# Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors # License: MIT. See LICENSE import frappe from frappe import _ from frappe.utils import getdate def execute(filters=None): columns = get_columns() data = get_data(filters) chart = get_chart_data(data) report_summary = get_report_summary(data) return columns, data, None, chart, report_summary def get_columns(): return [ { 'label': _('Employee'), 'fieldname': 'employee', 'fieldtype': 'Link', 'options': 'Employee', 'width': 150 }, { 'label': _('Employee Name'), 'fieldname': 'employee_name', 'fieldtype': 'Data', 'width': 150 }, { 'label': _('Date of Joining'), 'fieldname': 'date_of_joining', 'fieldtype': 'Date', 'width': 120 }, { 'label': _('Relieving Date'), 'fieldname': 'relieving_date', 'fieldtype': 'Date', 'width': 120 }, { 'label': _('Exit Interview'), 'fieldname': 'exit_interview', 'fieldtype': 'Link', 'options': 'Exit Interview', 'width': 150 }, { 'label': _('Interview Status'), 'fieldname': 'interview_status', 'fieldtype': 'Data', 'width': 130 }, { 'label': _('Final Decision'), 'fieldname': 'employee_status', 'fieldtype': 'Data', 'width': 150 }, { 'label': _('Full and Final Statement'), 'fieldname': 'full_and_final_statement', 'fieldtype': 'Link', 'options': 'Full and Final Statement', 'width': 180 }, { 'label': _('Department'), 'fieldname': 'department', 'fieldtype': 'Link', 'options': 'Department', 'width': 120 }, { 'label': _('Designation'), 'fieldname': 'designation', 'fieldtype': 'Link', 'options': 'Designation', 'width': 120 }, { 'label': _('Reports To'), 'fieldname': 'reports_to', 'fieldtype': 'Link', 'options': 'Employee', 'width': 120 } ] def get_data(filters): employee = frappe.qb.DocType('Employee') interview = frappe.qb.DocType('Exit Interview') fnf = frappe.qb.DocType('Full and Final Statement') query = ( frappe.qb.from_(employee) .left_join(interview).on(interview.employee == employee.name) .left_join(fnf).on(fnf.employee == employee.name) .select( employee.name.as_('employee'), employee.employee_name.as_('employee_name'), employee.date_of_joining.as_('date_of_joining'), employee.relieving_date.as_('relieving_date'), employee.department.as_('department'), employee.designation.as_('designation'), employee.reports_to.as_('reports_to'), interview.name.as_('exit_interview'), interview.status.as_('interview_status'), interview.employee_status.as_('employee_status'), interview.reference_document_name.as_('questionnaire'), fnf.name.as_('full_and_final_statement')) .distinct() .orderby(employee.relieving_date) .where( ((employee.relieving_date.isnotnull()) | (employee.relieving_date != '')) & ((interview.name.isnull()) | ((interview.name.isnotnull()) & (interview.docstatus != 2))) & ((fnf.name.isnull()) | ((fnf.name.isnotnull()) & (fnf.docstatus != 2))) ) ) query = get_conditions(filters, query, employee, interview, fnf) result = query.run(as_dict=True) return result def get_conditions(filters, query, employee, interview, fnf): if filters.get('from_date') and filters.get('to_date'): query = query.where(employee.relieving_date[getdate(filters.get('from_date')):getdate(filters.get('to_date'))]) elif filters.get('from_date'): query = query.where(employee.relieving_date >= filters.get('from_date')) elif filters.get('to_date'): query = query.where(employee.relieving_date <= filters.get('to_date')) if filters.get('company'): query = query.where(employee.company == filters.get('company')) if filters.get('department'): query = query.where(employee.department == filters.get('department')) if filters.get('designation'): query = query.where(employee.designation == filters.get('designation')) if filters.get('employee'): query = query.where(employee.name == filters.get('employee')) if filters.get('reports_to'): query = query.where(employee.reports_to == filters.get('reports_to')) if filters.get('interview_status'): query = query.where(interview.status == filters.get('interview_status')) if filters.get('final_decision'): query = query.where(interview.employee_status == filters.get('final_decision')) if filters.get('exit_interview_pending'): query = query.where((interview.name == '') | (interview.name.isnull())) if filters.get('questionnaire_pending'): query = query.where((interview.reference_document_name == '') | (interview.reference_document_name.isnull())) if filters.get('fnf_pending'): query = query.where((fnf.name == '') | (fnf.name.isnull())) return query def get_chart_data(data): if not data: return None retained = 0 exit_confirmed = 0 pending = 0 for entry in data: if entry.employee_status == 'Employee Retained': retained += 1 elif entry.employee_status == 'Exit Confirmed': exit_confirmed += 1 else: pending += 1 chart = { 'data': { 'labels': [_('Retained'), _('Exit Confirmed'), _('Decision Pending')], 'datasets': [{'name': _('Employee Status'), 'values': [retained, exit_confirmed, pending]}] }, 'type': 'donut', 'colors': ['green', 'red', 'blue'], } return chart def get_report_summary(data): if not data: return None total_resignations = len(data) interviews_pending = len([entry.name for entry in data if not entry.exit_interview]) fnf_pending = len([entry.name for entry in data if not entry.full_and_final_statement]) questionnaires_pending = len([entry.name for entry in data if not entry.questionnaire]) return [ { 'value': total_resignations, 'label': _('Total Resignations'), 'indicator': 'Red' if total_resignations > 0 else 'Green', 'datatype': 'Int', }, { 'value': interviews_pending, 'label': _('Pending Interviews'), 'indicator': 'Blue' if interviews_pending > 0 else 'Green', 'datatype': 'Int', }, { 'value': fnf_pending, 'label': _('Pending FnF'), 'indicator': 'Blue' if fnf_pending > 0 else 'Green', 'datatype': 'Int', }, { 'value': questionnaires_pending, 'label': _('Pending Questionnaires'), 'indicator': 'Blue' if questionnaires_pending > 0 else 'Green', 'datatype': 'Int' }, ]