# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe, erpnext from frappe import _, scrub from frappe.utils import getdate, nowdate, flt, cint, formatdate, cstr, now, time_diff_in_seconds from collections import OrderedDict from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_currency_precision from erpnext.accounts.doctype.accounting_dimension.accounting_dimension import get_accounting_dimensions # This report gives a summary of all Outstanding Invoices considering the following # 1. Invoice can be booked via Sales/Purchase Invoice or Journal Entry # 2. Report handles both receivable and payable # 3. Key balances for each row are "Invoiced Amount", "Paid Amount", "Credit/Debit Note Amount", "Oustanding Amount" # 4. For explicit payment terms in invoice (example: 30% advance, 30% on delivery, 40% post delivery), # the invoice will be broken up into multiple rows, one for each payment term # 5. If there are payments after the report date (post dated), these will be updated in additional columns # for future amount # 6. Configurable Ageing Groups (0-30, 30-60 etc) can be set via filters # 7. For overpayment against an invoice with payment terms, there will be an additional row # 8. Invoice details like Sales Persons, Delivery Notes are also fetched comma separated # 9. Report amounts are in "Party Currency" if party is selected, or company currency for multi-party # 10. This reports is based on all GL Entries that are made against account_type "Receivable" or "Payable" def execute(filters=None): args = { "party_type": "Customer", "naming_by": ["Selling Settings", "cust_master_name"], } return ReceivablePayableReport(filters).run(args) class ReceivablePayableReport(object): def __init__(self, filters=None): self.filters = frappe._dict(filters or {}) self.filters.report_date = getdate(self.filters.report_date or nowdate()) self.age_as_on = getdate(nowdate()) \ if self.filters.report_date > getdate(nowdate()) \ else self.filters.report_date def run(self, args): self.filters.update(args) self.set_defaults() self.party_naming_by = frappe.db.get_value(args.get("naming_by")[0], None, args.get("naming_by")[1]) self.get_columns() self.get_data() self.get_chart_data() return self.columns, self.data, None, self.chart def set_defaults(self): if not self.filters.get("company"): self.filters.company = frappe.db.get_single_value('Global Defaults', 'default_company') self.company_currency = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', self.filters.get("company"), "default_currency") self.currency_precision = get_currency_precision() or 2 self.dr_or_cr = "debit" if self.filters.party_type == "Customer" else "credit" self.party_type = self.filters.party_type self.party_details = {} self.invoices = set() def get_data(self): self.get_gl_entries() self.voucher_balance = OrderedDict() self.init_voucher_balance() # invoiced, paid, credit_note, outstanding # Build delivery note map against all sales invoices self.build_delivery_note_map() # Get invoice details like bill_no, due_date etc for all invoices self.get_invoice_details() # fetch future payments against invoices self.get_future_payments() # Get return entries self.get_return_entries() self.data = [] for gle in self.gl_entries: self.update_voucher_balance(gle) self.build_data() def init_voucher_balance(self): # build all keys, since we want to exclude vouchers beyond the report date for gle in self.gl_entries: # get the balance object for voucher_type key = (gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no, gle.party) if not key in self.voucher_balance: self.voucher_balance[key] = frappe._dict( voucher_type = gle.voucher_type, voucher_no = gle.voucher_no, party = gle.party, posting_date = gle.posting_date, remarks = gle.remarks, account_currency = gle.account_currency, invoiced = 0.0, paid = 0.0, credit_note = 0.0, outstanding = 0.0 ) self.get_invoices(gle) def get_invoices(self, gle): if gle.voucher_type in ('Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Invoice'): self.invoices.add(gle.voucher_no) def update_voucher_balance(self, gle): # get the row where this balance needs to be updated # if its a payment, it will return the linked invoice or will be considered as advance row = self.get_voucher_balance(gle) # gle_balance