#Product Bundle Product Bundle stands for Sales Bill-of-Material. It's a master where you can list item which are bundled together and sold as one item. For instance, when laptop is delivered, you need to ensure that charger, mouse and laptop bag are delivered and stock level of these items gets affected. To address this scenario, you can set create Product Bundle for the main item, i.e. laptop, and list deliverable items i.e. laptop + charger + other accessories as child items. Following are the steps on how to setup Product Bundle master, and how is it used in the sales transactions. ####Create new Product Bundle To create new Product Bundle, Go to: Selling > Setup > Product Bundle > New ###Select Parent Item In Product Bundle master, there are two sections. Product Bundle Item and Package Item. In Product Bundle item, you will select a Parent Item. The parent item must be a non-stock item. This is non-stock item because there is no stock maintained for it but only the Package Items. If you want to maintain stock for the Parent Item, then you must create a regular Bill of Material (BOM) and package them using a Stock Entry Transactions. ###Select Child Items In Package Item section, you will list all the child items for which we maintain stock and is delivered to customer. ###Product Bundle in the Sales Transactions When making Sales transactions like Sales Invoice, Sales Order and Delivery Note, Parent Item will be selected in the main item table. On selection on Parent Item in the main item table, its child items will be fetched in Packing List table of the transaction. If child item is the serialized item, you will be able to specify its Serial Mo. in packing List table itself. On submission of transaction, system will reduce the stock level of child items from warehouse specified in Packing List table.