# Copyright (c) 2017, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # MIT License. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function import frappe import json from operator import itemgetter from frappe.utils import add_to_date, fmt_money from erpnext.accounts.party import get_dashboard_info from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_currency_precision @frappe.whitelist() def get_leaderboard(doctype, timespan, company, field, start=0): """return top 10 items for that doctype based on conditions""" for x in xrange(1,10): print('company', company) filters = get_date_from_string(timespan) items = [] if doctype == "Customer": items = get_all_customers(filters, company, [], field) elif doctype == "Item": items = get_all_items(filters, [], field) elif doctype == "Supplier": items = get_all_suppliers(filters, company, [], field) elif doctype == "Sales Partner": items = get_all_sales_partner(filters, [], field) elif doctype == "Sales Person": items = get_all_sales_person(filters, [], field) if len(items) > 0: return items return [] def get_all_customers(filters, company, items, field, start=0, limit=20): """return all customers""" if field == "total_sales_amount": select_field = "sum(sales_order_item.base_net_amount)" elif field == "total_item_purchased_qty": select_field = "count(sales_order_item.name)" elif field == "receivable_amount_outstanding_amount": return frappe.db.sql(""" select sales_invoice.customer as name, sum(sales_invoice.outstanding_amount) as value FROM `tabSales Invoice` as sales_invoice where sales_invoice.docstatus = 1 and sales_invoice.modified >= "{0}" and sales_invoice.company = "{1}" group by sales_invoice.customer order by value DESC limit {2}""".format(filters, company, limit), as_dict=1) return frappe.db.sql(""" select sales_order.customer as name, {0} as value FROM `tabSales Order` as sales_order LEFT JOIN `tabSales Order Item` as sales_order_item ON sales_order.name = sales_order_item.parent where sales_order.docstatus = 1 and sales_order.modified >= "{1}" and sales_order.company = "{2}" group by sales_order.customer order by value DESC limit {3}""".format(select_field, filters, company, limit), as_dict=1) def get_all_items(filters, items, field, start=0, limit=20): """return all items""" if field == "total_sales_amount": select_field = "sum(B.amount)" select_doctype = "`tabSales Order Item`" if field == "total_purchase_amount": select_field = "sum(B.amount)" select_doctype = "`tabPurchase Order Item`" if field == "total_sold_qty": select_field = "sum(B.qty)" select_doctype = "`tabSales Order Item`" if field == "total_purchased_qty": select_field = "sum(B.qty)" select_doctype = "`tabPurchase Order Item`" if field == "available_stock_qty": select_field = "sum(B.actual_qty)" select_doctype = "`tabBin`" return frappe.db.sql("""select item.name as name , {0} as value from `tabItem` as item join {1} as B on item.name = B.item_code and item.modified >= "{2}" group by item.name""".format(select_field, select_doctype, filters), as_dict=1) def get_all_suppliers(filters, company, items, field, start=0, limit=20): """return all suppliers""" if field == "total_purchase_amount": select_field = "sum(purchase_order_item.base_net_amount)" elif field == "total_item_sold_qty": select_field = "count(purchase_order_item.name)" elif field == "payable_amount_outstanding_amount": return frappe.db.sql(""" select purchase_invoice.supplier as name, sum(purchase_invoice.outstanding_amount) as value FROM `tabPurchase Invoice` as purchase_invoice where purchase_invoice.docstatus = 1 and purchase_invoice.modified >= "{0}" and purchase_invoice.company = "{1}" group by purchase_invoice.supplier order by value DESC limit {1}""".format(filters, company, limit), as_dict=1) return frappe.db.sql(""" select purchase_order.supplier as name, {0} as value FROM `tabPurchase Order` as purchase_order LEFT JOIN `tabPurchase Order Item` as purchase_order_item ON purchase_order.name = purchase_order_item.parent where purchase_order.docstatus = 1 and purchase_order.modified >= "{1}" and purchase_order.company = "{2}" group by purchase_order.supplier order by value DESC limit {3}""".format(select_field, filters, company, limit), as_dict=1) def get_all_sales_partner(filters, items, field, start=0, limit=20): """return all sales partner""" if field == "commission_rate": select_field = "sales_partner.commission_rate" elif field == "target_qty": select_field = "target_detail.target_qty" elif field == "target_amount": select_field = "target_detail.target_amount" elif field == "total_sales_amount": select_field = "sum(sales_invoice.total_commission)" return frappe.db.sql("""select sales_partner.partner_name as name, {0} as value from `tabSales Partner` as sales_partner inner join `tabTarget Detail` as target_detail ON sales_partner.name = target_detail.parent inner join `tabSales Invoice` as sales_invoice ON sales_invoice.sales_partner = sales_partner.name where sales_invoice.docstatus = 1 and sales_invoice.modified >= "{1}" group by sales_partner.partner_name order by value DESC limit {2}""".format(select_field, filters, limit), as_dict=1) def get_all_sales_person(filters, items, field, start=0, limit=20): """return all sales partner""" if field == "target_qty": select_field = "target_detail.target_qty" elif field == "target_amount": select_field = "target_detail.target_amount" elif field == "total_sales_amount": select_field = "sum(sales_team.allocated_amount)" return frappe.db.sql("""select sales_person.name as name, {0} as value from `tabSales Person` as sales_person inner join `tabTarget Detail` as target_detail ON sales_person.name = target_detail.parent inner join `tabSales Team` as sales_team ON sales_team.sales_person = sales_person.name where sales_person.is_group = 0 and sales_team.modified >= "{1}" group by sales_person.name order by value DESC limit {2}""".format(select_field,filters,limit), as_dict=1) def get_date_from_string(seleted_timespan): """return string for ex:this week as date:string""" days = months = years = 0 if "month" == seleted_timespan.lower(): months = -1 elif "quarter" == seleted_timespan.lower(): months = -3 elif "year" == seleted_timespan.lower(): years = -1 else: days = -7 return add_to_date(None, years=years, months=months, days=days, as_string=True, as_datetime=True)