# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe import _, msgprint from frappe.utils import flt from erpnext.setup.utils import get_company_currency from erpnext.accounts.party import get_party_details from erpnext.stock.get_item_details import get_conversion_factor from erpnext.controllers.stock_controller import StockController class BuyingController(StockController): def __setup__(self): if hasattr(self, "taxes"): self.print_templates = { "taxes": "templates/print_formats/includes/taxes.html" } def get_feed(self): return _("From {0} | {1} {2}").format(self.supplier_name, self.currency, self.grand_total) def validate(self): super(BuyingController, self).validate() if getattr(self, "supplier", None) and not self.supplier_name: self.supplier_name = frappe.db.get_value("Supplier", self.supplier, "supplier_name") self.is_item_table_empty() self.set_qty_as_per_stock_uom() self.validate_stock_or_nonstock_items() self.validate_warehouse() def set_missing_values(self, for_validate=False): super(BuyingController, self).set_missing_values(for_validate) self.set_supplier_from_item_default() self.set_price_list_currency("Buying") # set contact and address details for supplier, if they are not mentioned if getattr(self, "supplier", None): self.update_if_missing(get_party_details(self.supplier, party_type="Supplier")) self.set_missing_item_details() def set_supplier_from_item_default(self): if self.meta.get_field("supplier") and not self.supplier: for d in self.get("items"): supplier = frappe.db.get_value("Item", d.item_code, "default_supplier") if supplier: self.supplier = supplier break def validate_warehouse(self): from erpnext.stock.utils import validate_warehouse_company warehouses = list(set([d.warehouse for d in self.get("items") if getattr(d, "warehouse", None)])) for w in warehouses: validate_warehouse_company(w, self.company) def validate_stock_or_nonstock_items(self): if self.meta.get_field("taxes") and not self.get_stock_items(): tax_for_valuation = [d.account_head for d in self.get("taxes") if d.category in ["Valuation", "Valuation and Total"]] if tax_for_valuation: frappe.throw(_("Tax Category can not be 'Valuation' or 'Valuation and Total' as all items are non-stock items")) def set_total_in_words(self): from frappe.utils import money_in_words company_currency = get_company_currency(self.company) if self.meta.get_field("base_in_words"): self.base_in_words = money_in_words(self.base_grand_total, company_currency) if self.meta.get_field("in_words"): self.in_words = money_in_words(self.grand_total, self.currency) # update valuation rate def update_valuation_rate(self, parentfield): """ item_tax_amount is the total tax amount applied on that item stored for valuation TODO: rename item_tax_amount to valuation_tax_amount """ stock_items = self.get_stock_items() stock_items_qty, stock_items_amount = 0, 0 last_stock_item_idx = 1 for d in self.get(parentfield): if d.item_code and d.item_code in stock_items: stock_items_qty += flt(d.qty) stock_items_amount += flt(d.base_net_amount) last_stock_item_idx = d.idx total_valuation_amount = sum([flt(d.base_tax_amount_after_discount_amount) for d in self.get("taxes") if d.category in ["Valuation", "Valuation and Total"]]) valuation_amount_adjustment = total_valuation_amount for i, item in enumerate(self.get(parentfield)): if item.item_code and item.qty and item.item_code in stock_items: item_proportion = flt(item.base_net_amount) / stock_items_amount if stock_items_amount \ else flt(item.qty) / stock_items_qty if i == (last_stock_item_idx - 1): item.item_tax_amount = flt(valuation_amount_adjustment, self.precision("item_tax_amount", item)) else: item.item_tax_amount = flt(item_proportion * total_valuation_amount, self.precision("item_tax_amount", item)) valuation_amount_adjustment -= item.item_tax_amount self.round_floats_in(item) item.conversion_factor = get_conversion_factor(item.item_code, item.uom).get("conversion_factor") or 1.0 qty_in_stock_uom = flt(item.qty * item.conversion_factor) rm_supp_cost = flt(item.rm_supp_cost) if self.doctype=="Purchase Receipt" else 0.0 landed_cost_voucher_amount = flt(item.landed_cost_voucher_amount) \ if self.doctype == "Purchase Receipt" else 0.0 item.valuation_rate = ((item.base_net_amount + item.item_tax_amount + rm_supp_cost + landed_cost_voucher_amount) / qty_in_stock_uom) else: item.valuation_rate = 0.0 def validate_for_subcontracting(self): if not self.is_subcontracted and self.sub_contracted_items: frappe.throw(_("Please enter 'Is Subcontracted' as Yes or No")) if self.is_subcontracted == "Yes": if self.doctype == "Purchase Receipt" and not self.supplier_warehouse: frappe.throw(_("Supplier Warehouse mandatory for sub-contracted Purchase Receipt")) for item in self.get("items"): if item in self.sub_contracted_items