_customer_detail') elif patch_no == 344: sql("delete from `tabDocFormat` where ifnull(format, '') = '' and parent = 'Delivery Note'") reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'delivery_note_detail') reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'item_customer_detail') elif patch_no == 345: # rerun 343 (merge confict) reload_doc('stock','doctype','item_customer_detail') sql("delete from `tabModule Def Item` where display_name = 'Salary Slip Control Panel' and parent = 'HR'") reload_doc('hr','Module Def','HR') elif patch_no == 346: pass elif patch_no == 347: sql("delete from `tabField Mapper Detail` where from_field = to_field and map = 'Yes' and ifnull(checking_operator, '') = ''") elif patch_no == 348: sql("update `tabStock Ledger Entry` set is_cancelled = 'No' where voucher_type = 'Serial No'") elif patch_no == 349: delete_doc('Custom Script', 'Update Series-Server') delete_doc('Custom Script', 'Profile-Client') delete_doc('Custom Script', 'Event-Client') delete_doc('Custom Script', 'File-Server') # reload profile with new fields for security delete_doc('DocType', 'Profile') reload_doc('core', 'doctype', 'profile') elif patch_no == 350: reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'delivery_note_detail') reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'item_customer_detail') elif patch_no == 351: reload_doc('home', 'page', 'dashboard') elif patch_no == 352: reload_doc('stock','doctype','delivery_note') reload_doc('stock','doctype','item') reload_doc('selling','doctype','quotation') reload_doc('stock','Print Format','Delivery Note Packing List Wise') if not sql("select format from `tabDocFormat` where name = 'Delivery Note Packing List Wise' and parent = 'Delivery Note'"): from webnotes.model.doc import addchild dt_obj = get_obj('DocType', 'Delivery Note', with_children = 1) ch = addchild(dt_obj.doc, 'formats', 'DocFormat', 1) ch.format = 'Delivery Note Packing List Wise' ch.save(1) elif patch_no == 353: reload_doc('hr', 'doctype', 'salary_manager') elif patch_no == 354: reload_doc('setup', 'doctype','features_setup') reload_doc('stock','doctype','item') sql("update tabDocField set label='Produced Qty',description='Updated after finished goods are transferred to FG Warehouse through Stock Entry' where parent='Production Order' and fieldname='produced_qty'") rs = sql("select fieldname from tabDocField where parent='Features Setup' and fieldname is not null") from webnotes.model.doc import Document m = Document('Features Setup') for d in rs: m.fields[d[0]] = 1 m.save() elif patch_no == 355: reload_doc('hr', 'doctype', 'salary_slip') delete_doc('DocType', 'Salary Control Panel') elif patch_no == 356: reload_doc('core', 'doctype', 'doctype') sql("update `tabDocType` set default_print_format = 'Standard' where name = 'Delivery Note'") elif patch_no == 357: sql("delete from `tabDocField` where (fieldname in ('client_string', 'server_code_error', 'server_code_compiled', 'server_code', 'server_code_core', 'client_script', 'client_script_core', 'dt_template', 'change_log') or label = 'Template') and parent = 'DocType'") elif patch_no == 358: reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'delivery_note') reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'delivery_note_detail') elif patch_no == 359: sql("update `tabDocField` set print_hide =1 where fieldname in ('pack_no', 'pack_gross_wt', 'weight_uom', 'pack_nett_wt') and parent = 'Delivery Note Detail'")