Table Name: tabAddress
Sr | Fieldname | Type | Label | Options |
1 | address_details |
Section Break |
icon-map-marker |
2 | address_title |
Data |
Address Title
Name of person or organization that this address belongs to. |
3 | address_type |
Select | Address Type |
Billing Shipping Office Personal Plant Postal Shop Subsidiary Warehouse Other |
4 | address_line1 |
Data | Address Line 1 | |
5 | address_line2 |
Data | Address Line 2 | |
6 | city |
Data | City/Town | |
7 | state |
Data | State | |
8 | pincode |
Data | Postal Code | |
9 | country |
Link | Country | Country |
10 | column_break0 |
Column Break | ||
11 | email_id |
Data | Email Id | |
12 | phone |
Data | Phone | |
13 | fax |
Data | Fax | |
14 | is_primary_address |
Check | Preferred Billing Address | |
15 | is_shipping_address |
Check | Preferred Shipping Address | |
16 | linked_with |
Section Break | Reference |
icon-pushpin |
17 | customer |
Link | Customer | Customer |
18 | customer_name |
Data | Customer Name | |
19 | supplier |
Link | Supplier | Supplier |
20 | supplier_name |
Data | Supplier Name | |
21 | sales_partner |
Link | Sales Partner | Sales Partner |
22 | column_break_22 |
Column Break | ||
23 | lead |
Link | Lead | Lead |
24 | lead_name |
Data | Lead Name |
Inherits from frappe.model.document.Document
_unset_other (self, is_address_type)
No docs
No docs
No docs
Link address based on owner
No docs
validate_primary_address (self)
Validate that there can only be one primary address for particular customer, supplier
validate_shipping_address (self)
Validate that there can only be one shipping address for particular customer, supplier
Public API
erpnext.utilities.doctype.address.address.get_address_display (address_dict)
No docs
erpnext.utilities.doctype.address.address.get_list_context (context=None)
No docs
erpnext.utilities.doctype.address.address.get_territory_from_address (address)
Tries to match city, state and country of address to existing territory
erpnext.utilities.doctype.address.address.has_website_permission (doc, ptype, user, verbose=False)
Returns true if customer or lead matches with user