// Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors // License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt frappe.provide("erpnext.pos"); erpnext.pos.PointOfSale = Class.extend({ init: function(wrapper, frm) { this.wrapper = wrapper; this.frm = frm; this.wrapper.html(frappe.render_template("pos", {})); this.check_transaction_type(); this.make(); var me = this; $(this.frm.wrapper).on("refresh-fields", function() { me.refresh(); }); this.wrapper.find('input.discount-amount').on("change", function() { frappe.model.set_value(me.frm.doctype, me.frm.docname, "discount_amount", flt(this.value)); }); }, check_transaction_type: function() { var me = this; // Check whether the transaction is "Sales" or "Purchase" if (frappe.meta.has_field(cur_frm.doc.doctype, "customer")) { this.set_transaction_defaults("Customer"); } else if (frappe.meta.has_field(cur_frm.doc.doctype, "supplier")) { this.set_transaction_defaults("Supplier"); } }, set_transaction_defaults: function(party) { var me = this; this.party = party; this.price_list = (party == "Customer" ? this.frm.doc.selling_price_list : this.frm.doc.buying_price_list); this.price_list_field = (party == "Customer" ? "selling_price_list" : "buying_price_list"); this.sales_or_purchase = (party == "Customer" ? "Sales" : "Purchase"); }, make: function() { this.make_party(); this.make_search(); this.make_item_list(); }, make_party: function() { var me = this; this.party_field = frappe.ui.form.make_control({ df: { "fieldtype": "Link", "options": this.party, "label": this.party, "fieldname": "pos_party", "placeholder": this.party }, parent: this.wrapper.find(".party-area"), only_input: true, }); this.party_field.make_input(); this.party_field.$input.on("change", function() { if(!me.party_field.autocomplete_open) frappe.model.set_value(me.frm.doctype, me.frm.docname, me.party.toLowerCase(), this.value); }); }, make_search: function() { var me = this; this.search = frappe.ui.form.make_control({ df: { "fieldtype": "Data", "label": "Item", "fieldname": "pos_item", "placeholder": "Search Item" }, parent: this.wrapper.find(".search-area"), only_input: true, }); this.search.make_input(); this.search.$input.on("keypress", function() { if(!me.search.autocomplete_open) if(me.item_timeout) clearTimeout(me.item_timeout); me.item_timeout = setTimeout(function() { me.make_item_list(); }, 1000); }); }, make_item_list: function() { var me = this; if(!this.price_list) { msgprint(__("Price List not found or disabled")); return; } me.item_timeout = null; frappe.call({ method: 'erpnext.accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.pos.get_items', args: { sales_or_purchase: this.sales_or_purchase, price_list: this.price_list, item: this.search.$input.val() }, callback: function(r) { var $wrap = me.wrapper.find(".item-list"); me.wrapper.find(".item-list").empty(); if (r.message) { if (r.message.length === 1) { var item = r.message[0]; if (item.serial_no) { me.add_to_cart(item.item_code, item.serial_no); me.search.$input.val(""); return; } else if (item.barcode) { me.add_to_cart(item.item_code); me.search.$input.val(""); return; } } $.each(r.message, function(index, obj) { $(frappe.render_template("pos_item", { item_code: obj.name, item_price: format_currency(obj.price_list_rate, obj.currency), item_name: obj.name===obj.item_name ? "" : obj.item_name, item_image: obj.image ? "url('" + obj.image + "')" : null })).tooltip().appendTo($wrap); }); } // if form is local then allow this function $(me.wrapper).find("div.pos-item").on("click", function() { if(me.frm.doc.docstatus==0) { me.add_to_cart($(this).attr("data-item-code")); } }); } }); }, add_to_cart: function(item_code, serial_no) { var me = this; var caught = false; if(!me.frm.doc[me.party.toLowerCase()] && ((me.frm.doctype == "Quotation" && me.frm.doc.quotation_to == "Customer") || me.frm.doctype != "Quotation")) { msgprint(__("Please select {0} first.", [me.party])); return; } // get no_of_items var no_of_items = me.wrapper.find(".pos-bill-item").length; // check whether the item is already added if (no_of_items != 0) { $.each(this.frm.doc["items"] || [], function(i, d) { if (d.item_code == item_code) { caught = true; if (serial_no) frappe.model.set_value(d.doctype, d.name, "serial_no", d.serial_no + '\n' + serial_no); else frappe.model.set_value(d.doctype, d.name, "qty", d.qty + 1); } }); } // if item not found then add new item if (!caught) this.add_new_item_to_grid(item_code, serial_no); this.refresh(); this.refresh_search_box(); }, add_new_item_to_grid: function(item_code, serial_no) { var me = this; var child = frappe.model.add_child(me.frm.doc, this.frm.doctype + " Item", "items"); child.item_code = item_code; child.qty = 1; if (serial_no) child.serial_no = serial_no; this.frm.script_manager.trigger("item_code", child.doctype, child.name); }, refresh_search_box: function() { var me = this; // Clear Item Box and remake item list if (this.search.$input.val()) { this.search.set_input(""); this.make_item_list(); } }, update_qty: function(item_code, qty) { var me = this; $.each(this.frm.doc["items"] || [], function(i, d) { if (d.item_code == item_code) { if (qty == 0) { frappe.model.clear_doc(d.doctype, d.name); me.refresh_grid(); } else { frappe.model.set_value(d.doctype, d.name, "qty", qty); } } }); this.refresh(); }, refresh: function() { var me = this; this.refresh_item_list(); this.refresh_fields(); // if form is local then only run all these functions if (this.frm.doc.docstatus===0) { this.call_when_local(); } this.disable_text_box_and_button(); this.set_primary_action(); // If quotation to is not Customer then remove party if (this.frm.doctype == "Quotation" && this.frm.doc.quotation_to!="Customer") { this.party_field.$input.prop("disabled", true); } }, refresh_fields: function() { this.party_field.set_input(this.frm.doc[this.party.toLowerCase()]); this.wrapper.find('input.discount-amount').val(this.frm.doc.discount_amount); this.show_items_in_item_cart(); this.show_taxes(); this.set_totals(); }, refresh_item_list: function() { var me = this; // refresh item list on change of price list if (this.frm.doc[this.price_list_field] != this.price_list) { this.price_list = this.frm.doc[this.price_list_field]; this.make_item_list(); } }, show_items_in_item_cart: function() { var me = this; var $items = this.wrapper.find(".items").empty(); $.each(this.frm.doc.items|| [], function(i, d) { $(frappe.render_template("pos_bill_item", { item_code: d.item_code, item_name: (d.item_name===d.item_code || !d.item_name) ? "" : ("
" + d.item_name), qty: d.qty, actual_qty: d.actual_qty, projected_qty: d.projected_qty, rate: format_currency(d.rate, me.frm.doc.currency), amount: format_currency(d.amount, me.frm.doc.currency) })).appendTo($items); }); this.wrapper.find("input.pos-item-qty").on("focus", function() { $(this).select(); }); }, show_taxes: function() { var me = this; var taxes = this.frm.doc["taxes"] || []; $(this.wrapper) .find(".tax-area").toggleClass("hide", (taxes && taxes.length) ? false : true) .find(".tax-table").empty(); $.each(taxes, function(i, d) { if (d.tax_amount) { $(frappe.render_template("pos_tax_row", { description: d.description, tax_amount: format_currency(flt(d.tax_amount)/flt(me.frm.doc.conversion_rate), me.frm.doc.currency) })).appendTo(me.wrapper.find(".tax-table")); } }); }, set_totals: function() { var me = this; this.wrapper.find(".net-total").text(format_currency(me.frm.doc["net_total"], me.frm.doc.currency)); this.wrapper.find(".grand-total").text(format_currency(me.frm.doc.grand_total, me.frm.doc.currency)); }, call_when_local: