# Copyright (c) 2020, Frappe and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe def execute(): for document in ["bom", "bom_item", "bom_explosion_item"]: frappe.reload_doc('manufacturing', 'doctype', document) frappe.db.sql(" update `tabBOM` set bom_level = 0 where docstatus = 1") bom_list = frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tabBOM` bom where docstatus=1 and is_active=1 and not exists(select bom_no from `tabBOM Item` where parent=bom.name and ifnull(bom_no, '')!='')""") count = 0 while(count < len(bom_list)): for parent_bom in get_parent_boms(bom_list[count]): bom_doc = frappe.get_cached_doc("BOM", parent_bom) bom_doc.set_bom_level(update=True) bom_list.append(parent_bom) count += 1 def get_parent_boms(bom_no): return frappe.db.sql_list(""" select distinct bom_item.parent from `tabBOM Item` bom_item where bom_item.bom_no = %s and bom_item.docstatus=1 and bom_item.parenttype='BOM' and exists(select bom.name from `tabBOM` bom where bom.name=bom_item.parent and bom.is_active=1) """, bom_no)