// question toolbar // contains - voting widget / tag list and user info / timestamp // By XXXXXX on YYYYY KBItemToolbar = function(args, kb) { $.extend(this, args); var me = this; this.make = function() { this.wrapper = $a(this.parent, 'div', '', {}); this.line1 = $a(this.wrapper, 'div', '', {color: '#888', fontSize:'11px', margin:'7px 0px'}); this.line2 = $a(this.wrapper, 'div','',{marginBottom:'7px'}); this.make_timestamp(); this.make_vote(); if(this.with_tags) this.make_tags(); } this.make_timestamp = function() { this.line1.innerHTML = repl('By %(name)s | %(when)s', { name: wn.utils.full_name(this.det.first_name, this.det.last_name), when: wn.datetime.comment_when(this.det.modified) }) } this.make_vote = function() { new KBPoints(this.line2, this.det.points, this.det._users_voted, this.doctype, this.det.name, this.det.owner); } this.make_tags = function() { this.tags_area = $a(this.line2, 'span', 'kb-tags') this.tags = new TagList(this.tags_area, this.det._user_tags && (this.det._user_tags.split(',')), this.doctype, this.det.name, 0, kb.set_tag_filter) } this.make(); } // kb points // x points | Vote Up | Vote Down (if not voted and not guest) KBPoints = function(parent, points, voted, dt, dn, owner) { var me = this; voted = voted ? voted.split(',') : []; this.wrapper = $a(parent, 'span', '', {fontSize: '11px', marginRight: '13px'}); this.render_points = function(p) { if(!this.points_area) this.points_area = $a(this.wrapper, 'span'); this.points_area.innerHTML = cint(p) + ' point' + (p>1 ? 's' : ''); } this.render_points(points); // vote up or down // if user has not already voted if(user!='Guest' && !in_list(voted, user) && user!=owner) { this.vote_up = $a(this.wrapper, 'img', 'images/ui/vote_up.gif', {margin:'0px 0px -2px 7px', cursor: 'pointer'}); this.vote_down = $a(this.wrapper, 'img', 'images/ui/vote_down.gif', {margin:'0px 0px -3px 0px', cursor: 'pointer'}); this.vote_up.title = 'Vote Up'; this.vote_down.title = 'Vote Down'; var callback = function(r, rt) { if(r.exc) { msgprint(r.exc); return; } $dh(me.vote_up); $dh(me.vote_down); me.render_points(r.message); } this.vote_up.onclick = function() { $c_page('knowledge_base', 'questions', 'vote', {vote:'up', dn:dn, dt:dt}, callback); } this.vote_down.onclick = function() { $c_page('knowledge_base', 'questions', 'vote', {vote:'down', dn:dn, dt:dt}, callback); } } } // displays an editable text, // needs parent, text, disp_class, inp_class // dt, dn EditableText = function(args) { $.extend(this, args); var me = this; this.display = $a(me.parent, 'div', me.disp_class, '', me.text); this.input = $a(me.parent, 'textarea', me.inp_class, {display:'none'}); var div = $a(me.parent, 'div', '', {marginTop:'5px', height:'23px'}); // edit text this.edit_btn = $a(div, 'span', '', {color:'#333', marginLeft:'-2px', cursor:'pointer', padding:'3px', backgroundColor:'#ddd', cssFloat: 'left'}); $br(this.edit_btn, '3px') $a(this.edit_btn, 'div', 'wn-icon ic-pencil', {marginBottom:'-2px', cssFloat:'left'} ); $a(this.edit_btn, 'span', 'link_type', {marginLeft:'3px', color:'#555', fontSize:'11px'}, 'Edit'); this.edit_btn.onclick = function() { me.input.value = me.display.innerHTML; me.show_as_input(); } // save button - save the new text // check if text is written this.save_btn = $btn(div, 'Save', function() { var v = me.rich_text ? wn.tinymce.get_value(me.input) : me.input.value; if(!v) { msgprint('Please write something!'); return; } me.save_btn.set_working(); $c_page('knowledge_base', 'question_view', 'update_item', { dt: me.dt, dn: me.dn, fn: me.fieldname, text: v }, function(r, rt) { me.save_btn.done_working(); if(r.exc) {msgprint(r.exc); return; } me.display.innerHTML = v; me.show_as_text(); }); }, {display: 'none'}); // cancel button this.cancel_btn = $a(div, 'span', 'link_type', {color: '#555', display:'none'}, 'Cancel', {marginLeft:'7px'}); this.cancel_btn.onclick = function() { me.show_as_text(); } this.show_as_text = function() { $ds(me.display); $ds(me.edit_btn); if(me.rich_text) wn.tinymce.remove(me.input); $dh(me.input); $dh(me.save_btn); $dh(me.cancel_btn); } this.show_as_input = function() { $ds(me.input); $ds(me.save_btn); $ds(me.cancel_btn); $dh(me.edit_btn); $dh(me.display); if(me.rich_text) wn.tinymce.add_simple(me.input, '300px'); } }