{ "action": "Go to Page", "creation": "2021-05-17 16:12:43.427579", "description": "# View Warehouse\nIn ERPNext the term 'warehouse' can be thought of as a storage location.\n\nWarehouses are arranged in ERPNext in a tree like structure, where multiple sub-warehouses can be grouped under a single warehouse.\n\nIn this step we will view the [**Warehouse Tree**](https://docs.erpnext.com/docs/user/manual/en/stock/warehouse#21-tree-view) to view the [**Warehouses**](https://docs.erpnext.com/docs/user/manual/en/stock/warehouse) that are set by default.", "docstatus": 0, "doctype": "Onboarding Step", "idx": 0, "is_complete": 0, "is_single": 0, "is_skipped": 0, "modified": "2021-05-18 15:04:41.198413", "modified_by": "Administrator", "name": "View Warehouses", "owner": "Administrator", "path": "Tree/Warehouse", "show_form_tour": 0, "show_full_form": 0, "title": "View Warehouses", "validate_action": 1 }