# Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors # For license information, please see license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe import _, scrub from frappe.utils import getdate, flt from erpnext.stock.report.stock_balance.stock_balance import (get_items, get_stock_ledger_entries, get_item_details) from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year from erpnext.stock.utils import is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress from six import iteritems def execute(filters=None): is_reposting_item_valuation_in_progress() filters = frappe._dict(filters or {}) columns = get_columns(filters) data = get_data(filters) chart = get_chart_data(columns) return columns, data, None, chart def get_columns(filters): columns = [ { "label": _("Item"), "options":"Item", "fieldname": "name", "fieldtype": "Link", "width": 140 }, { "label": _("Item Name"), "options":"Item", "fieldname": "item_name", "fieldtype": "Link", "width": 140 }, { "label": _("Item Group"), "options":"Item Group", "fieldname": "item_group", "fieldtype": "Link", "width": 140 }, { "label": _("Brand"), "fieldname": "brand", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 120 }, { "label": _("UOM"), "fieldname": "uom", "fieldtype": "Data", "width": 120 }] ranges = get_period_date_ranges(filters) for dummy, end_date in ranges: period = get_period(end_date, filters) columns.append({ "label": _(period), "fieldname":scrub(period), "fieldtype": "Float", "width": 120 }) return columns def get_period_date_ranges(filters): from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from_date, to_date = getdate(filters.from_date), getdate(filters.to_date) increment = { "Monthly": 1, "Quarterly": 3, "Half-Yearly": 6, "Yearly": 12 }.get(filters.range,1) periodic_daterange = [] for dummy in range(1, 53, increment): if filters.range == "Weekly": period_end_date = from_date + relativedelta(days=6) else: period_end_date = from_date + relativedelta(months=increment, days=-1) if period_end_date > to_date: period_end_date = to_date periodic_daterange.append([from_date, period_end_date]) from_date = period_end_date + relativedelta(days=1) if period_end_date == to_date: break return periodic_daterange def get_period(posting_date, filters): months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] if filters.range == 'Weekly': period = "Week " + str(posting_date.isocalendar()[1]) + " " + str(posting_date.year) elif filters.range == 'Monthly': period = str(months[posting_date.month - 1]) + " " + str(posting_date.year) elif filters.range == 'Quarterly': period = "Quarter " + str(((posting_date.month-1)//3)+1) +" " + str(posting_date.year) else: year = get_fiscal_year(posting_date, company=filters.company) period = str(year[2]) return period def get_periodic_data(entry, filters): """Structured as: Item 1 - Balance (updated and carried forward): - Warehouse A : bal_qty/value - Warehouse B : bal_qty/value - Jun 2021 (sum of warehouse quantities used in report) - Warehouse A : bal_qty/value - Warehouse B : bal_qty/value - Jul 2021 (sum of warehouse quantities used in report) - Warehouse A : bal_qty/value - Warehouse B : bal_qty/value Item 2 - Balance (updated and carried forward): - Warehouse A : bal_qty/value - Warehouse B : bal_qty/value - Jun 2021 (sum of warehouse quantities used in report) - Warehouse A : bal_qty/value - Warehouse B : bal_qty/value - Jul 2021 (sum of warehouse quantities used in report) - Warehouse A : bal_qty/value - Warehouse B : bal_qty/value """ periodic_data = {} for d in entry: period = get_period(d.posting_date, filters) bal_qty = 0 # if period against item does not exist yet, instantiate it # insert existing balance dict against period, and add/subtract to it if periodic_data.get(d.item_code) and not periodic_data.get(d.item_code).get(period): previous_balance = periodic_data[d.item_code]['balance'].copy() periodic_data[d.item_code][period] = previous_balance if d.voucher_type == "Stock Reconciliation": if periodic_data.get(d.item_code) and periodic_data.get(d.item_code).get('balance').get(d.warehouse): bal_qty = periodic_data[d.item_code]['balance'][d.warehouse] qty_diff = d.qty_after_transaction - bal_qty else: qty_diff = d.actual_qty if filters["value_quantity"] == 'Quantity': value = qty_diff else: value = d.stock_value_difference # period-warehouse wise balance periodic_data.setdefault(d.item_code, {}).setdefault('balance', {}).setdefault(d.warehouse, 0.0) periodic_data.setdefault(d.item_code, {}).setdefault(period, {}).setdefault(d.warehouse, 0.0) periodic_data[d.item_code]['balance'][d.warehouse] += value periodic_data[d.item_code][period][d.warehouse] = periodic_data[d.item_code]['balance'][d.warehouse] return periodic_data def get_data(filters): data = [] items = get_items(filters) sle = get_stock_ledger_entries(filters, items) item_details = get_item_details(items, sle, filters) periodic_data = get_periodic_data(sle, filters) ranges = get_period_date_ranges(filters) for dummy, item_data in iteritems(item_details): row = { "name": item_data.name, "item_name": item_data.item_name, "item_group": item_data.item_group, "uom": item_data.stock_uom, "brand": item_data.brand, } total = 0 for dummy, end_date in ranges: period = get_period(end_date, filters) period_data = periodic_data.get(item_data.name, {}).get(period) amount = sum(period_data.values()) if period_data else 0 row[scrub(period)] = amount total += amount row["total"] = total data.append(row) return data def get_chart_data(columns): labels = [d.get("label") for d in columns[5:]] chart = { "data": { 'labels': labels, 'datasets':[] } } chart["type"] = "line" return chart