# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe, json from frappe.utils.nestedset import get_root_of from erpnext.accounts.doctype.pos_profile.pos_profile import get_item_groups @frappe.whitelist() def get_items(start, page_length, price_list, item_group, search_value="", pos_profile=None): serial_no = "" batch_no = "" barcode = "" item_code = search_value if not frappe.db.exists('Item Group', item_group): item_group = get_root_of('Item Group') if search_value: # search serial no serial_no_data = frappe.db.get_value('Serial No', search_value, ['name', 'item_code']) if serial_no_data: serial_no, item_code = serial_no_data if not serial_no: batch_no_data = frappe.db.get_value('Batch', search_value, ['name', 'item']) if batch_no_data: batch_no, item_code = batch_no_data if not serial_no and not batch_no: barcode_data = frappe.db.get_value('Item', {'barcode': search_value}, ['name', 'barcode']) if barcode_data: item_code, barcode = barcode_data item_code, condition = get_conditions(item_code, serial_no, batch_no, barcode) if pos_profile: condition += get_item_group_condition(pos_profile) lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value('Item Group', item_group, ['lft', 'rgt']) # locate function is used to sort by closest match from the beginning of the value res = frappe.db.sql("""select i.name as item_code, i.item_name, i.image as item_image, i.is_stock_item, item_det.price_list_rate, item_det.currency from `tabItem` i LEFT JOIN (select item_code, price_list_rate, currency from `tabItem Price` where price_list=%(price_list)s) item_det ON (item_det.item_code=i.name or item_det.item_code=i.variant_of) where i.disabled = 0 and i.has_variants = 0 and i.is_sales_item = 1 and i.item_group in (select name from `tabItem Group` where lft >= {lft} and rgt <= {rgt}) and {condition} limit {start}, {page_length}""".format(start=start, page_length=page_length, lft=lft, rgt=rgt, condition=condition), { 'item_code': item_code, 'price_list': price_list } , as_dict=1) res = { 'items': res } if serial_no: res.update({ 'serial_no': serial_no }) if batch_no: res.update({ 'batch_no': batch_no }) if barcode: res.update({ 'barcode': barcode }) return res def get_conditions(item_code, serial_no, batch_no, barcode): if serial_no or batch_no or barcode: return frappe.db.escape(item_code), "i.name = %(item_code)s" condition = """(i.name like %(item_code)s or i.item_name like %(item_code)s)""" return '%%%s%%'%(frappe.db.escape(item_code)), condition @frappe.whitelist() def submit_invoice(doc,islocal_dummy): if isinstance(doc, basestring): args = json.loads(doc) if islocal_dummy: doc = frappe.get_doc('Sales Invoice',args["name"]) else: doc = frappe.new_doc('Sales Invoice') doc.update(args) doc.run_method("set_missing_values") doc.run_method("calculate_taxes_and_totals") doc.submit() return doc def get_item_group_condition(pos_profile): cond = "and 1=1" item_groups = get_item_groups(pos_profile) if item_groups: cond = "and i.item_group in (%s)"%(', '.join(['%s']*len(item_groups))) return cond % tuple(item_groups) def item_group_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters): item_groups = [] cond = "1=1" pos_profile= filters.get('pos_profile') if pos_profile: item_groups = get_item_groups(pos_profile) if item_groups: cond = "name in (%s)"%(', '.join(['%s']*len(item_groups))) cond = cond % tuple(item_groups) return frappe.db.sql(""" select distinct name from `tabItem Group` where {condition} and (name like %(txt)s) limit {start}, {page_len}""" .format(condition = cond, start=start, page_len= page_len), {'txt': '%%%s%%' % txt}) @frappe.whitelist() def fetch_pos_profile_detail(pos_profile): pos_profile_doc = frappe.get_doc("POS Profile",pos_profile) allow_print_before_pay_check = pos_profile_doc.allow_print_before_pay return allow_print_before_pay_check