import SubPage from './base_page'; import { make_search_bar, get_item_card_container_html, get_local_item_card_html } from '../helpers'; erpnext.hub.Publish = class Publish extends SubPage { make_wrapper() { super.make_wrapper(); this.items_to_publish = []; this.unpublished_items = []; this.fetched_items = []; frappe.realtime.on("items-sync", (data) => { this.$wrapper.find('.progress-bar').css('width', data.progress_percent+'%'); if(data.progress_percent === 100 || data.progress_percent === '100') { setTimeout(() => { hub.settings.sync_in_progress = 0; frappe.db.get_doc('Hub Settings') .then(doc => { hub.settings = doc; this.refresh(); }); }, 500); } }); } refresh() { if(!hub.settings.sync_in_progress) { this.make_publish_ready_state(); } else { this.make_publish_in_progress_state(); } } make_publish_ready_state() { this.$wrapper.empty(); this.$wrapper.append(this.get_publishing_header()); make_search_bar({ wrapper: this.$wrapper, on_search: keyword => { this.search_value = keyword; this.get_items_and_render(); }, placeholder: __('Search Items') }); this.setup_publishing_events(); if(hub.settings.last_sync_datetime) { this.show_message(`Last sync was ${comment_when(hub.settings.last_sync_datetime)}. See your Published Products.`); } this.get_items_and_render(); } get_publishing_header() { const title_html = `${__('Select Products to Publish')}`; const subtitle_html = `

${__(`Only products with an image, description and category can be published. Please update them if an item in your inventory does not appear.`)}

`; const publish_button_html = ``; return $(`
${title_html} ${subtitle_html}
`); } setup_publishing_events() { this.$wrapper.find('.publish-items').on('click', () => { this.publish_selected_items() .then(this.refresh.bind(this)) }); this.$wrapper.on('click', '.hub-card', (e) => { const $target = $(e.currentTarget); $target.toggleClass('active'); // Get total items const total_items = this.$wrapper.find('').length; let button_label; if (total_items > 0) { const more_than_one = total_items > 1; button_label = __('Publish {0} item{1}', [total_items, more_than_one ? 's' : '']); } else { button_label = __('Publish'); } this.$wrapper.find('.publish-items') .text(button_label) .prop('disabled', total_items === 0); }); } show_message(message) { const $message = $(`


`); $message.find('.octicon-x').on('click', () => { $message.remove(); }); this.$wrapper.prepend($message); } make_publish_in_progress_state() { this.$wrapper.empty(); this.$wrapper.append(this.show_publish_progress()); const subtitle_html = `

${__(`Only products with an image, description and category can be published. Please update them if an item in your inventory does not appear.`)}

`; this.$wrapper.append(subtitle_html); // Show search list with only desctiption, and don't set any events make_search_bar({ wrapper: this.$wrapper, on_search: keyword => { this.search_value = keyword; this.get_items_and_render(); }, placeholder: __('Search Items') }); this.get_items_and_render(); } show_publish_progress() { const items_to_publish = this.items_to_publish.length ? this.items_to_publish : JSON.parse(hub.settings.custom_data); const $publish_progress = $(`

${__(`Syncing ${items_to_publish.length} Products`)}

`); const items_to_publish_container = $(get_item_card_container_html( items_to_publish, '', get_local_item_card_html)); items_to_publish_container.find('.hub-card').addClass('active'); $publish_progress.append(items_to_publish_container); return $publish_progress; } get_items_and_render(wrapper = this.$wrapper) { wrapper.find('.results').remove(); const items = this.get_valid_items(); if(!items.then) { this.render(items, wrapper); } else { items.then(r => { this.fetched_items = r.message; this.render(r.message, wrapper); }); } } render(items, wrapper) { const items_container = $(get_item_card_container_html(items, '', get_local_item_card_html)); items_container.addClass('results'); wrapper.append(items_container); } get_valid_items() { if(this.unpublished_items.length) { return this.unpublished_items; } return 'erpnext.hub_node.get_valid_items', { search_value: this.search_value } ); } publish_selected_items() { const item_codes_to_publish = []; this.$wrapper.find('').map(function () { item_codes_to_publish.push($(this).attr("data-id")); }); this.unpublished_items = this.fetched_items.filter(item => { return !item_codes_to_publish.includes(item.item_code); }); const items_to_publish = this.fetched_items.filter(item => { return item_codes_to_publish.includes(item.item_code); }); this.items_to_publish = items_to_publish; return 'erpnext.hub_node.publish_selected_items', { items_to_publish: item_codes_to_publish } ) } }