# ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com) # Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ********************************************* INITIALIZATION ******************************************* from __future__ import unicode_literals out = [] # Filter Values # ============================================= based_on = filter_values.get('based_on') group_by = filter_values.get('group_by') trans = filter_values.get('transaction') period = filter_values.get('period') order_type = filter_values.get('order_type') company = filter_values.get('company') fiscal_year = filter_values.get('fiscal_year') item = filter_values.get('item') item_group = filter_values.get('item_group') customer = filter_values.get('customer') customer_group = filter_values.get('customer_group') territory = filter_values.get('territory') supplier = filter_values.get('supplier') supplier_type = filter_values.get('supplier_type') project = filter_values.get('project') # ********************************************* SET DEFAULTS ************************************************** # Details Table # -------------- trans_det = trans+' Item' col_names, query_val = get_obj('Trend Analyzer Control').get_single_year_query_value(fiscal_year, period, trans, trans_det) query_val += 'SUM(t2.qty), SUM(t2.amount)' col_names.append('Total (Qty)') col_names.append('Total (Amt)') # ********************************************* VALIDATIONS *************************************************** if (based_on in ['Customer','Customer Group','Territory'] and group_by == 'Supplier') or (based_on in ['Supplier','Supplier Type'] and group_by == 'Customer'): msgprint("Sorry! You cannot group Trend Analyzer based on %s by %s" % (based_on,group_by)) raise Exception if based_on == group_by: msgprint("Based On and Group By value cannot be same for Trend Analyzer") raise Exception # ********************************************** ADD COLUMNS ********************************************** cols = [[based_on, 'Data', '300px', '']] cr = 1 if based_on == 'Item': cols.append(['Item Name','Data','200px','']) cr = 2 elif based_on == 'Customer': cols.append(['Territory','Link','150px','Territory']) cr = 2 elif based_on == 'Supplier': cols.append(['Supplier Type','Link','150px','Supplier Type']) cr = 2 if group_by: cr += 1 if group_by: cols.append([group_by,'Data','150px','']) for c in col_names: cols.append([c, ("Amt" in c) and 'Currency' or 'Float','150px','']) for c in cols: colnames.append(c[0]) coltypes.append(c[1]) colwidths.append(c[2]) coloptions.append(c[3]) col_idx[c[0]] = len(colnames)-1 # ******************************************* ADDITIONAL CONDITION ************************************************ add_cond = ' t2.parent = t1.name AND t1.company = "%s" AND t1.fiscal_year = "%s" and t1.docstatus = 1' % (company, fiscal_year) add_tab = ' `tab'+trans+'` t1, `tab'+trans_det+'` t2' if order_type: add_cond += ' AND t1.order_type = "%s"' % order_type # Item if item or based_on == 'Item': add_cond += ' AND t2.item_code = "%s"' % (based_on != 'Item' and item or '%(value)s') # Item Group if item_group or based_on == 'Item Group': add_tab += ' ,`tabItem` t3, `tabItem Group` t4 ' add_cond += ' AND t3.name = t2.item_code AND t3.item_group = t4.name and (t4.name = "%s" or t4.name IN (SELECT t5.name FROM `tabItem Group` t5,`tabItem Group` t6 WHERE t5.lft BETWEEN t6.lft and t6.rgt and t5.docstatus !=2 and t6.name = "%s"))' % (based_on != 'Item Group' and item_group or '%(value)s', based_on != 'Item Group' and item_group or '%(value)s') # Customer if customer or based_on == 'Customer': add_cond += ' AND t1.customer = "%s"' % (based_on != 'Customer' and customer or '%(value)s') # Customer Group if customer_group or based_on == 'Customer Group': add_tab += ' ,`tabCustomer` t7, `tabCustomer Group` t8 ' add_cond += ' AND t7.name = t1.customer AND t7.customer_group = t8.name and (t8.name = "%s" or t8.name IN (SELECT t9.name FROM `tabCustomer Group` t9,`tabCustomer Group` t10 WHERE t9.lft BETWEEN t10.lft and t10.rgt and t9.docstatus !=2 and ifnull(t9.is_group,"No") = "No" and t10.name = "%s"))' % (based_on != 'Customer Group' and customer_group or '%(value)s', based_on != 'Customer Group' and customer_group or '%(value)s') # Territory if territory or based_on == 'Territory': add_tab += ' ,`tabTerritory` t11 ' add_cond += ' AND t1.territory = t11.name and (t11.name = "%s" or t11.name IN (SELECT t12.name FROM `tabTerritory` t12,`tabTerritory` t13 WHERE t12.lft BETWEEN t13.lft and t13.rgt and t12.docstatus !=2 and ifnull(t12.is_group,"No") = "No" and t13.name = "%s"))' % (based_on != 'Territory' and territory or '%(value)s', based_on != 'Territory' and territory or '%(value)s') # Supplier if supplier or based_on == 'Supplier': add_cond += ' AND t1.supplier = "%s"' % (based_on != 'Supplier' and supplier or '%(value)s') # Supplier Type if supplier_type or based_on == 'Supplier Type': add_tab += ' ,`tabSupplier` t14, `tabSupplier Type` t15 ' add_cond += ' AND t14.name = t1.supplier AND t14.supplier_type = t15.name and t15.name = "%s"' % (based_on != 'Supplier Type' and supplier_type or '%(value)s') # Project if project or based_on == 'Project': if trans in ['Purchase Order', 'Purchase Receipt', 'Purchase Invoice']: add_cond += ' AND t2.project_name = "%s"' % (based_on != 'Project' and project or '%(value)s') else: add_cond += ' AND t1.project_name = "%s"' % (based_on != 'Project' and project or '%(value)s') # Column to be seleted for group by condition # ============================================== sel_col = '' if group_by == 'Item': sel_col = 't2.item_code' elif group_by == 'Customer': sel_col = 't1.customer' elif group_by == 'Supplier': sel_col = 't1.supplier' # ********************************************** Result Set ************************************************ for r in res: main_det = sql("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s" % (query_val, add_tab, add_cond % {'value':cstr(r[col_idx[based_on]]).strip()})) if group_by: for col in range(cr,cr+1): # this would make all first row blank. just for look r.append('') if main_det[0][len(colnames) - cr - 1]: for d in range(len(colnames) - cr): r.append(flt(main_det[0][d])) out.append(r) if group_by: flag = 1 if based_on in ['Item Group','Customer Group','Territory']: is_grp = sql("select is_group from `tab%s` where name = '%s'" % (based_on, cstr(r[col_idx[based_on]]).strip())) is_grp = is_grp and cstr(is_grp[0][0]) or '' if is_grp != 'No': flag = 0 if flag == 1: det = [x[0] for x in sql("SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM %s where %s" % (sel_col, add_tab, add_cond % {'value':cstr(r[col_idx[based_on]]).strip()}))] for des in range(len(det)): t_row = ['' for i in range(len(colnames))] t_row[col_idx[group_by]] = cstr(det[des]) gr_det = sql("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s' and %s" % (query_val, add_tab, sel_col, cstr(det[des]), add_cond % {'value':cstr(r[col_idx[based_on]]).strip()})) webnotes.errprint(cstr(r[col_idx[based_on]]).strip()) for d in range(len(col_names)): t_row[col_idx[col_names[d]]] = flt(gr_det[0][d]) out.append(t_row)