function() { var me = this; // append quantity to the respective item after change from input box $(this.wrapper).find("input.pos-item-qty").on("change", function() { var item_code = $(this).parents(".pos-bill-item").attr("data-item-code"); me.update_qty(item_code, $(this).val()); }); // increase/decrease qty on plus/minus button $(this.wrapper).find(".pos-qty-btn").on("click", function() { var $item = $(this).parents(".pos-bill-item:first"); me.increase_decrease_qty($item, $(this).attr("data-action")); }); this.focus(); }, focus: function() { if(this.frm.doc[this.party.toLowerCase()]) { this.search.$input.focus(); } else { if(!(this.frm.doctype == "Quotation" && this.frm.doc.quotation_to!="Customer")) this.party_field.$input.focus(); } }, increase_decrease_qty: function($item, operation) { var item_code = $item.attr("data-item-code"); var item_qty = cint($item.find("input.pos-item-qty").val()); if (operation == "increase-qty") this.update_qty(item_code, item_qty + 1); else if (operation == "decrease-qty" && item_qty != 0) this.update_qty(item_code, item_qty - 1); }, disable_text_box_and_button: function() { var me = this; // if form is submitted & cancelled then disable all input box & buttons $(this.wrapper) .find(".pos-qty-btn") .toggle(this.frm.doc.docstatus===0); $(this.wrapper).find('input, button').prop("disabled", !(this.frm.doc.docstatus===0)); this.wrapper.find(".pos-item-area").toggleClass("hide", me.frm.doc.docstatus!==0); }, set_primary_action: function() { var me = this; if (this.frm.page.current_view_name==="main") return; if (this.frm.doctype == "Sales Invoice" && this.frm.doc.docstatus===0) { if (!this.frm.doc.is_pos) { this.frm.set_value("is_pos", 1); } this.frm.page.set_primary_action(__("Pay"), function() { me.make_payment(); }); } else if (this.frm.doc.docstatus===1) { this.frm.page.set_primary_action(__("New"), function() { erpnext.open_as_pos = true; new_doc(me.frm.doctype); }); } }, refresh_delete_btn: function() { $(this.wrapper).find(".remove-items").toggle($(".item-cart .warning").length ? true : false); }, remove_selected_items: function() { var me = this; var selected_items = []; var no_of_items = $(this.wrapper).find("#cart tbody tr").length; for(var x=0; x<=no_of_items - 1; x++) { var row = $(this.wrapper).find("#cart tbody tr:eq(" + x + ")"); if(row.attr("data-selected") == "true") { selected_items.push(row.attr("id")); } } var child = this.frm.doc["items"] || []; $.each(child, function(i, d) { for (var i in selected_items) { if (d.item_code == selected_items[i]) { frappe.model.clear_doc(d.doctype, d.name); } } }); this.refresh_grid(); }, refresh_grid: function() { this.frm.dirty(); this.frm.fields_dict["items"].grid.refresh(); this.frm.script_manager.trigger("calculate_taxes_and_totals"); this.refresh(); }, with_modes_of_payment: function(callback) { var me = this; if(me.modes_of_payment) { callback(); } else { me.modes_of_payment = []; $.ajax("/api/resource/Mode of Payment").success(function(data) { $.each(data.data, function(i, d) { me.modes_of_payment.push(d.name); }); callback(); }); } }, make_payment: function() { var me = this; var no_of_items = this.frm.doc.items.length; if (no_of_items == 0) msgprint(__("Payment cannot be made for empty cart")); else { this.with_modes_of_payment(function() { // prefer cash payment! var default_mode = me.modes_of_payment.indexOf(__("Cash"))!