--- { "_label": "How to Build ERPNext Documentation" } --- This page explains how to build the ERPNext documentation. The documentation sources are in the [`docs` folder of the erpnext repository](https://github.com/webnotes/erpnext/tree/master/docs). The source files are in markdown format and they have a custom header that is separated by `---` ## Documentation Header The header contains the title of the page and sub pages (table of contents) in any. Example of a simple header with title is: --- { "_label": "How to Build ERPNext Documentation" } --- #### Adding Table of Contents Table of contents is added by setting the `_toc` property as below: --- { "_label": "Developer", "_toc": [ "docs.dev.install", "docs.dev.quickstart", "docs.dev.framework", "docs.dev.api", "docs.dev.modules", "docs.dev.translate" ] } --- ## Building the Output pages Once the sources have been edited / updated, to build the documentation, login into your local ERPNext account. 1. Open __Documenation Tool__ by adding `#Form/Documentation Tool` to the address bar. 1. Check on all the pages to be generated 1. Click on "Make Docs" All the output pages are generated in the `public/docs` folder