// ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com) // Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . pscript['onload_My Company'] = function() { var wrapper = wn.pages['My Company']; // body wrapper.className = 'layout_wrapper'; wrapper.head = new PageHeader(wrapper, 'People'); wrapper.body = $a(wrapper, 'div', '', {marginRight:'11px', marginTop:'11px'}); wrapper.message = $a(wrapper.body, 'div'); wrapper.tab = make_table(wrapper.body, 1, 2, '100%', ['25%','75%']); $y(wrapper.tab, {tableLayout:'fixed'}) pscript.myc_make_toolbar(wrapper); pscript.myc_make_list(wrapper); if(pscript.is_erpnext_saas) { pscript.myc_show_erpnext_message(); } } pscript.myc_make_toolbar = function(wrapper) { if(has_common(user_roles, ['System Manager', 'Administrator'])) { wrapper.head.add_button('Add User', pscript.myc_add_user) } } // // Only for erpnext product - show max users allowed // pscript.myc_show_erpnext_message = function() { var callback = function(r, rt) { if(r.exc) {msgprint(r.exc); return;} $a(wrapper.message, 'div', 'help_box', '', 'You have ' + r.message.enabled + ' users enabled out of ' + r.message.max_user + '. Go to Account Settings to increase the number of users'); } $c_page('home', 'my_company', 'get_max_users', '', callback) } // // Add user dialog and server call // pscript.myc_add_user = function() { var fields = [{ fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'user', reqd: 1, label: 'Email Id of the user to add' }, { fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'first_name', reqd: 1, label: 'First Name' }, { fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'last_name', label: 'Last Name' }, { fieldtype: 'Data', fieldname: 'password', reqd: 1, label: 'Password' }, { fieldtype: 'Button', label: 'Add', fieldname: 'add' }]; fields.push(); var d = new wn.widgets.Dialog({ title: 'Add User', width: 400, fields: fields }); d.make(); d.fields_dict.add.input.onclick = function() { v = d.get_values(); if(v) { d.fields_dict.add.input.set_working(); $c_page('home', 'my_company', 'add_user', v, function(r,rt) { if(r.exc) { msgprint(r.exc); return; } else { d.hide(); pscript.myc_refresh(); } }) } } d.show(); } pscript.myc_refresh = function() { wn.pages['My Company'].member_list.lst.run(); } pscript.myc_make_list= function(wrapper) { wrapper.member_list = new MemberList(wrapper) } pscript.get_fullname=function(uid) { if(uid=='Administrator') return uid; return wn.pages['My Company'].member_list.member_items[uid].fullname; } //============================================= MemberList = function(parent) { var me = this; this.profiles = {}; this.member_items = {}; this.role_objects = {}; this.cur_profile = null; this.list_wrapper = $a($td(parent.tab,0,0), 'div', '', {marginLeft:'11px'}); var cell = $td(parent.tab,0,1); $y(cell, { border: '1px solid #aaa' }); cell.className = 'layout_wrapper'; this.profile_wrapper = $a(cell, 'div'); this.no_user_selected = $a(this.profile_wrapper, 'div', 'help_box', null, 'Please select a user to view profile'); this.make_search(); if(pscript.online_users) { this.make_list(); } else { $c_page('home', 'event_updates', 'get_online_users', '', function(r,rt) { pscript.online_users = r.message; me.make_list(); }) } } // ---------------------- MemberList.prototype.make_search = function() { var me = this; this.search_area = $a(this.list_wrapper, 'div', '', {textAlign:'center', padding:'8px'}); this.search_inp = $a(this.search_area, 'input', '', {fontSize:'14px', width:'80%'}); this.search_inp.set_empty = function() { this.value = 'Search'; $fg(this,'#888'); } this.search_inp.onfocus = function() { $fg(this,'#000'); if(this.value=='Search')this.value = ''; } this.search_inp.onchange = function() { if(!this.value) this.set_empty(); } this.search_inp.set_empty(); } // ---------------------- MemberList.prototype.make_list = function() { var me = this; this.lst_area = $a(this.list_wrapper, 'div'); this.lst = new wn.ui.Listing({ parent: this.lst_area, as_dict: 1, get_query: function() { var c1 = ''; if(me.search_inp.value && me.search_inp.value != 'Search') { var c1 = repl(' AND (first_name LIKE "%(txt)s" OR last_name LIKE "%(txt)s" OR name LIKE "%(txt)s")', {txt:'%' + me.search_inp.value + '%'}); } return repl("SELECT name, \ ifnull(concat_ws(' ', first_name, last_name),'') as full_name, \ gender, file_list, enabled \ FROM tabProfile \ WHERE docstatus != 2 \ AND name not in ('Guest','Administrator') %(cond)s \ ORDER BY name asc",{cond:c1}); }, render_row: function(parent, data) { me.member_items[data.name] = new MemberItem(parent, data, me); } }); this.lst.run(); } /* Create / show profile */ MemberList.prototype.show_profile = function(uid, member_item) { $dh(this.no_user_selected); // if not exists, create if(!this.profiles[uid]) { if(!member_item) member_item = this.member_items[uid]; this.profiles[uid] = new MemberProfile(this.profile_wrapper, uid, member_item); } // hide current if(this.cur_profile) this.cur_profile.hide(); // show this this.profiles[uid].show(); this.cur_profile = this.profiles[uid]; } // Member Item // List item of all profiles // on the left hand sidebar of the page MemberItem = function(parent, det, mlist) { var me = this; this.det = det; this.wrapper = $a(parent, 'div'); this.enabled = det.enabled; this.tab = make_table(this.wrapper, 1,2,'100%', ['20%', '70%'], {padding:'4px', overflow:'hidden'}); $y(this.tab, {tableLayout:'fixed', borderCollapse:'collapse'}) this.is_online = function() { for(var i=0;iYour Password', description: "Your password is required to update the concerned user's password", fieldtype: 'Password', fieldname: 'sys_admin_pwd', reqd: 1 }, { label: 'Continue', fieldtype: 'Button', fieldname: 'continue' } ] }); pass_d.fields_dict.continue.input.onclick = function() { btn.pwd_dialog.hide(); args.sys_admin_pwd = btn.pwd_dialog.get_values().sys_admin_pwd; btn.set_working(); me.update_security(args); btn.done_working(); } pass_d.show(); btn.pwd_dialog = pass_d; btn.done_working(); } else { btn.done_working(); me.update_security(args); } }; sd.show(); } this.update_security = function(args) { $c_page('home', 'my_company', 'update_security', JSON.stringify(args), function(r,rt) { if(r.exc) { msgprint(r.exc); return; } me.sec_dialog.hide(); $.extend(me.profile, me.sec_dialog.get_values()); }); } // delete user // create a confirm dialog and call server method this.delete_user = function() { var cp = wn.control_panel; var d = new Dialog(400,200,'Delete User'); d.make_body([ ['HTML','','Do you really want to remove '+this.uid+' from system?'],['Button','Delete'] ]); d.onshow = function() { this.clear_inputs(); } d.widgets['Delete'].onclick = function() { this.set_working(); var callback = function(r,rt) { d.hide(); if(r.exc) { msgprint(r.exc); return; } pscript.myc_refresh() msgprint("User Deleted Successfully"); } $c_page('home', 'my_company', 'delete_user', {'user': me.uid}, callback); } d.show(); } // set enabled this.set_enable_button = function() { var me = this; var act = this.profile.enabled ? 'Disable' : 'Enable'; if(this.status_button) { this.status_button.innerHTML = act; } else { // make the button this.status_button = $btn(this.toolbar_area, act, function() { var callback = function(r,rt) { locals['Profile'][me.profile.name].enabled = cint(r.message); me.status_button.done_working(); me.refresh_enable_disable(); } this.set_working(); $c_page('home','my_company', this.innerHTML.toLowerCase()+'_profile',me.profile.name, callback); }, null, null, 1); } if(this.uid==user) $dh(this.status_button); else $di(this.status_button); } // render the details of the user from Profile this.render = function() { this.profile = locals['Profile'][uid]; scroll(0, 0); // name if(cstr(this.profile.first_name) || cstr(this.profile.last_name)) { this.fullname = cstr(this.profile.first_name) + ' ' + cstr(this.profile.last_name); } else { this.fullname = this.profile.name; } this.name_area.innerHTML = this.fullname; // email this.email_area.innerHTML = this.profile.name; // online / offline this.online_status_area.innerHTML = (this.member_item.is_online() ? '(Online)' : '(Offline)') if(this.member_item.is_online()) { $y(this.online_status_area, {color:'green'}); } // refresh enable / disabled this.refresh_enable_disable(); // designation this.bio_area.innerHTML = this.profile.designation ? ('Designation: ' + cstr(this.profile.designation) + '