==-1 ? __("Cash") : undefined; // show payment wizard var dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({ width: 400, title: 'Payment', fields: [ {fieldtype:'Currency', fieldname:'total_amount', label: __('Total Amount'), read_only:1, "default": me.frm.doc.grand_total, read_only: 1}, {fieldtype:'Select', fieldname:'mode_of_payment', label: __('Mode of Payment'), options: me.modes_of_payment.join('\n'), reqd: 1, "default": default_mode}, {fieldtype:'Currency', fieldname:'paid_amount', label:__('Amount Paid'), reqd:1, "default": me.frm.doc.grand_total, hidden: 1, change: function() { var values = dialog.get_values(); dialog.set_value("change", Math.round(values.paid_amount - values.total_amount)); dialog.get_input("change").trigger("change"); }}, {fieldtype:'Currency', fieldname:'change', label: __('Change'), "default": 0.0, hidden: 1, change: function() { var values = dialog.get_values(); var write_off_amount = (flt(values.paid_amount) - flt(values.change)) - values.total_amount; dialog.get_field("write_off_amount").toggle(write_off_amount); dialog.set_value("write_off_amount", write_off_amount); } }, {fieldtype:'Currency', fieldname:'write_off_amount', label: __('Write Off'), default: 0.0, hidden: 1}, ] }); me.dialog = dialog; dialog.show(); // make read only dialog.get_input("total_amount").prop("disabled", true); dialog.get_input("write_off_amount").prop("disabled", true); // toggle amount paid and change dialog.get_input("mode_of_payment").on("change", function() { var is_cash = dialog.get_value("mode_of_payment") === __("Cash"); dialog.get_field("paid_amount").toggle(is_cash); dialog.get_field("change").toggle(is_cash); if (is_cash && !dialog.get_value("change")) { // set to nearest 5 var paid_amount = 5 * Math.ceil(dialog.get_value("total_amount") / 5); dialog.set_value("paid_amount", paid_amount); dialog.get_input("paid_amount").trigger("change"); } }).trigger("change"); me.set_pay_button(dialog); }); } }, set_pay_button: function(dialog) { var me = this; dialog.set_primary_action(__("Pay"), function() { var values = dialog.get_values(); var is_cash = values.mode_of_payment === __("Cash"); if (!is_cash) { values.write_off_amount = values.change = 0.0; values.paid_amount = values.total_amount; } me.frm.set_value("mode_of_payment", values.mode_of_payment); var paid_amount = flt((flt(values.paid_amount) - flt(values.change)) / me.frm.doc.conversion_rate, precision("paid_amount")); me.frm.set_value("paid_amount", paid_amount); // specifying writeoff amount here itself, so as to avoid recursion issue me.frm.set_value("write_off_amount", me.frm.doc.base_grand_total - paid_amount); me.frm.set_value("outstanding_amount", 0); me.frm.savesubmit(this); dialog.hide(); me.refresh(); }) } }); erpnext.pos.make_pos_btn = function(frm) { // Show POS button only if it is enabled from features setup if (cint(sys_defaults.fs_pos_view)!==1 || frm.doctype==="Material Request") { return; } if(!frm.pos_btn) { frm.pos_btn = frm.page.add_action_icon("icon-th", function() { erpnext.pos.toggle(frm) }); } if(erpnext.open_as_pos && frm.page.current_view_name !== "pos") { erpnext.pos.toggle(frm, true); } } erpnext.pos.toggle = function(frm, show) { // Check whether it is Selling or Buying cycle var price_list = frappe.meta.has_field(cur_frm.doc.doctype, "selling_price_list") ? frm.doc.selling_price_list : frm.doc.buying_price_list; if(show!==undefined) { if((show===true && frm.page.current_view_name === "pos") || (show===false && frm.page.current_view_name === "main")) { return; } } if(frm.page.current_view_name!=="pos") { // before switching, ask for pos name if(!price_list) { frappe.throw(__("Please select Price List")); } if(!frm.doc.company) { frappe.throw(__("Please select Company")); } } // make pos if(!frm.pos) { var wrapper = frm.page.add_view("pos", "
"); frm.pos = new erpnext.pos.PointOfSale(wrapper, frm); } // toggle view frm.page.set_view(frm.page.current_view_name==="pos" ? "main" : "pos"); frm.toolbar.current_status = null; frm.refresh(); // refresh if(frm.page.current_view_name==="pos") { frm.pos.refresh(); } }