Step 1. Download Template

Do you want to over-write records?
Warning: Over-writing the data of child tables, will delete all old data. For more info see below

Step 2. Upload and Import

Select CSV File to be imported
Date format in source CSV

Data Import Guide

  1. Get the template of the DocType for which you want to import in CSV (Comma seperated values) format.
  2. Fill in the data in the template. You can remove columns that are not relevant
  3. Save the template in CSV format
  4. Select the saved CSV file, identify the date format if any
  5. Click on "Import"

Over-writing Guide

  1. To over-write data, click on "Do you want to over-write records?" and then download template
  2. To over-write parent table data, mention existing ID in "Name" column
  3. Over-writing of child table data will delete all previous data of child table and re-import. so before over-writing child tables, export all data from system, modify them and then re-import
  4. Over-write checkbox will be checked while importing

Do you have Non-English data?

You may need to save the file with UTF-8 encoding for data to be imported correctly.

Microsoft Excel Users:
There is no obvious way of saving a CSV file with UTF-8 encoding.
You will need to follow these steps:
  1. In Excel, save the file in CSV (Comma Delimited) format
  2. Open this saved file in Notepad
  3. Click on File -> Save As
  4. File Name: <your filename>.csv
    Save as type: Text Documents (*.txt)
    Encoding: UTF-8
  5. Click on Save

OpenOffice or LibreOffice Users:
  1. While saving as CSV, check "Edit Filter Settings".
  2. You will be prompted for Encoding.
  3. Make sure it is "UTF-8" and click on OK.

Import Log: