$.extend(frappe.test_data, { // "Fiscal Year": { // "2017-18": [ // {"year": "2017-18"}, // {"year_start_date": "2017-04-01"}, // {"year_end_date": "2018-03-31"}, // ] // }, "Customer": { "Test Customer 1": [ {customer_name: "Test Customer 1"} ], "Test Customer 2": [ {customer_name: "Test Customer 2"} ], "Test Customer 3": [ {customer_name: "Test Customer 3"} ], }, "Item": { "Test Product 1": [ {item_code: "Test Product 1"}, {item_group: "Products"}, {is_stock_item: 1}, {standard_rate: 100}, {opening_stock: 100}, ], "Test Product 2": [ {item_code: "Test Product 2"}, {item_group: "Products"}, {is_stock_item: 1}, {standard_rate: 150}, {opening_stock: 200}, ], "Test Product 3": [ {item_code: "Test Product 3"}, {item_group: "Products"}, {is_stock_item: 1}, {standard_rate: 250}, {opening_stock: 100}, ], "Test Service 1": [ {item_code: "Test Service 1"}, {item_group: "Services"}, {is_stock_item: 0}, {standard_rate: 200} ], "Test Service 2": [ {item_code: "Test Service 2"}, {item_group: "Services"}, {is_stock_item: 0}, {standard_rate: 300} ] }, "Lead": { "LEAD-00001": [ {lead_name: "Test Lead 1"} ], "LEAD-00002": [ {lead_name: "Test Lead 2"} ], "LEAD-00003": [ {lead_name: "Test Lead 3"} ] }, "Address": { "Test1-Billing": [ {address_title:"Test1"}, {address_type: "Billing"}, {address_line1: "Billing Street 1"}, {city: "Billing City 1"}, {links: [ [ {link_doctype: "Customer"}, {link_name: "Test Customer 1"} ] ]} ], "Test1-Shipping": [ {address_title:"Test1"}, {address_type: "Shipping"}, {address_line1: "Shipping Street 1"}, {city: "Shipping City 1"}, {links: [ [ {link_doctype: "Customer"}, {link_name: "Test Customer 1"} ] ]} ], "Test1-Warehouse": [ {address_title:"Test1"}, {address_type: "Warehouse"}, {address_line1: "Warehouse Street 1"}, {city: "Warehouse City 1"}, {links: [ [ {link_doctype: "Customer"}, {link_name: "Test Customer 1"} ] ]} ], "Test2-Billing": [ {address_title:"Test2"}, {address_type: "Billing"}, {address_line1: "Billing Street 2"}, {city: "Billing City 2"}, {links: [ [ {link_doctype: "Customer"}, {link_name: "Test Customer 2"} ] ]} ], "Test2-Shipping": [ {address_title:"Test2"}, {address_type: "Shipping"}, {address_line1: "Shipping Street 2"}, {city: "Shipping City 2"}, {links: [ [ {link_doctype: "Customer"}, {link_name: "Test Customer 2"} ] ]} ], "Test2-Warehouse": [ {address_title:"Test2"}, {address_type: "Warehouse"}, {address_line1: "Warehouse Street 2"}, {city: "Warehouse City 2"}, {links: [ [ {link_doctype: "Customer"}, {link_name: "Test Customer 2"} ] ]} ] }, "Contact": { "Contact 1-Test Customer 1": [ {first_name: "Contact 1"}, {links: [ [ {link_doctype: "Customer"}, {link_name: "Test Customer 1"} ] ]} ], "Contact 2-Test Customer 1": [ {first_name: "Contact 2"}, {links: [ [ {link_doctype: "Customer"}, {link_name: "Test Customer 1"} ] ]} ], "Contact 1-Test Customer 2": [ {first_name: "Contact 1"}, {links: [ [ {link_doctype: "Customer"}, {link_name: "Test Customer 2"} ] ]} ], "Contact 2-Test Customer 2": [ {first_name: "Contact 2"}, {links: [ [ {link_doctype: "Customer"}, {link_name: "Test Customer 2"} ] ]} ], }, "Price List": { "Test-Buying-USD": [ {price_list_name: "Test-Buying-USD"}, {currency: "USD"}, {buying: "1"} ], "Test-Buying-EUR": [ {price_list_name: "Test-Buying-EUR"}, {currency: "EUR"}, {buying: "1"} ], "Test-Selling-USD": [ {price_list_name: "Test-Selling-USD"}, {currency: "USD"}, {selling: "1"} ], "Test-Selling-EUR": [ {price_list_name: "Test-Selling-EUR"}, {currency: "EUR"}, {selling: "1"} ], }, "Terms and Conditions": { "Test Term 1": [ {title: "Test Term 1"} ], "Test Term 2": [ {title: "Test Term 2"} ] }, "Item Price": { "ITEM-PRICE-00001": [ {item_code: 'Test Product 1'}, {price_list: '_Test Price List'}, {price_list_rate: 100} ], "ITEM-PRICE-00002": [ {item_code: 'Test Product 2'}, {price_list: '_Test Price List'}, {price_list_rate: 200} ] } }); // this is a script that creates all fixtures // called as a test QUnit.module('fixture'); QUnit.test('Make fixtures', assert => { // create all fixtures first assert.expect(0); let done = assert.async(); let tasks = []; Object.keys(frappe.test_data).forEach(function(doctype) { tasks.push(function() { return frappe.tests.setup_doctype(doctype); }); }); frappe.run_serially(tasks).then(() => done()); });