Version 6.7.7 Source


Sr Fieldname Type Label Options
1 materials Section Break Materials
2 fs_item_serial_nos Check Item Serial Nos

To track item in sales and purchase documents based on their serial nos. This is can also used to track warranty details of the product.

3 fs_item_batch_nos Check Item Batch Nos

To track items in sales and purchase documents with batch nos. "Preferred Industry: Chemicals"

4 fs_brands Check Brands

To track brand name in the following documents Delivery Note, Opportunity, Material Request, Item, Purchase Order, Purchase Voucher, Purchaser Receipt, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Product Bundle, Sales Order, Serial No

5 fs_item_barcode Check Item Barcode

To track items using barcode. You will be able to enter items in Delivery Note and Sales Invoice by scanning barcode of item.

6 column_break0 Column Break
7 fs_item_advanced Check Item Advanced

1. To maintain the customer wise item code and to make them searchable based on their code use this option

8 fs_item_group_in_details Check Item Groups in Details

To get Item Group in details table

9 sales_and_purchase Section Break Sales and Purchase
10 fs_exports Check Exports

All export related fields like currency, conversion rate, export total, export grand total etc are available in Delivery Note, POS, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order etc.

11 fs_imports Check Imports

All import related fields like currency, conversion rate, import total, import grand total etc are available in Purchase Receipt, Supplier Quotation, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Order etc.

12 column_break1 Column Break
13 fs_discounts Check Sales Discounts

Field available in Delivery Note, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order

14 fs_purchase_discounts Check Purchase Discounts

Discount Fields will be available in Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Purchase Invoice

15 fs_after_sales_installations Check After Sale Installations

To track any installation or commissioning related work after sales

16 fs_projects Check Projects

Available in BOM, Delivery Note, Purchase Invoice, Production Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Sales Invoice, Sales Order, Stock Entry, Timesheet

17 fs_sales_extras Check Sales Extras

If you have Sales Team and Sale Partners (Channel Partners) they can be tagged and maintain their contribution in the sales activity

18 accounts Section Break Accounts
19 fs_recurring_invoice Check Recurring Invoice

Check if you need automatic recurring invoices. After submitting any sales invoice, Recurring section will be visible.

20 column_break2 Column Break
21 fs_pos Check Point of Sale

To enable "Point of Sale" features

22 fs_pos_view Check POS View

To enable "Point of Sale" view

23 production Section Break Manufacturing
24 fs_manufacturing Check Manufacturing

If you involve in manufacturing activity. Enables Item 'Is Manufactured'

25 column_break3 Column Break
26 fs_quality Check Quality

If you follow Quality Inspection. Enables Item QA Required and QA No in Purchase Receipt

27 miscelleneous Section Break Miscelleneous
28 fs_page_break Check Page Break

If you have long print formats, this feature can be used to split the page to be printed on multiple pages with all headers and footers on each page

29 column_break4 Column Break
30 fs_more_info Check More Information



Class FeaturesSetup

Inherits from frappe.model.document.Document

validate (self)

update settings in defaults