will be the total "debit - credit" for receivable type reports and # and vice-versa for payable type reports gle_balance = self.get_gle_balance(gle) if gle_balance > 0: if gle.voucher_type in ('Journal Entry', 'Payment Entry') and gle.against_voucher: # debit against sales / purchase invoice row.paid -= gle_balance else: # invoice row.invoiced += gle_balance else: # payment or credit note for receivables if self.is_invoice(gle): # stand alone debit / credit note row.credit_note -= gle_balance else: # advance / unlinked payment or other adjustment row.paid -= gle_balance def get_voucher_balance(self, gle): voucher_balance = None if gle.against_voucher: # find invoice against_voucher = gle.against_voucher # If payment is made against credit note # and credit note is made against a Sales Invoice # then consider the payment against original sales invoice. if gle.against_voucher_type in ('Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Invoice'): if gle.against_voucher in self.return_entries: return_against = self.return_entries.get(gle.against_voucher) if return_against: against_voucher = return_against voucher_balance = self.voucher_balance.get((gle.against_voucher_type, against_voucher, gle.party)) if not voucher_balance: # no invoice, this is an invoice / stand-alone payment / credit note voucher_balance = self.voucher_balance.get((gle.voucher_type, gle.voucher_no, gle.party)) return voucher_balance def build_data(self): # set outstanding for all the accumulated balances # as we can use this to filter out invoices without outstanding for key, row in self.voucher_balance.items(): row.outstanding = flt(row.invoiced - row.paid - row.credit_note, self.currency_precision) row.invoice_grand_total = row.invoiced if abs(row.outstanding) > 0.1/10 ** self.currency_precision: # non-zero oustanding, we must consider this row if self.is_invoice(row) and self.filters.based_on_payment_terms: # is an invoice, allocate based on fifo # adds a list `payment_terms` which contains new rows for each term self.allocate_outstanding_based_on_payment_terms(row) if row.payment_terms: # make separate rows for each payment term for d in row.payment_terms: if d.outstanding > 0: self.append_row(d) # if there is overpayment, add another row self.allocate_extra_payments_or_credits(row) else: self.append_row(row) else: self.append_row(row) def append_row(self, row): self.allocate_future_payments(row) self.set_invoice_details(row) self.set_party_details(row) self.set_ageing(row) self.data.append(row) def set_invoice_details(self, row): invoice_details = self.invoice_details.get(row.voucher_no, {}) if row.due_date: invoice_details.pop("due_date", None) row.update(invoice_details) if row.voucher_type == 'Sales Invoice': if self.filters.show_delivery_notes: self.set_delivery_notes(row) if self.filters.show_sales_person and row.sales_team: row.sales_person = ", ".join(row.sales_team) del row['sales_team'] def set_delivery_notes(self, row): delivery_notes = self.delivery_notes.get(row.voucher_no, []) if delivery_notes: row.delivery_notes = ', '.join(delivery_notes) def build_delivery_note_map(self): if self.invoices and self.filters.show_delivery_notes: self.delivery_notes = frappe._dict() # delivery note link inside sales invoice si_against_dn = frappe.db.sql(""" select parent, delivery_note from `tabSales Invoice Item` where docstatus=1 and parent in (%s) """ % (','.join(['%s'] * len(self.invoices))), tuple(self.invoices), as_dict=1) for d in si_against_dn: if d.delivery_note: self.delivery_notes.setdefault(d.parent, set()).add(d.delivery_note) dn_against_si = frappe.db.sql(""" select distinct parent, against_sales_invoice from `tabDelivery Note Item` where against_sales_invoice in (%s) """ % (','.join(['%s'] * len(self.invoices))), tuple(self.invoices) , as_dict=1) for d in dn_against_si: self.delivery_notes.setdefault(d.against_sales_invoice, set()).add(d.parent) def get_invoice_details(self): self.invoice_details = frappe._dict() if self.party_type == "Customer": si_list = frappe.db.sql(""" select name, due_date, po_no from `tabSales Invoice` where posting_date <= %s """,self.filters.report_date, as_dict=1) for d in si_list: self.invoice_details.setdefault(d.name, d) # Get Sales Team