import frappe from erpnext.portal.product_configurator.item_variants_cache import ItemVariantsCacheManager def get_field_filter_data(): product_settings = get_product_settings() filter_fields = [row.fieldname for row in product_settings.filter_fields] meta = frappe.get_meta('Item') fields = [df for df in meta.fields if df.fieldname in filter_fields] filter_data = [] for f in fields: doctype = f.get_link_doctype() # apply enable/disable filter meta = frappe.get_meta(doctype) filters = {} if meta.has_field('enabled'): filters['enabled'] = 1 if meta.has_field('disabled'): filters['disabled'] = 0 values = [ for d in frappe.get_all(doctype, filters)] filter_data.append([f, values]) return filter_data def get_attribute_filter_data(): product_settings = get_product_settings() attributes = [row.attribute for row in product_settings.filter_attributes] attribute_docs = [ frappe.get_doc('Item Attribute', attribute) for attribute in attributes ] # mark attribute values as checked if they are present in the request url if frappe.form_dict: for attr in attribute_docs: if in frappe.form_dict: value = frappe.form_dict[] if value: enabled_values = value.split(',') else: enabled_values = [] for v in enabled_values: for item_attribute_row in attr.item_attribute_values: if v == item_attribute_row.attribute_value: item_attribute_row.checked = True return attribute_docs def get_products_for_website(field_filters=None, attribute_filters=None, search=None): if attribute_filters: item_codes = get_item_codes_by_attributes(attribute_filters) items_by_attributes = get_items([['name', 'in', item_codes]]) if field_filters: items_by_fields = get_items_by_fields(field_filters) if attribute_filters and not field_filters: return items_by_attributes if field_filters and not attribute_filters: return items_by_fields if field_filters and attribute_filters: items_intersection = [] item_codes_in_attribute = [ for item in items_by_attributes] for item in items_by_fields: if in item_codes_in_attribute: items_intersection.append(item) return items_intersection if search: return get_items(search=search) return get_items() @frappe.whitelist(allow_guest=True) def get_products_html_for_website(field_filters=None, attribute_filters=None): field_filters = frappe.parse_json(field_filters) attribute_filters = frappe.parse_json(attribute_filters) items = get_products_for_website(field_filters, attribute_filters) html = ''.join(get_html_for_items(items)) if not items: html = frappe.render_template('erpnext/www/all-products/not_found.html', {}) return html def get_item_codes_by_attributes(attribute_filters, template_item_code=None): items = [] for attribute, values in attribute_filters.items(): attribute_values = values if not attribute_values: continue wheres = [] query_values = [] for attribute_value in attribute_values: wheres.append('( attribute = %s and attribute_value = %s )') query_values += [attribute, attribute_value] attribute_query = ' or '.join(wheres) if template_item_code: variant_of_query = 'AND t2.variant_of = %s' query_values.append(template_item_code) else: variant_of_query = '' query = ''' SELECT t1.parent FROM `tabItem Variant Attribute` t1 WHERE 1 = 1 AND ( {attribute_query} ) AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM `tabItem` t2 WHERE = t1.parent {variant_of_query} ) GROUP BY t1.parent ORDER BY NULL '''.format(attribute_query=attribute_query, variant_of_query=variant_of_query) item_codes = set([r[0] for r in frappe.db.sql(query, query_values)]) items.append(item_codes) res = list(set.intersection(*items)) return res @frappe.whitelist(allow_guest=True) def get_attributes_and_values(item_code): '''Build a list of attributes and their possible values. This will ignore the values upon selection of which there cannot exist one item. ''' item_cache = ItemVariantsCacheManager(item_code) item_variants_data = item_cache.get_item_variants_data() attributes = get_item_attributes(item_code) attribute_list = [a.attribute for a in attributes] valid_options = {} for item_code, attribute, attribute_value in item_variants_data: if attribute in attribute_list: valid_options.setdefault(attribute, set()).add(attribute_value) item_attribute_values = frappe.db.get_all('Item Attribute Value', ['parent', 'attribute_value', 'idx'], order_by='parent asc, idx asc') ordered_attribute_value_map = frappe._dict() for iv in item_attribute_values: ordered_attribute_value_map.setdefault(iv.parent, []).append(iv.attribute_value) # build attribute values in idx order for attr in attributes: valid_attribute_values = valid_options.get(attr.attribute, []) ordered_values = ordered_attribute_value_map.get(attr.attribute, []) attr['values'] = [v for v in ordered_values if v in valid_attribute_values] return attributes @frappe.whitelist(allow_guest=True) def get_next_attribute_and_values(item_code, selected_attributes): '''Find the count of Items that match the selected attributes. Also, find the attribute values that are not applicable for further searching. If less than equal to 10 items are found, return item_codes of those items. If one item is matched exactly, return item_code of that item. ''' selected_attributes = frappe.parse_json(selected_attributes) item_cache = ItemVariantsCacheManager(item_code) item_variants_data = item_cache.get_item_variants_data() attributes = get_item_attributes(item_code) attribute_list = [a.attribute for a in attributes] filtered_items = get_items_with_selected_attributes(item_code, selected_attributes) next_attribute = None for attribute in attribute_list: if attribute not in