') : ''; this.bio_area.innerHTML += this.profile.bio ? this.profile.bio : 'No bio'; new MemberConversation(this.wrapper, this.profile.name, this.fullname); } // refresh enable / disable this.refresh_enable_disable = function() { this.profile = locals['Profile'][this.uid] if(!this.profile.enabled) { $fg(this.name_area,'#999'); } else { $fg(this.name_area,'#000'); } this.member_item.enabled = this.profile.enabled; this.member_item.refresh_name_link(); this.status_span.innerHTML = this.profile.enabled ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'; // set styles and buttons if(has_common(['Administrator','System Manager'],user_roles)) { this.set_enable_button(); } } // Load user profile (if not loaded) this.load = function() { if(locals['Profile'] && locals['Profile'][uid]) { this.render(); return; } var callback = function(r,rt) { $dh(me.member_item.working_img); $ds(me.wrapper); me.loading = 0; me.render(); } $ds(this.member_item.working_img); $dh(this.wrapper); this.loading = 1; $c('webnotes.widgets.form.load.getdoc', {'name':this.uid, 'doctype':'Profile', 'user':user}, callback); // onload } // show / hide this.show = function() { if(!this.loading)$ds(this.wrapper); // select profile this.member_item.select(); } this.hide = function() { $dh(this.wrapper); // select profile this.member_item.deselect(); } this.make_message_list = function() { } this.make(); this.load(); } // Member conversation // Between the current user and the displayed profile // or if same, then the conversation with all other // profiles MemberConversation = function(parent, uid, fullname) { var me = this; this.wrapper = $a(parent, 'div', 'my-company-conversation'); this.fullname = fullname; this.make = function() { if(user!=uid) { this.make_input(); } this.make_list(); // set all messages // as "read" (docstatus = 0) if(user==uid) { $c_page('home', 'my_company', 'set_read_all_messages', '', function(r,rt) { }); } } this.make_input = function() { this.input_wrapper = $a(this.wrapper, 'div', 'my-company-input-wrapper'); var tab = make_table(this.input_wrapper, 1, 2, '100%', ['64%','36%'], {padding: '3px'}) this.input = $a($td(tab,0,0), 'textarea'); // button var div = $a(this.input_wrapper, 'div'); this.post = $btn(div, 'Post'.bold(), function() { me.post_message(); }, {margin:'0px 13px 0px 3px'}) this.post.disabled = true; this.input.onkeyup = this.input.onchange = function() { if(this.value) { me.post.disabled = false; } else { me.post.disabled = true; } } // notification check this.notify_check = $a_input(div, 'checkbox', null); $a(div, 'span', '', {marginLeft:'3px'}, 'Notify ' + fullname + ' by email') } this.post_message = function() { if(me.input.value==$(me.input).attr('default_text')) { msgprint('Please write a message first!'); return; } this.post.set_working(); $c_page('home', 'my_company', 'post_comment', { uid: uid, comment: $(me.input).val(), notify: me.notify_check.checked ? 1 : 0 }, function(r,rt) { $(me.input).val("").blur(); me.post.done_working(); if(r.exc) { msgprint(r.exc); return; } me.notify_check.checked = false; me.refresh(); }) } this.make_list = function() { this.lst_area = $a(this.wrapper, 'div', 'my-company-conversation', {padding:'7px 13px'}); if(user==uid) { this.my_messages_box = $a(this.lst_area, 'div', 'my-company-conversation-head', {marginBottom:'7px'}, 'Messages by everyone to me
To send a message, click on the user on the left') } this.lst = new wn.ui.Listing({ parent: this.lst_area, as_dict: 1, no_result_message: (user==uid ? 'No messages by anyone yet' : 'No messages yet. To start a conversation post a new message'), get_query: function() { if(uid==user) { return repl("SELECT comment, owner, comment_docname, creation, docstatus " + "FROM `tabComment Widget Record` "+ "WHERE comment_doctype='My Company' " + "AND comment_docname='%(user)s' " + "ORDER BY creation DESC ", {user:user}); } else { return repl("SELECT comment, owner, comment_docname, creation, docstatus " + "FROM `tabComment Widget Record` "+ "WHERE comment_doctype='My Company' " + "AND ((owner='%(user)s' AND comment_docname='%(uid)s') " + "OR (owner='%(uid)s' AND comment_docname='%(user)s')) " + "ORDER BY creation DESC ", {uid:uid, user:user}); } }, render_row: function(parent, data) { new MemberCoversationComment(parent, data, me); }, }) this.refresh(); } this.refresh = function() { me.lst.run() } this.make(); } MemberCoversationComment = function(cell, det, conv) { var me = this; this.det = det; this.wrapper = $a(cell, 'div', 'my-company-comment-wrapper'); this.comment = $a(this.wrapper, 'div', 'my-company-comment'); this.user = $a(this.comment, 'span', 'link_type', {fontWeight:'bold'}, pscript.get_fullname(det.owner)); this.user.onclick = function() { wn.pages['My Company'].member_list.show_profile(me.det.owner); } var st = (!det.docstatus ? {fontWeight: 'bold'} : null); this.msg = $a(this.comment, 'span', 'social', st, ': ' + det.comment); if(det.full_name==user) { $y(this.wrapper, {backgroundColor: '#D9D9F3'}); } this.timestamp = $a(this.wrapper, 'div', 'my-company-timestamp', '', comment_when(det.creation)); }