/* global Clusterize */ frappe.pages['point-of-sale'].on_page_load = function(wrapper) { var page = frappe.ui.make_app_page({ parent: wrapper, title: 'Point of Sale', single_column: true }); wrapper.pos = new PointOfSale(wrapper); window.cur_pos = wrapper.pos; } class PointOfSale { constructor(wrapper) { this.wrapper = $(wrapper).find('.layout-main-section'); this.page = wrapper.page; const assets = [ 'assets/erpnext/js/pos/clusterize.js', 'assets/erpnext/css/pos.css' ]; frappe.require(assets, () => { this.make(); }); } make() { return frappe.run_serially([ () => { this.prepare_dom(); this.prepare_menu(); this.set_online_status(); }, () => this.make_sales_invoice_frm(), () => this.setup_pos_profile(), () => { this.make_cart(); this.make_items(); this.bind_events(); } ]); } set_online_status() { this.connection_status = false; this.page.set_indicator(__("Offline"), "grey"); frappe.call({ method: "frappe.handler.ping", callback: r => { if (r.message) { this.connection_status = true; this.page.set_indicator(__("Online"), "green"); } } }); } prepare_dom() { this.wrapper.append(`
`); } make_cart() { this.cart = new POSCart({ wrapper: this.wrapper.find('.cart-container'), events: { customer_change: (customer) => this.cur_frm.set_value('customer', customer), increase_qty: (item_code) => { this.add_item_to_cart(item_code); }, decrease_qty: (item_code) => { this.add_item_to_cart(item_code, -1); } } }); } make_items() { this.items = new POSItems({ wrapper: this.wrapper.find('.item-container'), pos_profile: this.pos_profile, events: { item_click: (item_code) => { if(!this.cur_frm.doc.customer) { frappe.throw(__('Please select a customer')); } this.add_item_to_cart(item_code); } } }); } add_item_to_cart(item_code, qty = 1) { if(this.cart.exists(item_code)) { // increase qty by 1 this.cur_frm.doc.items.forEach((item) => { if (item.item_code === item_code) { frappe.model.set_value(item.doctype, item.name, 'qty', item.qty + qty) .then(() => { this.cart.add_item(item); }) // update cart } }); return; } // add to cur_frm const item = this.cur_frm.add_child('items', { item_code: item_code }); this.cur_frm.script_manager .trigger('item_code', item.doctype, item.name) .then(() => { // update cart this.cart.add_item(item); }); } bind_events() { } setup_pos_profile() { return frappe.call({ method: 'erpnext.stock.get_item_details.get_pos_profile', args: { company: frappe.sys_defaults.company } }).then(r => { this.pos_profile = r.message; }); } make_sales_invoice_frm() { const dt = 'Sales Invoice'; return new Promise(resolve => { frappe.model.with_doctype(dt, () => { const page = $('
'); const frm = new _f.Frm(dt, page, false); const name = frappe.model.make_new_doc_and_get_name(dt, true); frm.refresh(name); frm.doc.items = []; this.cur_frm = frm; this.cur_frm.set_value('is_pos', 1) resolve(); }); }); } prepare_menu() { this.page.clear_menu(); // for mobile this.page.add_menu_item(__("Pay"), function () { // }).addClass('visible-xs'); this.page.add_menu_item(__("New Sales Invoice"), function () { // }) this.page.add_menu_item(__("Sync Master Data"), function () { // }); this.page.add_menu_item(__("Sync Offline Invoices"), function () { // }); this.page.add_menu_item(__("POS Profile"), function () { frappe.set_route('List', 'POS Profile'); }); } } class POSCart { constructor({wrapper, events}) { this.wrapper = wrapper; this.events = events; this.make(); this.bind_events(); } make() { this.make_dom(); this.make_customer_field(); this.make_numpad(); } make_dom() { this.wrapper.append(`
${__('Item Name')}
No Items added to cart
`); this.$cart_items = this.wrapper.find('.cart-items'); } make_customer_field() { this.customer_field = frappe.ui.form.make_control({ df: { fieldtype: 'Link', label: 'Customer', options: 'Customer', reqd: 1, onchange: (e) => { this.events.customer_change.apply(null, [this.customer_field.get_value()]); } }, parent: this.wrapper.find('.customer-field'), render_input: true }); } make_numpad() { this.numpad = new NumberPad({ wrapper: this.wrapper.find('.number-pad-container'), onclick: (btn_value) => { // on click if (btn_value == 'Pay') { this.make_payment() } console.log(btn_value); } }); } make_payment() { this.payment = new MakePayment({ frm: cur_frm }) } add_item(item) { this.wrapper.find('.cart-items .empty-state').hide(); if (this.exists(item.item_code)) { // update quantity this.update_item(item); } else { // add to cart const $item = $(this.get_item_html(item)); $item.appendTo(this.$cart_items); } this.highlight_item(item.item_code); this.scroll_to_item(item.item_code); } update_item(item) { const $item = this.