if self.filters.show_sales_person: sales_team = frappe.db.sql(""" select parent, sales_person from `tabSales Team` where parenttype = 'Sales Invoice' """, as_dict=1) for d in sales_team: self.invoice_details.setdefault(d.parent, {})\ .setdefault('sales_team', []).append(d.sales_person) if self.party_type == "Supplier": for pi in frappe.db.sql(""" select name, due_date, bill_no, bill_date from `tabPurchase Invoice` where posting_date <= %s """, self.filters.report_date, as_dict=1): self.invoice_details.setdefault(pi.name, pi) # Invoices booked via Journal Entries journal_entries = frappe.db.sql(""" select name, due_date, bill_no, bill_date from `tabJournal Entry` where posting_date <= %s """, self.filters.report_date, as_dict=1) for je in journal_entries: if je.bill_no: self.invoice_details.setdefault(je.name, je) def set_party_details(self, row): # customer / supplier name party_details = self.get_party_details(row.party) row.update(party_details) if self.filters.get(scrub(self.filters.party_type)): row.currency = row.account_currency else: row.currency = self.company_currency def allocate_outstanding_based_on_payment_terms(self, row): self.get_payment_terms(row) for term in row.payment_terms: term.outstanding = term.invoiced # update "paid" and "oustanding" for this term self.allocate_closing_to_term(row, term, 'paid') # update "credit_note" and "oustanding" for this term if term.outstanding: self.allocate_closing_to_term(row, term, 'credit_note') def get_payment_terms(self, row): # build payment_terms for row payment_terms_details = frappe.db.sql(""" select si.name, si.party_account_currency, si.currency, si.conversion_rate, ps.due_date, ps.payment_amount, ps.description from `tab{0}` si, `tabPayment Schedule` ps where si.name = ps.parent and si.name = %s order by ps.due_date """.format(row.voucher_type), row.voucher_no, as_dict = 1) original_row = frappe._dict(row) row.payment_terms = [] # If no or single payment terms, no need to split the row if len(payment_terms_details) <= 1: return for d in payment_terms_details: term = frappe._dict(original_row) self.append_payment_term(row, d, term) def append_payment_term(self, row, d, term): if self.filters.get("customer") and d.currency == d.party_account_currency: invoiced = d.payment_amount else: invoiced = flt(flt(d.payment_amount) * flt(d.conversion_rate), self.currency_precision) row.payment_terms.append(term.update({ "due_date": d.due_date, "invoiced": invoiced, "invoice_grand_total": row.invoiced, "payment_term": d.description, "paid": 0.0, "credit_note": 0.0, "outstanding": 0.0 })) def allocate_closing_to_term(self, row, term, key): if row[key]: if row[key] > term.outstanding: term[key] = term.outstanding row[key] -= term.outstanding else: term[key] = row[key] row[key] = 0 term.outstanding -= term[key] def allocate_extra_payments_or_credits(self, row): # allocate extra payments / credits additional_row = None for key in ('paid', 'credit_note'): if row[key] > 0: if not additional_row: additional_row = frappe._dict(row) additional_row.invoiced = 0.0 additional_row[key] = row[key] if additional_row: additional_row.outstanding = additional_row.invoiced - additional_row.paid - additional_row.credit_note self.append_row(additional_row) def get_future_payments(self): if self.filters.show_future_payments: self.future_payments = frappe._dict() future_payments = list(self.get_future_payments_from_payment_entry()) future_payments += list(self.get_future_payments_from_journal_entry()) if future_payments: for d in future_payments: if d.future_amount and d.invoice_no: self.future_payments.setdefault((d.invoice_no, d.party), []).append(d) def get_future_payments_from_payment_entry(self): return frappe.db.sql(""" select ref.reference_name as invoice_no, payment_entry.party, payment_entry.party_type, payment_entry.posting_date as future_date, ref.allocated_amount as future_amount, payment_entry.reference_no as future_ref from `tabPayment Entry` as payment_entry inner join `tabPayment Entry Reference` as ref on (ref.parent = payment_entry.name) where payment_entry.docstatus < 2 and payment_entry.posting_date > %s and payment_entry.party_type = %s """, (self.filters.report_date, self.party_type), as_dict=1) def