# ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com) # Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals patch_list = [ { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'stable_branch_shift_09_01_12', 'description': 'Various Reloads for shifting branch from master to stable' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'print_hide_totals', 'description': 'Uncheck print_hide for RV, SO, DN and Quotation' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'rename_doctype_indent', 'description': 'Add DocType Label: Purchase Request to Purchase Requisition' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'production_cleanup', 'description': 'Major changes in production module, almost rewrited the entire code' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'jan_production_patches', 'description': 'Fixes after Major changes in production module' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'allocated_to_profile', 'description': """Change Options to "Profile" for fieldname "allocated_to" as this is giving improper values in Permission Engine""" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'remove_get_tds_button', 'description': "Remove One Get TDS button, which is appearing twice in JV" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'customer_address_contact_patch', 'description': "Install Customer Address Contact report and run patches regarding primary address and contact" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'doclabel_in_doclayer', 'description': "Show DocType Labels instead of DocType names in Customize Form View" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'email_settings_reload', 'description': "Change type of mail_port field to Int and reload email_settings doctype" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'serial_no_add_opt', 'description': "Add option 'Purchase Returned' to Serial No status field" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'cancel_purchase_returned', 'description': "Set docstatus = 2 where status = 'Purchase Returned' for serial no" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'deploy_packing_slip', 'description': "Delete old packing slip fields & print format & deploy new doctypes related to Packing Slip" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'map_conversion_rate', 'description': "Maps conversion rate in doctype mappers PO-PR and PO-PV" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'account_type_patch', 'description': 'mentioed account type for some tax accounts' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'subcon_default_val', 'description': 'Default value of is_subcontracted in PO, PR is No' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012.website', 'patch_file': 'all', 'description': 'Run all website related patches' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'remove_archive', 'description': 'unarchive all records and drop archive tables' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'no_copy_patch', 'description': 'insert after fld in custom fld should be no_copy' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_item', 'description': 'reload item' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'fix_packing_slip', 'description': 'Update Mapper Delivery Note-Packing Slip' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012.apps', 'patch_file': 'todo_item', 'description': 'Reloads todo item' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'convert_tables_to_utf8', 'description': 'Convert tables to UTF-8' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'pending_patches', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'pos_setting_patch', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_doctype', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_po_pr_mapper', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'delete_pur_of_service', 'description': 'Deletes purpose of service' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'navupdate', 'description': 'New Navigation Pages' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'label_cleanup', 'description': 'Remove extra fields and new dynamic labels' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'add_roles_to_admin', 'description': 'Add Roles to Administrator' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'dt_map_fix', 'description': 'removed transaction date from dt_mapper' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_table', 'description': 'Relaod all item table: fld order changes' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'remove_series_defval', 'description': 'Remove rv series default value' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'update_stockreco_perm', 'description': 'Update stock reco permission' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'stock_entry_others_patch', 'description': 'new purpose others in stock entry' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_quote', 'description': 'reload quote: organization fld added' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'update_purpose_se', 'description': 'Purpose SE: Others to Other' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'update_se_fld_options', 'description': 'Purpose SE: Others to Other' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'pos_invoice_fix', 'description': 'Reload POS Invoice' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_mapper', 'description': 'SO-DN, SO-Rv, DN-RV' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'mapper_fix', 'description': 'DN-RV duplicate table entry' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'so_rv_mapper_fix', 'description': 'SO-RV duplicate mapper entry removal' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'clean_property_setter', 'description': 'Patch related to property setter cleanup' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'sync_ref_db', 'description': 'Deletes non required doctypes' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.april_2012', 'patch_file': 'naming_series_patch', 'description': 'Move naming series options into property setter' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.jan_mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'rename_dt', 'description': 'Rename DocType Patch' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'cleanup_control_panel', 'description': 'Remove email related fields from Control Panel' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'doctype_get_refactor', 'description': 'Patch related to doctype get refactoring' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'delete_docformat', 'description': 'Deletes DocFormat from database' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.mar_2012', 'patch_file': 'usertags', 'description': 'Adds _user_tags columns to tables' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.april_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_c_form', 'description': 'Added attchemnt option and total field' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.april_2012', 'patch_file': 'after_sync_cleanup', 'description': 'cleanup after sync' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.april_2012', 'patch_file': 'remove_default_from_rv_detail', 'description': '' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.april_2012', 'patch_file': 'update_role_in_address', 'description': 'updated roles in address' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.april_2012', 'patch_file': 'update_permlevel_in_address', 'description': 'updated permlevel in address' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.april_2012', 'patch_file': 'update_appraisal_permission', 'description': 'updated permission in appraisal' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.april_2012', 'patch_file': 'serial_no_fixes', 'description': 'fixes for sle creation while import' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.april_2012', 'patch_file': 'repost_stock_for_posting_time', 'description': 'repost stock for posting time 00:00:seconds' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'cleanup_property_setter', 'description': 'cleanup_property_setter' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'rename_prev_doctype', 'description': 'rename prev doctype fix' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'cleanup_notification_control', 'description': 'cleanup notification control' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'renamedt_in_custom_search_criteria', 'description': 'raname dt in custom search criteria' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'stock_reco_patch', 'description': 'stock reco patch: store diff info in field' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_reports', 'description': 'reload reports: itemwise sales/delivery details' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'page_role_series_fix', 'description': 'reset series of page role at max' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_sales_invoice_pf', 'description': 'Reload sales invoice print formats' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'std_pf_readonly', 'description': 'Make standard print formats readonly for system manager' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_so_pending_items', 'description': 'reload so pending items' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'customize_form_cleanup', 