$cart_items.find(`[data-item-code="${item.item_code}"]`); if(item.qty > 0) { $item.find('.quantity input').val(item.qty); $item.find('.discount').text(item.discount_percentage); $item.find('.rate').text(item.rate); } else { $item.remove(); frappe.model.clear_doc(item.doctype, item.name) } } exists(item_code) { let $item = this.$cart_items.find(`[data-item-code="${item_code}"]`); return $item.length > 0; } highlight_item(item_code) { const $item = this.$cart_items.find(`[data-item-code="${item_code}"]`); $item.addClass('highlight'); setTimeout(() => $item.removeClass('highlight'), 1000); } scroll_to_item(item_code) { const $item = this.$cart_items.find(`[data-item-code="${item_code}"]`); // const scrollTop = $item.offset().top - this.$cart_items.offset().top + this.$cart_items.scrollTop(); // this.$cart_items.animate({ scrollTop }); } get_item_html(item) { return `
`; function get_quantity_html(value) { return `
`; } } bind_events() { const events = this.events; this.$cart_items.on('click', '[data-action="increment"], [data-action="decrement"]', function() { const $btn = $(this); const $item = $btn.closest('.list-item[data-item-code]'); const item_code = $item.attr('data-item-code'); const action = $btn.attr('data-action'); if(action === 'increment') { events.increase_qty(item_code); } else if(action === 'decrement') { events.decrease_qty(item_code); } }); } } class POSItems { constructor({wrapper, pos_profile, events}) { this.wrapper = wrapper; this.pos_profile = pos_profile; this.items = {}; this.make_dom(); this.make_fields(); this.init_clusterize(); this.bind_events(events); // bootstrap with 20 items this.get_items() .then(items => { this.items = items }) .then(() => this.render_items()); } make_dom() { this.wrapper.html(`
`); this.items_wrapper = this.wrapper.find('.items-wrapper'); this.items_wrapper.append(`
`); } make_fields() { // Search field this.search_field = frappe.ui.form.make_control({ df: { fieldtype: 'Data', label: 'Search Item (Ctrl + I)', placeholder: 'Search by item code, serial number, batch no or barcode' }, parent: this.wrapper.find('.search-field'), render_input: true, }); frappe.ui.keys.on('ctrl+i', () => { this.search_field.set_focus(); }); this.search_field.$input.on('input', (e) => { const search_term = e.target.value; this.filter_items(search_term); }); // Item group field this.item_group_field = frappe.ui.form.make_control({ df: { fieldtype: 'Select', label: 'Item Group', options: [ 'All Item Groups', 'Raw Materials', 'Finished Goods' ], default: 'All Item Groups' }, parent: this.wrapper.find('.item-group-field'), render_input: true }); } init_clusterize() { this.clusterize = new Clusterize({ scrollElem: this.wrapper.find('.pos-items-wrapper')[0], contentElem: this.wrapper.find('.pos-items')[0], rows_in_block: 6 }); } render_items(items) { let _items = items || this.items; const all_items = Object.values(_items).map(item => this.get_item_html(item)); let row_items = []; const row_container = '
'; let curr_row = row_container; for (let i=0; i < all_items.length; i++) { // wrap 4 items in a div to emulate // a row for clusterize if(i % 4 === 0 && i !== 0) { curr_row += '
'; row_items.push(curr_row); curr_row = row_container; } curr_row += all_items[i]; } this.clusterize.update(row_items); } filter_items(search_term) { search_term = search_term.toLowerCase(); const filtered_items = Object.values(this.items) .filter(item => { return item.item_code.toLowerCase().includes(search_term) || item.item_name.toLowerCase().includes(search_term) }); this.render_items(filtered_items); } bind_events(events) { this.wrapper.on('click', '.pos-item-wrapper', function(e) { const $item = $(this); const item_code = $item.attr('data-item-code'); events.item_click.apply(null, [item_code]); }); } get(item_code) { return this.items[item_code]; } get_all() { return this.items; } get_item_html(item) { const { item_code, item_name, image: item_image, item_stock=0, item_price=0} = item; const item_title = item_name || item_code; const template = `


`; // const template = ` //
// ${item_name} // Stock: ${item_stock} //
// ${item_image ? // `${item_title}` : // ` // ${frappe.get_abbr(item_title)} // ` // } //