and not item.bom: frappe.throw(_("Please select BOM in BOM field for Item {0}").format(item.item_code)) else: for item in self.get("items"): if item.bom: item.bom = None def create_raw_materials_supplied(self, raw_material_table): if self.is_subcontracted=="Yes": parent_items = [] for item in self.get("items"): if self.doctype == "Purchase Receipt": item.rm_supp_cost = 0.0 if item.item_code in self.sub_contracted_items: self.update_raw_materials_supplied(item, raw_material_table) if [item.item_code, item.name] not in parent_items: parent_items.append([item.item_code, item.name]) self.cleanup_raw_materials_supplied(parent_items, raw_material_table) elif self.doctype == "Purchase Receipt": for item in self.get("items"): item.rm_supp_cost = 0.0 def update_raw_materials_supplied(self, item, raw_material_table): bom_items = self.get_items_from_bom(item.item_code, item.bom) raw_materials_cost = 0 for bom_item in bom_items: # check if exists exists = 0 for d in self.get(raw_material_table): if d.main_item_code == item.item_code and d.rm_item_code == bom_item.item_code \ and d.reference_name == item.name: rm, exists = d, 1 break if not exists: rm = self.append(raw_material_table, {}) required_qty = flt(bom_item.qty_consumed_per_unit) * flt(item.qty) * flt(item.conversion_factor) rm.reference_name = item.name rm.bom_detail_no = bom_item.name rm.main_item_code = item.item_code rm.rm_item_code = bom_item.item_code rm.stock_uom = bom_item.stock_uom rm.required_qty = required_qty rm.conversion_factor = item.conversion_factor if self.doctype == "Purchase Receipt": rm.consumed_qty = required_qty rm.description = bom_item.description if item.batch_no and not rm.batch_no: rm.batch_no = item.batch_no # get raw materials rate if self.doctype == "Purchase Receipt": from erpnext.stock.utils import get_incoming_rate rm.rate = get_incoming_rate({ "item_code": bom_item.item_code, "warehouse": self.supplier_warehouse, "posting_date": self.posting_date, "posting_time": self.posting_time, "qty": -1 * required_qty, "serial_no": rm.serial_no }) if not rm.rate: from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import get_valuation_rate rm.rate = get_valuation_rate(bom_item.item_code, self.supplier_warehouse) else: rm.rate = bom_item.rate rm.amount = required_qty * flt(rm.rate) raw_materials_cost += flt(rm.amount) if self.doctype == "Purchase Receipt": item.rm_supp_cost = raw_materials_cost def cleanup_raw_materials_supplied(self, parent_items, raw_material_table): """Remove all those child items which are no longer present in main item table""" delete_list = [] for d in self.get(raw_material_table): if [d.main_item_code, d.reference_name] not in parent_items: # mark for deletion from doclist delete_list.append(d) # delete from doclist if delete_list: rm_supplied_details = self.get(raw_material_table) self.set(raw_material_table, []) for d in rm_supplied_details: if d not in delete_list: self.append(raw_material_table, d) def get_items_from_bom(self, item_code, bom): bom_items = frappe.db.sql("""select t2.item_code, ifnull(t2.qty, 0) / ifnull(t1.quantity, 1) as qty_consumed_per_unit, t2.rate, t2.stock_uom, t2.name, t2.description from `tabBOM` t1, `tabBOM Item` t2, tabItem t3 where t2.parent = t1.name and t1.item = %s and t1.docstatus = 1 and t1.is_active = 1 and t1.name = %s and t2.item_code = t3.name and t3.is_stock_item = 1""", (item_code, bom), as_dict=1) if not bom_items: msgprint(_("Specified BOM {0} does not exist for Item {1}").format(bom, item_code), raise_exception=1) return bom_items @property def sub_contracted_items(self): if not hasattr(self, "_sub_contracted_items"): self._sub_contracted_items = [] item_codes = list(set(item.item_code for item in self.get("items"))) if item_codes: self._sub_contracted_items = [r[0] for r in frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabItem` where name in (%s) and is_sub_contracted_item=1""" % \ (", ".join((["%s"]*len(item_codes))),), item_codes)] return self._sub_contracted_items @property def purchase_items(self): if not hasattr(self, "_purchase_items"): self._purchase_items = [] item_codes = list(set(item.item_code for item in self.get("items"))) if item_codes: self._purchase_items = [r[0] for r in frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabItem` where name in (%s) and is_purchase_item='Yes'""" % \ (", ".join((["%s"]*len(item_codes))),), item_codes)] return self._purchase_items def is_item_table_empty(self): if not len(self.get("items")): frappe.throw(_("Item table can not be blank")) def set_qty_as_per_stock_uom(self): for d in self.get("items"): if d.meta.get_field("stock_qty"): if not d.conversion_factor: frappe.throw(_("Row {0}: Conversion Factor is mandatory").format(d.idx)) d.stock_qty = flt(d.qty) * flt(d.conversion_factor)