frappe.provide('erpnext.stock'); erpnext.stock.ItemDashboard = class ItemDashboard { constructor(opts) { $.extend(this, opts); this.make(); } make() { var me = this; this.start = 0; if (!this.sort_by) { this.sort_by = 'projected_qty'; this.sort_order = 'asc'; } this.content = $(frappe.render_template('item_dashboard')).appendTo(this.parent); this.result = this.content.find('.result'); this.content.on('click', '.btn-move', function () { handle_move_add($(this), "Move"); }); this.content.on('click', '.btn-add', function () { handle_move_add($(this), "Add"); }); this.content.on('click', '.btn-edit', function () { let item = unescape($(this).attr('data-item')); let warehouse = unescape($(this).attr('data-warehouse')); let company = unescape($(this).attr('data-company')); frappe.db.get_value('Putaway Rule', { 'item_code': item, 'warehouse': warehouse, 'company': company }, 'name', (r) => { frappe.set_route("Form", "Putaway Rule",; }); }); function handle_move_add(element, action) { let item = unescape(element.attr('data-item')); let warehouse = unescape(element.attr('data-warehouse')); let actual_qty = unescape(element.attr('data-actual_qty')); let disable_quick_entry = Number(unescape(element.attr('data-disable_quick_entry'))); let entry_type = action === "Move" ? "Material Transfer" : null; if (disable_quick_entry) { open_stock_entry(item, warehouse, entry_type); } else { if (action === "Add") { let rate = unescape($(this).attr('data-rate')); erpnext.stock.move_item(item, null, warehouse, actual_qty, rate, function () { me.refresh(); }); } else { erpnext.stock.move_item(item, warehouse, null, actual_qty, null, function () { me.refresh(); }); } } } function open_stock_entry(item, warehouse, entry_type) { frappe.model.with_doctype('Stock Entry', function () { var doc = frappe.model.get_new_doc('Stock Entry'); if (entry_type) doc.stock_entry_type = entry_type; var row = frappe.model.add_child(doc, 'items'); row.item_code = item; row.s_warehouse = warehouse; frappe.set_route('Form', doc.doctype,; }); } // more this.content.find('.btn-more').on('click', function () { me.start += me.page_length; me.refresh(); }); } refresh() { if(this.before_refresh) { this.before_refresh(); } let args = { item_code: this.item_code, warehouse: this.warehouse, parent_warehouse: this.parent_warehouse, item_group: this.item_group, company:, start: this.start, sort_by: this.sort_by, sort_order: this.sort_order }; var me = this;{ method: this.method, args: args, callback: function (r) { me.render(r.message); if(me.after_refresh) { me.after_refresh(); } } }); } render(data) { if (this.start===0) { this.max_count = 0; this.result.empty(); } let context = ""; if (this.page_name === "warehouse-capacity-summary") { context = this.get_capacity_dashboard_data(data); } else { context = this.get_item_dashboard_data(data, this.max_count, true); } this.max_count = this.max_count; // show more button if (data && data.length === (this.page_length + 1)) { this.content.find('.more').removeClass('hidden'); // remove the last element data.splice(-1); } else { this.content.find('.more').addClass('hidden'); } // If not any stock in any warehouses provide a message to end user if ( > 0) { this.content.find('.result').css('text-align', 'unset'); $(frappe.render_template(this.template, context)).appendTo(this.result); } else { var message = __("No Stock Available Currently"); this.content.find('.result').css('text-align', 'center'); $(`