// `; return template; } get_items(start = 0, page_length = 20) { return new Promise(res => { frappe.call({ method: "frappe.desk.reportview.get", type: "GET", args: { doctype: "Item", fields: [ "`tabItem`.`name`", "`tabItem`.`owner`", "`tabItem`.`docstatus`", "`tabItem`.`modified`", "`tabItem`.`modified_by`", "`tabItem`.`item_name`", "`tabItem`.`item_code`", "`tabItem`.`disabled`", "`tabItem`.`item_group`", "`tabItem`.`stock_uom`", "`tabItem`.`image`", "`tabItem`.`variant_of`", "`tabItem`.`has_variants`", "`tabItem`.`end_of_life`", "`tabItem`.`total_projected_qty`" ], filters: [['disabled', '=', '0']], order_by: "`tabItem`.`modified` desc", page_length: page_length, start: start } }).then(r => { const data = r.message; const items = frappe.utils.dict(data.keys, data.values); // convert to key, value let items_dict = {}; items.map(item => { items_dict[item.item_code] = item; }); res(items_dict); }); }); } } class NumberPad { constructor({wrapper, onclick}) { this.wrapper = wrapper; this.onclick = onclick; this.make_dom(); this.bind_events(); } make_dom() { const button_array = [ [1, 2, 3, 'Qty'], [4, 5, 6, 'Disc'], [7, 8, 9, 'Price'], ['Del', 0, '.', 'Pay'] ]; this.wrapper.html(`
`); function get_row(row) { return '
' + row.map(get_col).join("") + '
'; } function get_col(col) { return `
`; } } bind_events() { // bind click event const me = this; this.wrapper.on('click', '.num-col', function() { const $btn = $(this); me.highlight_button($btn); me.onclick.apply(null, [$btn.attr('data-value')]); }); } highlight_button($btn) { // const $btn = this.wrapper.find(`[data-value="${value}"]`); $btn.addClass('highlight'); setTimeout(() => $btn.removeClass('highlight'), 1000); } } class MakePayment { constructor({frm}) { this.frm = frm this.make(); this.set_primary_action(); this.show_total_amount(); // this.show_outstanding_amount() } make() { const me = this; this.update_flag() this.dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({ title: __('Payment'), fields: this.get_fields(), width:800 }); this.dialog.show(); this.$body = this.dialog.body; this.numpad = new NumberPad({ wrapper: $(this.$body).find('[data-fieldname = "numpad"]'), onclick: (btn_value) => { // on click } }); } set_primary_action() { this.dialog.set_primary_action(__("Submit"), function() { //save form }) } get_fields() { const me = this; const total_amount = [ { fieldtype: 'HTML', fieldname: "total_amount", }, { fieldtype: 'Section Break', label: __("Mode of Payments") }, ] const mode_of_paymen_fields = this.frm.doc.payments.map(p => { return { fieldtype: 'Currency', label: __(p.mode_of_payment), options: me.frm.doc.currency, fieldname: p.mode_of_payment, default: p.amount, onchange: (e) => { const fieldname = $(e.target).attr('data-fieldname'); const value = this.dialog.get_value(fieldname); me.update_payment_value(fieldname, value) } } }) const other_fields = [ { fieldtype: 'Column Break', }, { fieldtype: 'HTML', fieldname: 'numpad' }, { fieldtype: 'Section Break', }, { fieldtype: 'Currency', label: __("Write off Amount"), options: me.frm.doc.currency, fieldname: "write_off_amount", default: me.frm.doc.write_off_amount, onchange: (e) => { me.update_cur_frm_value('write_off_amount', () => { frappe.flags.change_amount = false; me.update_change_amount() }) } }, { fieldtype: 'Column Break', }, { fieldtype: 'Currency', label: __("Change Amount"), options: me.frm.doc.currency, fieldname: "change_amount", default: me.frm.doc.change_amount, onchange: (e) => { me.update_cur_frm_value('change_amount', () => { frappe.flags.write_off_amount = false; me.update_write_off_amount() }) } }, ] $.merge(total_amount, mode_of_paymen_fields) return $.merge(total_amount, other_fields) } update_flag() { frappe.flags.write_off_amount = true; frappe.flags.change_amount = true; } update_cur_frm_value(fieldname, callback) { if (frappe.flags[fieldname]) { const value = this.dialog.get_value(fieldname); this.frm.set_value(fieldname, value) .then(() => { callback() }) } frappe.flags[fieldname] = true; } update_payment_value(fieldname, value) { var me = this; $.each(this.frm.doc.payments, function(i, data) { if (__(data.mode_of_payment) == __(fieldname)) { frappe.model.set_value('Sales Invoice Payment', data.name, 'amount', value) .then(() => { me.update_change_amount(); me.update_write_off_amount(); }) } }); } update_change_amount() { this.dialog.set_value("change_amount", this.frm.doc.change_amount) } update_write_off_amount() { this.dialog.set_value("write_off_amount", this.frm.doc.write_off_amount) } show_total_amount() { const grand_total = format_currency(this.frm.doc.grand_total, this.frm.doc.currency) const template = `

${ __("Total Amount") }: ${__(grand_total)}

` this.total_amount_section = $(this.$body).find("[data-fieldname = 'total_amount']") this.total_amount_section.append(template) } }