get_future_payments_from_journal_entry(self): if self.filters.get('party'): amount_field = ("jea.debit_in_account_currency - jea.credit_in_account_currency" if self.party_type == 'Supplier' else "jea.credit_in_account_currency - jea.debit_in_account_currency") else: amount_field = ("jea.debit - " if self.party_type == 'Supplier' else "jea.credit") return frappe.db.sql(""" select jea.reference_name as invoice_no, jea.party, jea.party_type, je.posting_date as future_date, sum({0}) as future_amount, je.cheque_no as future_ref from `tabJournal Entry` as je inner join `tabJournal Entry Account` as jea on (jea.parent = je.name) where je.docstatus < 2 and je.posting_date > %s and jea.party_type = %s and jea.reference_name is not null and jea.reference_name != '' group by je.name, jea.reference_name having future_amount > 0 """.format(amount_field), (self.filters.report_date, self.party_type), as_dict=1) def allocate_future_payments(self, row): # future payments are captured in additional columns # this method allocates pending future payments against a voucher to # the current row (which could be generated from payment terms) if not self.filters.show_future_payments: return row.remaining_balance = row.outstanding row.future_amount = 0.0 for future in self.future_payments.get((row.voucher_no, row.party), []): if row.remaining_balance > 0 and future.future_amount: if future.future_amount > row.outstanding: row.future_amount = row.outstanding future.future_amount = future.future_amount - row.outstanding row.remaining_balance = 0 else: row.future_amount += future.future_amount future.future_amount = 0 row.remaining_balance = row.outstanding - row.future_amount row.setdefault('future_ref', []).append(cstr(future.future_ref) + '/' + cstr(future.future_date)) if row.future_ref: row.future_ref = ', '.join(row.future_ref) def get_return_entries(self): doctype = "Sales Invoice" if self.party_type == "Customer" else "Purchase Invoice" filters={ 'is_return': 1, 'docstatus': 1 } party_field = scrub(self.filters.party_type) if self.filters.get(party_field): filters.update({party_field: self.filters.get(party_field)}) self.return_entries = frappe._dict( frappe.get_all(doctype, filters, ['name', 'return_against'], as_list=1) ) def set_ageing(self, row): if self.filters.ageing_based_on == "Due Date": entry_date = row.due_date elif self.filters.ageing_based_on == "Supplier Invoice Date": entry_date = row.bill_date else: entry_date = row.posting_date self.get_ageing_data(entry_date, row) # ageing buckets should not have amounts if due date is not reached if getdate(entry_date) > getdate(self.filters.report_date): row.range1 = row.range2 = row.range3 = row.range4 = row.range5 = 0.0 def get_ageing_data(self, entry_date, row): # [0-30, 30-60, 60-90, 90-120, 120-above] row.range1 = row.range2 = row.range3 = row.range4 = range5 = 0.0 if not (self.age_as_on and entry_date): return row.age = (getdate(self.age_as_on) - getdate(entry_date)).days or 0 index = None if not (self.filters.range1 and self.filters.range2 and self.filters.range3 and self.filters.range4): self.filters.range1, self.filters.range2, self.filters.range3, self.filters.range4 = 30, 60, 90, 120 for i, days in enumerate([self.filters.range1, self.filters.range2, self.filters.range3, self.filters.range4]): if row.age <= days: index = i break if index is None: index = 4 row['range' + str(index+1)] = row.outstanding def get_gl_entries(self): # get all the GL entries filtered by the given filters conditions, values = self.prepare_conditions() if self.filters.get(scrub(self.party_type)): select_fields = "debit_in_account_currency as debit, credit_in_account_currency as credit" else: select_fields = "debit, credit" self.gl_entries = frappe.db.sql(""" select name, posting_date, account, party_type, party, voucher_type, voucher_no, against_voucher_type, against_voucher, account_currency, remarks, {0} from `tabGL Entry` where docstatus < 2 and party_type=%s and (party is not null and party != '') and posting_date <= %s {1} order by posting_date, party""" .format(select_fields, conditions), values, as_dict=True) def prepare_conditions(self): conditions = [""] values = [self.party_type, self.filters.report_date] party_type_field = scrub(self.party_type) self.add_common_filters(conditions, values, party_type_field) if party_type_field=="customer": self.add_customer_filters(conditions, values) elif party_type_field=="supplier": self.add_supplier_filters(conditions, values) self.add_accounting_dimensions_filters(conditions, values) return " and ".join(conditions), values def add_common_filters(self, conditions, values, party_type_field): if self.filters.company: conditions.append("company=%s") values.append(self.filters.company) if self.filters.finance_book: conditions.append("ifnull(finance_book, '') in (%s, '')") values.append(self.filters.finance_book) if self.filters.get(party_type_field): conditions.append("party=%s") values.append(self.filters.get(party_type_field)) # get GL with "receivable" or "payable" account_type account_type = "Receivable" if self.party_type == "Customer" else "Payable" accounts = [d.name for d in frappe.get_all("Account", filters={"account_type": account_type, "company": self.filters.company})] conditions.append("account in (%s)" % ','.join(['%s'] *len(accounts))) values += accounts def add_customer_filters(self, conditions, values): if self.filters.get("customer_group"): conditions.append(self.get_hierarchical_filters('Customer Group', 'customer_group')) if self.filters.get("territory"): conditions.append(self.get_hierarchical_filters('Territory', 'territory')) if self.filters.get("payment_terms_template"): conditions.append("party in (select name from tabCustomer where payment_terms=%s)") values.append(self.filters.get("payment_terms_template")) if self.filters.get("sales_partner"): conditions.append("party in (select name from tabCustomer where default_sales_partner=%s)") values.append(self.filters.get("sales_partner")) if self.filters.get("sales_person"): lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Sales Person", self.filters.get("sales_person"), ["lft", "rgt"]) conditions.append("""exists(select name from `tabSales Team` steam where steam.sales_person in (select name from `tabSales Person` where lft >= {0} and rgt <= {1}) and ((steam.parent = voucher_no and steam.parenttype = voucher_type) or (steam.parent = against_voucher and steam.parenttype = against_voucher_type) or (steam.parent = party and steam.parenttype = 'Customer')))""".format(lft, rgt)) def add_supplier_filters(self, conditions, values): if self.filters.get("supplier_group"): conditions.append("""party in (select name from tabSupplier where supplier_group=%s)""") values.append(self.filters.get("supplier_group")) if self.filters.get("payment_terms_template"): conditions.append("party in (select name from tabSupplier where payment_terms=%s)") values.append(self.filters.get("payment_terms_template")) def get_hierarchical_filters(self, doctype, key): lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value(doctype, self.filters.get(key), ["lft", "rgt"]) return """party in (select name from tabCustomer where exists(select name from `tab{doctype}` where lft >= {lft} and rgt <= {rgt} and name=tabCustomer.{key}))""".format( doctype=doctype, lft=lft, rgt=rgt, key=key) def add_accounting_dimensions_filters(self, conditions, values): accounting_dimensions = get_accounting_dimensions() if accounting_dimensions: for dimension in accounting_dimensions: if self.filters.get(dimension): conditions.append("{0} = %s".format(dimension)) values.append(self.filters.get(dimension)) def get_gle_balance(self, gle): # get the balance of the GL (debit - credit) or reverse balance based on report type return gle.get(self.dr_or_cr) - self.get_reverse_balance(gle) def get_reverse_balance(self, gle): # get "credit" balance if report type is "debit" and vice versa return gle.get('debit' if self.dr_or_cr=='credit' else 'credit') def is_invoice(self, gle): if gle.voucher_type in ('Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Invoice'): return True def get_party_details(self, party): if not party in self.party_details: if self.party_type == 'Customer': self.party_details[party] = frappe.db.get_value('Customer', party, ['customer_name', 'territory', 'customer_group', 'customer_primary_contact'], as_dict=True) else: self.party_details[party] = frappe.db.get_value('Supplier', party, ['supplier_name', 'supplier_group'], as_dict=True) return self.party_details[party] def