{% if shopping_cart and shopping_cart.cart_settings.enabled %} {% set cart_settings = shopping_cart.cart_settings %} {% set product_info = shopping_cart.product_info %}
{% if cart_settings.show_price and product_info.price %} {% set price_info = product_info.price %}
{{ price_info.formatted_price_sales_uom }} {{ price_info.currency }} {% if price_info.formatted_mrp %} MRP {{ price_info.formatted_mrp }} -{{ price_info.get("formatted_discount_percent") or price_info.get("formatted_discount_rate")}} {% endif %} ({{ price_info.formatted_price }} / {{ product_info.uom }})
{% else %} {{ _("UOM") }} : {{ product_info.uom }} {% endif %} {% if cart_settings.show_stock_availability %}
{% if product_info.get("on_backorder") %} {{ _('Available on backorder') }} {% elif product_info.in_stock == 0 %} {{ _('Out of stock') }} {% elif product_info.in_stock == 1 %} {{ _('In stock') }} {% if product_info.show_stock_qty and product_info.stock_qty %} ({{ product_info.stock_qty }}) {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if doc.offers %}
Available Offers
{% for offer in doc.offers %}

{{ _(offer.offer_title) }}: {{ _(offer.offer_subtitle) if offer.offer_subtitle else '' }} {{ _("More") }}

{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if product_info.price and (cart_settings.allow_items_not_in_stock or product_info.in_stock) %} {% endif %} {% if cart_settings.show_contact_us_button %} {% include "templates/generators/item/item_inquiry.html" %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}