erpnext.utils.BarcodeScanner = class BarcodeScanner { constructor(opts) { this.frm = opts.frm; // field from which to capture input of scanned data this.scan_field_name = opts.scan_field_name || "scan_barcode"; this.scan_barcode_field = this.frm.fields_dict[this.scan_field_name]; this.barcode_field = opts.barcode_field || "barcode"; this.serial_no_field = opts.serial_no_field || "serial_no"; this.batch_no_field = opts.batch_no_field || "batch_no"; this.uom_field = opts.uom_field || "uom"; this.qty_field = opts.qty_field || "qty"; // field name on row which defines max quantity to be scanned e.g. picklist this.max_qty_field = opts.max_qty_field; // scanner won't add a new row if this flag is set. this.dont_allow_new_row = opts.dont_allow_new_row; // scanner will ask user to type the quantity instead of incrementing by 1 this.prompt_qty = opts.prompt_qty; this.items_table_name = opts.items_table_name || "items"; this.items_table = this.frm.doc[this.items_table_name]; // optional sound name to play when scan either fails or passes. // see this.success_sound = opts.play_success_sound; this.fail_sound = opts.play_fail_sound; // any API that takes `search_value` as input and returns dictionary as follows // { // item_code: "HORSESHOE", // present if any item was found // bar_code: "123456", // present if barcode was scanned // batch_no: "LOT12", // present if batch was scanned // serial_no: "987XYZ", // present if serial no was scanned // uom: "Kg", // present if barcode UOM is different from default // } this.scan_api = opts.scan_api || "erpnext.stock.utils.scan_barcode"; } process_scan() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let me = this; const input = this.scan_barcode_field.value; this.scan_barcode_field.set_value(""); if (!input) { return; } frappe .call({ method: this.scan_api, args: { search_value: input, }, }) .then((r) => { const data = r && r.message; if (!data || Object.keys(data).length === 0) { this.show_alert(__("Cannot find Item with this Barcode"), "red"); this.clean_up(); this.play_fail_sound(); reject(); return; } me.update_table(data).then(row => { this.play_success_sound(); resolve(row); }).catch(() => { this.play_fail_sound(); reject(); }); }); }); } update_table(data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let cur_grid = this.frm.fields_dict[this.items_table_name].grid; const {item_code, barcode, batch_no, serial_no, uom} = data; let row = this.get_row_to_modify_on_scan(item_code, batch_no, uom); if (!row) { if (this.dont_allow_new_row) { this.show_alert(__("Maximum quantity scanned for item {0}.", [item_code]), "red"); this.clean_up(); reject(); return; } // add new row if new item/batch is scanned row = frappe.model.add_child(this.frm.doc, cur_grid.doctype, this.items_table_name); // trigger any row add triggers defined on child table. this.frm.script_manager.trigger(`${this.items_table_name}_add`, row.doctype,; } if (this.is_duplicate_serial_no(row, serial_no)) { this.clean_up(); reject(); return; } frappe.run_serially([ () => this.set_selector_trigger_flag(data), () => this.set_item(row, item_code).then(qty => { this.show_scan_message(row.idx, row.item_code, qty); }), () => this.set_barcode_uom(row, uom), () => this.set_serial_no(row, serial_no), () => this.set_batch_no(row, batch_no), () => this.set_barcode(row, barcode), () => this.clean_up(), () => this.revert_selector_flag(), () => resolve(row) ]); }); } // batch and serial selector is reduandant when all info can be added by scan // this flag on item row is used by transaction.js to avoid triggering selector set_selector_trigger_flag(data) { const {batch_no, serial_no, has_batch_no, has_serial_no} = data; const require_selecting_batch = has_batch_no && !batch_no; const require_selecting_serial = has_serial_no && !serial_no; if (!(require_selecting_batch || require_selecting_serial)) { frappe.flags.hide_serial_batch_dialog = true; } } revert_selector_flag() { frappe.flags.hide_serial_batch_dialog = false; } set_item(row, item_code) { return new Promise(resolve => { const increment = async (value = 1) => { const item_data = {item_code: item_code}; item_data[this.qty_field] = Number((row[this.qty_field] || 0)) + Number(value); await frappe.model.set_value(row.doctype,, item_data); return value; }; if (this.prompt_qty) { frappe.prompt(__("Please enter quantity for item {0}", [item_code]), ({value}) => { increment(value).then((value) => resolve(value)); }); } else { increment().then((value) => resolve(value)); } }); } async set_serial_no(row, serial_no) { if (serial_no && frappe.meta.has_field(row.doctype, this.serial_no_field)) { const existing_serial_nos = row[this.serial_no_field]; let new_serial_nos = ""; if (!!existing_serial_nos) { new_serial_nos = existing_serial_nos + "\n" + serial_no; } else { new_serial_nos = serial_no; } await frappe.model.set_value(row.doctype,, this.serial_no_field, new_serial_nos); } } async set_barcode_uom(row, uom) { if (uom && frappe.meta.has_field(row.doctype, this.uom_field)) { await frappe.model.set_value(row.doctype,, this.uom_field, uom); } } async set_batch_no(row, batch_no) { if (batch_no && frappe.meta.has_field(row.doctype, this.batch_no_field)) { await frappe.model.set_value(row.doctype,, this.batch_no_field, batch_no); } } async set_barcode(row, barcode) { if (barcode && frappe.meta.has_field(row.doctype, this.barcode_field)) { await frappe.model.set_value(row.doctype,, this.barcode_field, barcode); } } show_scan_message(idx, exist = null, qty = 1) { // show new row or qty increase toast if (exist) { this.show_alert(__("Row #{0}: Qty increased by {1}", [idx, qty]), "green"); } else { this.show_alert(__("Row #{0}: Item added", [idx]), "green") } } is_duplicate_serial_no(row, serial_no) { const is_duplicate = row[this.serial_no_field]?.includes(serial_no); if (is_duplicate) { this.show_alert(__("Serial No {0} is already added", [serial_no]), "orange"); } return is_duplicate; } get_row_to_modify_on_scan(item_code, batch_no, uom) { let cur_grid = this.frm.fields_dict[this.items_table_name].grid; // Check if batch is scanned and table has batch no field let is_batch_no_scan = batch_no && frappe.meta.has_field(cur_grid.doctype, this.batch_no_field); let check_max_qty = this.max_qty_field && frappe.meta.has_field(cur_grid.doctype, this.max_qty_field); const matching_row = (row) => { const item_match = row.item_code == item_code; const batch_match = row[this.batch_no_field] == batch_no; const uom_match = !uom || row[this.uom_field] == uom; const qty_in_limit = flt(row[this.qty_field]) < flt(row[this.max_qty_field]); return item_match && uom_match && (!is_batch_no_scan || batch_match) && (!check_max_qty || qty_in_limit) } return this.items_table.find(matching_row) || this.get_existing_blank_row(); } get_existing_blank_row() { return this.items_table.find((d) => !d.item_code); } play_success_sound() { this.success_sound && frappe.utils.play_sound(this.success_sound); } play_fail_sound() { this.fail_sound && frappe.utils.play_sound(this.fail_sound); } clean_up() { this.scan_barcode_field.set_value(""); refresh_field(this.items_table_name); } show_alert(msg, indicator, duration=3) { frappe.show_alert({message: msg, indicator: indicator}, duration); } };