get_columns(self): self.columns = [] self.add_column('Posting Date', fieldtype='Date') self.add_column(label=_(self.party_type), fieldname='party', fieldtype='Link', options=self.party_type, width=180) if self.party_naming_by == "Naming Series": self.add_column(_('{0} Name').format(self.party_type), fieldname = scrub(self.party_type) + '_name', fieldtype='Data') if self.party_type == 'Customer': self.add_column(_("Customer Contact"), fieldname='customer_primary_contact', fieldtype='Link', options='Contact') self.add_column(label=_('Voucher Type'), fieldname='voucher_type', fieldtype='Data') self.add_column(label=_('Voucher No'), fieldname='voucher_no', fieldtype='Dynamic Link', options='voucher_type', width=180) self.add_column(label='Due Date', fieldtype='Date') if self.party_type == "Supplier": self.add_column(label=_('Bill No'), fieldname='bill_no', fieldtype='Data') self.add_column(label=_('Bill Date'), fieldname='bill_date', fieldtype='Date') if self.filters.based_on_payment_terms: self.add_column(label=_('Payment Term'), fieldname='payment_term', fieldtype='Data') self.add_column(label=_('Invoice Grand Total'), fieldname='invoice_grand_total') self.add_column(_('Invoiced Amount'), fieldname='invoiced') self.add_column(_('Paid Amount'), fieldname='paid') if self.party_type == "Customer": self.add_column(_('Credit Note'), fieldname='credit_note') else: # note: fieldname is still `credit_note` self.add_column(_('Debit Note'), fieldname='credit_note') self.add_column(_('Outstanding Amount'), fieldname='outstanding') self.setup_ageing_columns() self.add_column(label=_('Currency'), fieldname='currency', fieldtype='Link', options='Currency', width=80) if self.filters.show_future_payments: self.add_column(label=_('Future Payment Ref'), fieldname='future_ref', fieldtype='Data') self.add_column(label=_('Future Payment Amount'), fieldname='future_amount') self.add_column(label=_('Remaining Balance'), fieldname='remaining_balance') if self.filters.party_type == 'Customer': self.add_column(label=_('Customer LPO'), fieldname='po_no', fieldtype='Data') # comma separated list of linked delivery notes if self.filters.show_delivery_notes: self.add_column(label=_('Delivery Notes'), fieldname='delivery_notes', fieldtype='Data') self.add_column(label=_('Territory'), fieldname='territory', fieldtype='Link', options='Territory') self.add_column(label=_('Customer Group'), fieldname='customer_group', fieldtype='Link', options='Customer Group') if self.filters.show_sales_person: self.add_column(label=_('Sales Person'), fieldname='sales_person', fieldtype='Data') if self.filters.party_type == "Supplier": self.add_column(label=_('Supplier Group'), fieldname='supplier_group', fieldtype='Link', options='Supplier Group') self.add_column(label=_('Remarks'), fieldname='remarks', fieldtype='Text', width=200) def add_column(self, label, fieldname=None, fieldtype='Currency', options=None, width=120): if not fieldname: fieldname = scrub(label) if fieldtype=='Currency': options='currency' if fieldtype=='Date': width = 90 self.columns.append(dict( label=label, fieldname=fieldname, fieldtype=fieldtype, options=options, width=width )) def setup_ageing_columns(self): # for charts self.ageing_column_labels = [] self.add_column(label=_('Age (Days)'), fieldname='age', fieldtype='Int', width=80) for i, label in enumerate(["0-{range1}".format(range1=self.filters["range1"]), "{range1}-{range2}".format(range1=cint(self.filters["range1"])+ 1, range2=self.filters["range2"]), "{range2}-{range3}".format(range2=cint(self.filters["range2"])+ 1, range3=self.filters["range3"]), "{range3}-{range4}".format(range3=cint(self.filters["range3"])+ 1, range4=self.filters["range4"]), "{range4}-{above}".format(range4=cint(self.filters["range4"])+ 1, above=_("Above"))]): self.add_column(label=label, fieldname='range' + str(i+1)) self.ageing_column_labels.append(label) def get_chart_data(self): rows = [] for row in self.data: values = [row.range1, row.range2, row.range3, row.range4, row.range5] precision = cint(frappe.db.get_default("float_precision")) or 2 rows.append({ 'values': [flt(val, precision) for val in values] }) self.chart = { "data": { 'labels': self.ageing_column_labels, 'datasets': rows }, "type": 'percentage' }