// ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com) // Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . pscript['onload_profile-settings'] = function() { var wrapper = wn.pages['profile-settings']; pscript.myprofile = new MyProfile(wrapper) } MyProfile = function(wrapper) { this.wrapper = wrapper; var me = this; this.make = function() { this.wrapper.appframe = new wn.ui.AppFrame($(this.wrapper).find('.layout-appframe'), 'Profile Settings'); this.wrapper.appframe.add_button('Update', this.update_profile); this.wrapper.appframe.buttons["Update"].addClass("btn-info"); this.wrapper.appframe.add_button('Change Password', this.change_password); $(this.wrapper).find('.layout-main').html("


\ \



Change Background:


Change Theme:

"); this.make_display(); this.make_personal(); } this.make_display = function() { $(this.wrapper).find(".change-background") .click(me.change_background) $(this.wrapper).find(".change-theme") .add_options(keys(erpnext.themes).sort()) .change(function() { erpnext.set_theme($(this).val()); }).val(wn.boot.profile.defaults.theme ? wn.boot.profile.defaults.theme[0] : "Default") .change(function() { wn.call({ module: "home", page: "profile_settings", method: "set_user_theme", args: {theme: $(this).val() } }) }); } this.make_personal = function() { this.personal = $(this.wrapper).find('.personal-settings').html('


') this.personal.find("button").click(this.change_image); this.make_form(); this.load_details(); } this.load_details = function() { $c_page('home','profile_settings','get_user_details','',function(r, rt) { me.form.set_values(r.message); }) } // // form // this.make_form = function() { var div = this.personal.find(".profile-form").get(0); this.form = new wn.ui.FieldGroup({ parent: div, fields: [ {fieldname:'first_name', fieldtype:'Data',label:'First Name',reqd:1}, {fieldname:'last_name', fieldtype:'Data',label:'Last Name'}, {fieldname:'email_signature', fieldtype:'Small Text',label:'Email Signature', decription:'Will be appended to outgoing mail'}, ] }); } this.update_profile = function() { var v = me.form.get_values(); if(v) { $(this).set_working(); var btn = this; $c_page('home','profile_settings','set_user_details',v,function(r, rt) { $(btn).done_working(); }) } } this.change_password = function() { var d = new wn.ui.Dialog({ title:'Change Password', width: 400, fields: [ {fieldname:'old_password', fieldtype:'Password', label:'Old Password', reqd:1 }, {fieldname:'new_password', fieldtype:'Password', label:'New Password', reqd:1 }, {fieldname:'new_password1', fieldtype:'Password', label:'Re-type New Password', reqd:1 }, {fieldname:'change', fieldtype:'Button', label:'Change'} ] }) d.fields_dict.change.input.onclick = function() { var v = d.get_values(); if(v) { if(v.new_password != v.new_password1) { msgprint('Passwords must match'); return; } this.set_working(); $c_page('home','profile_settings','change_password',v,function(r,rt) { if(!r.message && r.exc) { msgprint(r.exc); return; } d.hide(); }) } } d.show(); } // // change image // this.change_image = function() { var d = new wn.ui.Dialog({ title: 'Set your Profile' }); wn.upload.make({ parent: d.body, args: { method: 'home.page.profile_settings.profile_settings.set_user_image' }, callback: function(fid) { if(fid) { d.hide(); wn.boot.user_info[user].image = 'files/' + fid; me.personal.find("img").attr("src", 'files/' + fid); } } }); d.show(); } this.change_background = function() { var d = new wn.ui.Dialog({ title: 'Set Background Image' }) wn.upload.make({ parent: d.body, args: { method: 'home.page.profile_settings.profile_settings.set_user_background' }, callback: function(fid) { if(fid) { d.hide(); erpnext.set_user_background(fid); } } }); d.show(); } this.make(); }