wn.pages['general-ledger'].onload = function(wrapper) { wn.ui.make_app_page({ parent: wrapper, title: 'General Ledger', single_column: true }); erpnext.general_ledger = new wn.views.GridReport({ title: "General Ledger", page: wrapper, parent: $(wrapper).find('.layout-main'), appframe: wrapper.appframe, doctypes: ["Company", "Account", "GL Entry"], setup_columns: function() { this.columns = [ {id: "posting_date", name: "Posting Date", field: "posting_date", width: 100, formatter: this.date_formatter}, {id: "account", name: "Account", field: "account", width: 240, link_formatter: { filter_input: "account", open_btn: true, doctype: '"Account"' }}, {id: "debit", name: "Debit", field: "debit", width: 100, formatter: this.currency_formatter}, {id: "credit", name: "Credit", field: "credit", width: 100, formatter: this.currency_formatter}, {id: "voucher_type", name: "Voucher Type", field: "voucher_type", width: 120}, {id: "voucher_no", name: "Voucher No", field: "voucher_no", width: 160, link_formatter: { filter_input: "voucher_no", open_btn: true, doctype: "dataContext.voucher_type" }}, {id: "remarks", name: "Remarks", field: "remarks", width: 200, formatter: this.text_formatter}, ]; }, filters: [ {fieldtype:"Select", label: "Company", link:"Company", default_value: "Select Company...", filter: function(val, item, opts) { return item.company == val || val == opts.default_value; }}, {fieldtype:"Select", label: "Account", link:"Account", default_value: "Select Account...", filter: function(val, item, opts, me) { if(val == opts.default_value) { return true; } else { // true if GL Entry belongs to selected // account ledger or group return me.is_child_account(val, item.account); } }}, {fieldtype:"Data", label: "Voucher No", filter: function(val, item, opts) { if(!val) return true; return (item.voucher_no && item.voucher_no.indexOf(val)!=-1); }}, {fieldtype:"Date", label: "From Date", filter: function(val, item) { return dateutil.str_to_obj(val) <= dateutil.str_to_obj(item.posting_date); }}, {fieldtype:"Label", label: "To"}, {fieldtype:"Date", label: "To Date", filter: function(val, item) { return dateutil.str_to_obj(val) >= dateutil.str_to_obj(item.posting_date); }}, {fieldtype:"Button", label: "Refresh", icon:"icon-refresh icon-white", cssClass:"btn-info"}, {fieldtype:"Button", label: "Reset Filters"} ], init_filter_values: function() { this.filter_inputs.company.val(sys_defaults.company); this.filter_inputs.from_date.val(dateutil.str_to_user(sys_defaults.year_start_date)); this.filter_inputs.to_date.val(dateutil.str_to_user(sys_defaults.year_end_date)); this.filter_inputs.voucher_no.val(""); this.filter_inputs.account.get(0).selectedIndex = 0; }, is_child_account: function(account, item_account) { account = this.account_by_name[account]; item_account = this.account_by_name[item_account]; return (item_account.lft >= account.lft && item_account.rgt <= account.rgt) }, prepare_data: function() { // add Opening, Closing, Totals rows // if filtered by account and / or voucher var data = wn.report_dump.data["GL Entry"]; var out = []; if(!this.account_by_name) this.account_by_name = this.make_name_map(wn.report_dump.data["Account"]); var me = this; var from_date = dateutil.str_to_obj(this.from_date); var to_date = dateutil.str_to_obj(this.to_date); if(to_date < from_date) { msgprint("From Date must be before To Date"); return; } var opening = { account: "Opening", debit: 0.0, credit: 0.0, id:"_opening", _show: true, _style: "font-weight: bold" } var totals = { account: "Totals", debit: 0.0, credit: 0.0, id:"_totals", _show: true, _style: "font-weight: bold" } $.each(data, function(i, item) { if((!me.is_default("account") ? me.is_child_account(me.account, item.account) : true) && (me.voucher_no ? item.voucher_no==me.voucher_no : true)) { var date = dateutil.str_to_obj(item.posting_date); if(date < from_date) { opening.debit += item.debit; opening.credit += item.credit; } else if(date <= to_date) { totals.debit += item.debit; totals.credit += item.credit; } if(me.apply_filters(item)) { out.push(item); } } }) var closing = { account: "Closing (Opening + Totals)", debit: opening.debit + totals.debit, credit: opening.credit + totals.credit, id:"_closing", _show: true, _style: "font-weight: bold" } if(!me.is_default("account")) { if(me.account_by_name[me.account].debit_or_credit == "Debit") { opening.debit -= opening.credit; opening.credit = 0; closing.debit -= closing.credit; closing.credit = 0; } else { opening.credit -= opening.debit; opening.debit = 0; closing.credit -= closing.debit; closing.debit = 0; } var out = [opening].concat(out).concat([totals, closing]); } else { var out = out.concat([totals]); } // sanitize opening / closing this.data = out; this.prepare_data_view(out); }, get_plot_data: function() { var data = []; var me = this; if(me.is_default("account") || me.voucher_no) return false; var debit_or_credit = me.account_by_name[me.account].debit_or_credit; var balance = debit_or_credit=="Debit" ? me.data[0].debit : me.data[0].credit; data.push({ label: me.account, data: [[dateutil.str_to_obj(me.from_date).getTime(), balance]] .concat($.map(me.data, function(col, idx) { if (col.posting_date) { var diff = (debit_or_credit == "Debit" ? 1 : -1) * (flt(col.debit) - flt(col.credit)); balance += diff; return [[dateutil.str_to_obj(col.posting_date).getTime(), balance - diff], [dateutil.str_to_obj(col.posting_date).getTime(), balance]] } return null; })).concat([ // closing [dateutil.str_to_obj(me.to_date).getTime(), balance] ]), points: {show: true}, lines: {show: true, fill: true}, }); return data; }, get_plot_options: function() { return { grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true }, xaxis: { mode: "time", min: dateutil.str_to_obj(this.from_date).getTime(), max: dateutil.str_to_obj(this.to_date).getTime() } } }, }); }