'description': 'cleanup customize form records' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'cs_server_readonly', 'description': 'Make server custom script readonly for system manager' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'clear_session_cache', 'description': 'clears session cache as shifting to json format' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'same_purchase_rate_patch', 'description': 'Main same rate throughout pur cycle: in global defaults, by default set true' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'create_report_manager_role', 'description': 'Create report manager role if not exists' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_customer_address_contact', 'description': 'Reload report customer address contact' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'profile_perm_patch', 'description': 'Make profile readonly for role All' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'remove_euro_currency', 'description': 'Remove EURO currency and replace with EUR' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.may_2012', 'patch_file': 'remove_communication_log', 'description': 'Remove Communication Log and replace it with Communication' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.june_2012', 'patch_file': 'barcode_in_feature_setup', 'description': 'Track item by barcode' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.june_2012', 'patch_file': 'copy_uom_for_pur_inv_item', 'description': 'Copy uom for pur inv item from PO and PR item table' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.june_2012', 'patch_file': 'fetch_organization_from_lead', 'description': 'Fetch organization from lead in quote' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.june_2012', 'patch_file': 'reports_list_permission', 'description': 'allow read permission to all for report list' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.june_2012', 'patch_file': 'support_ticket_autoreply', 'description': 'New Send Autoreply checkbox in Email Settings' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.june_2012', 'patch_file': 'series_unique_patch', 'description': "add unique constraint to series table's name column" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.june_2012', 'patch_file': 'set_recurring_type', 'description': "set recurring type as monthly in old" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.june_2012', 'patch_file': 'alter_tabsessions', 'description': "alter tabsessions to change user column definition" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.june_2012', 'patch_file': 'delete_old_parent_entries', 'description': "delete entries of child table having parent like old_par%% or ''" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.april_2012', 'patch_file': 'delete_about_contact', 'description': "delete depracated doctypes of website module" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_pr_po_mapper', 'description': "order date should be greater than equal to request date" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'address_contact_perms', 'description': "sync address contact perms" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'packing_list_cleanup_and_serial_no', 'description': "packing list cleanup and serial no status update" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'deprecate_import_data_control', 'description': "deprecate doctype - Import Data Control and page - Import Data" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'default_freeze_account', 'description': "set default freeze_account as 'No' where NULL" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'update_purchase_tax', 'description': "rename options in purchase taxes and charges" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.june_2012', 'patch_file': 'cms2', 'description': 'cms2 release patches' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'auth_table', 'description': 'create new __Auth table' }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'remove_event_role_owner_match', 'description': "Remove Owner match from Event DocType's Permissions" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'deprecate_bulk_rename', 'description': "Remove Bulk Rename Tool" }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'blog_guest_permission', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'bin_permission', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'project_patch_repeat', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'repost_stock_due_to_wrong_packing_list', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.july_2012', 'patch_file': 'supplier_quotation', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.august_2012', 'patch_file': 'report_supplier_quotations', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.august_2012', 'patch_file': 'task_allocated_to_assigned', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.august_2012', 'patch_file': 'change_profile_permission', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.august_2012', 'patch_file': 'changed_blog_date_format', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.august_2012', 'patch_file': 'repost_billed_amt', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.august_2012', 'patch_file': 'remove_cash_flow_statement', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'stock_report_permissions_for_accounts', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'communication_delete_permission', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_criteria_stock_ledger', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'all_permissions_patch', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'customer_permission_patch', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'add_stock_ledger_entry_index', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'plot_patch', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'event_permission', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'repost_stock', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_gross_profit', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'rebuild_trees', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'deprecate_account_balance', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.september_2012', 'patch_file': 'profile_delete_permission', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.october_2012', 'patch_file': 'update_permission', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.october_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_gl_mapper', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.october_2012', 'patch_file': 'fix_wrong_vouchers', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.october_2012', 'patch_file': 'remove_old_customer_contact_address', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.october_2012', 'patch_file': 'company_fiscal_year_docstatus_patch', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.october_2012', 'patch_file': 'update_account_property', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.october_2012', 'patch_file': 'remove_old_trial_bal', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.october_2012', 'patch_file': 'fix_cancelled_gl_entries', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.october_2012', 'patch_file': 'custom_script_delete_permission', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'custom_field_insert_after', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'reload_stock_ledger_report', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'delete_item_sales_register1', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'rename_employee_leave_balance_report', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'report_permissions', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'customer_issue_allocated_to_assigned', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'reset_appraisal_permissions', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'disable_cancelled_profiles', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'remove_old_unbilled_items_report', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'support_ticket_response_to_communication', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'cancelled_bom_patch', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'communication_sender_and_recipient', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'update_delivered_billed_percentage_for_pos', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'add_theme_to_profile', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'add_employee_field_in_employee', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'leave_application_cleanup', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'production_order_patch', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.november_2012', 'patch_file': 'gle_floating_point_issue', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.december_2012', 'patch_file': 'deprecate_tds', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.december_2012', 'patch_file': 'expense_leave_reload', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.december_2012', 'patch_file': 'repost_ordered_qty', }, { 'patch_module': 'patches.december_2012', 'patch_file': 'repost_projected_qty', }, ]