Version 6.x.x Source

Table Name: tabPacking Slip

Generate packing slips for packages to be delivered. Used to notify package number, package contents and its weight.


Sr Fieldname Type Label Options
1 packing_slip_details Section Break
2 column_break0 Column Break
3 delivery_note Link Delivery Note

Indicates that the package is a part of this delivery (Only Draft)

Delivery Note
4 column_break1 Column Break
5 naming_series Select Series
6 section_break0 Section Break
7 column_break2 Column Break
8 from_case_no Data From Package No.

Identification of the package for the delivery (for print)

9 column_break3 Column Break
10 to_case_no Data To Package No.

If more than one package of the same type (for print)

11 package_item_details Section Break
12 get_items Button Get Items
13 items Table Items Packing Slip Item
14 package_weight_details Section Break Package Weight Details
15 net_weight_pkg Float Net Weight

The net weight of this package. (calculated automatically as sum of net weight of items)

16 net_weight_uom Link Net Weight UOM UOM
17 column_break4 Column Break
18 gross_weight_pkg Float Gross Weight

The gross weight of the package. Usually net weight + packaging material weight. (for print)

19 gross_weight_uom Link Gross Weight UOM UOM
20 letter_head_details Section Break Letter Head
21 letter_head Link Letter Head Letter Head
22 misc_details Section Break
23 amended_from Link Amended From Packing Slip



Class PackingSlip

Inherits from frappe.model.document.Document

get_details_for_packing (self)

Returns * 'Delivery Note Items' query result as a list of dict * Item Quantity dict of current packing slip doc * No. of Cases of this packing slip

get_items (self)

No docs

get_recommended_case_no (self)

Returns the next case no. for a new packing slip for a delivery note

recommend_new_qty (self, item, ps_item_qty, no_of_cases)

Recommend a new quantity and raise a validation exception

update_item_details (self)

Fill empty columns in Packing Slip Item

validate (self)

It is necessary to validate case nos before checking quantity

validate_case_nos (self)

Validate if case nos overlap. If they do, recommend next case no.

validate_delivery_note (self)

Validates if delivery note has status as draft

validate_items_mandatory (self)

No docs

validate_qty (self)

Check packed qty across packing slips and delivery note

erpnext.stock.doctype.packing_slip.packing_slip.item_details (doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters)

No docs

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