On the Webpage, a shopping cart is an icon that allows you to store all the things that you have earmarked for purchasing. It is a graphical representation of a shopping basket or a shopping cart that allows you to save the items you intend to buy. This software displays the price of the product . It also displays shipping and handling charges, along with taxes, if applicable. ### Shopping Cart Setup To set up a shopping cart, go to the website module. > Website > Shopping Cart Settings #### Enter Company Details and Checkout Details. Shopping Cart Settings To make item available on website go to Item master. > Stock > Item #### Enable Item for website. Item #### Enter Website Specifications for Item. Website Specifications ### Shop using Shopping Cart #### Add item to shopping cart Click on "Add to Cart" to add item to shopping cart. Website Specifications #### Goto Checkout Click on "Go to Cart" to checkout or on "Cart" which is on upper right side of the screen. Website Specifications #### Checkout Change quantity, select Shipping and Billing Address and click on "Place Order" to place the order. Website Specifications {next}