selected_attributes: next_attribute = attribute break valid_options_for_attributes = frappe._dict({}) for a in attribute_list: valid_options_for_attributes[a] = set() selected_attribute = selected_attributes.get(a, None) if selected_attribute: # already selected attribute values are valid options valid_options_for_attributes[a].add(selected_attribute) for row in item_variants_data: item_code, attribute, attribute_value = row if item_code in filtered_items and attribute not in selected_attributes and attribute in attribute_list: valid_options_for_attributes[attribute].add(attribute_value) optional_attributes = item_cache.get_optional_attributes() exact_match = [] # search for exact match if all selected attributes are required attributes if len(selected_attributes.keys()) >= (len(attribute_list) - len(optional_attributes)): item_attribute_value_map = item_cache.get_item_attribute_value_map() for item_code, attr_dict in item_attribute_value_map.items(): if item_code in filtered_items and set(attr_dict.keys()) == set(selected_attributes.keys()): exact_match.append(item_code) filtered_items_count = len(filtered_items) # get product info if exact match from erpnext.shopping_cart.product_info import get_product_info_for_website if exact_match: data = get_product_info_for_website(exact_match[0]) product_info = data.product_info if not data.cart_settings.show_price: product_info = None else: product_info = None return { 'next_attribute': next_attribute, 'valid_options_for_attributes': valid_options_for_attributes, 'filtered_items_count': filtered_items_count, 'filtered_items': filtered_items if filtered_items_count < 10 else [], 'exact_match': exact_match, 'product_info': product_info } def get_items_with_selected_attributes(item_code, selected_attributes): item_cache = ItemVariantsCacheManager(item_code) attribute_value_item_map = item_cache.get_attribute_value_item_map() items = [] for attribute, value in selected_attributes.items(): items.append(set(attribute_value_item_map[(attribute, value)])) return set.intersection(*items) def get_items_by_fields(field_filters): meta = frappe.get_meta('Item') filters = [] for fieldname, values in field_filters.items(): if not values: continue _doctype = 'Item' _fieldname = fieldname df = meta.get_field(fieldname) if df.fieldtype == 'Table MultiSelect': child_doctype = df.options child_meta = frappe.get_meta(child_doctype) fields = child_meta.get("fields", { "fieldtype": "Link", "in_list_view": 1 }) if fields: _doctype = child_doctype _fieldname = fields[0].fieldname if len(values) == 1: filters.append([_doctype, _fieldname, '=', values[0]]) else: filters.append([_doctype, _fieldname, 'in', values]) return get_items(filters) def get_items(filters=None, search=None): start = frappe.form_dict.start or 0 products_settings = get_product_settings() page_length = products_settings.products_per_page filters = filters or [] # convert to list of filters if isinstance(filters, dict): filters = [['Item', fieldname, '=', value] for fieldname, value in filters.items()] show_in_website_condition = '' if products_settings.hide_variants: show_in_website_condition = get_conditions({'show_in_website': 1 }, 'and') else: show_in_website_condition = get_conditions([ ['show_in_website', '=', 1], ['show_variant_in_website', '=', 1] ], 'or') search_condition = '' if search: search = '%{}%'.format(search) or_filters = [ ['name', 'like', search], ['item_name', 'like', search], ['description', 'like', search], ['item_group', 'like', search] ] search_condition = get_conditions(or_filters, 'or') filter_condition = get_conditions(filters, 'and') where_conditions = ' and '.join( [condition for condition in [show_in_website_condition, search_condition, filter_condition] if condition] ) left_joins = [] for f in filters: if len(f) == 4 and f[0] != 'Item': left_joins.append(f[0]) left_join = ' '.join(['LEFT JOIN `tab{0}` on (`tab{0}`.parent = `tabItem`.name)'.format(l) for l in left_joins]) results = frappe.db.sql(''' SELECT `tabItem`.`name`, `tabItem`.`item_name`, `tabItem`.`website_image`, `tabItem`.`image`, `tabItem`.`web_long_description`, `tabItem`.`description`, `tabItem`.`route` FROM `tabItem` {left_join} WHERE {where_conditions} GROUP BY `tabItem`.`name` ORDER BY `tabItem`.`weightage` DESC LIMIT {page_length} OFFSET {start} '''.format( where_conditions=where_conditions, start=start, page_length=page_length, left_join=left_join ) , as_dict=1) for r in results: r.description = r.web_long_description or r.description r.image = r.website_image or r.image return results def get_conditions(filter_list, and_or='and'): from frappe.model.db_query import DatabaseQuery if not filter_list: return '' conditions = [] DatabaseQuery('Item').build_filter_conditions(filter_list, conditions, ignore_permissions=True) join_by = ' {0} '.format(and_or) return '(' + join_by.join(conditions) + ')' # utilities def get_item_attributes(item_code): attributes = frappe.db.get_all('Item Variant Attribute', fields=['attribute'], filters={ 'parenttype': 'Item', 'parent': item_code }, order_by='idx asc' ) optional_attributes = ItemVariantsCacheManager(item_code).get_optional_attributes() for a in attributes: if a.attribute in optional_attributes: a.optional = True return attributes def get_html_for_items(items): html = [] for item in items: html.append(frappe.render_template('erpnext/www/all-products/item_row.html', { 'item': item })) return html def get_product_settings(): doc = frappe.get_cached_doc('Products Settings') doc.products_per_page = doc.products_per_page or 20 return doc