# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import webnotes from webnotes.utils import nowdate, nowtime, cstr from accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year def execute(): item_map = {} for item in webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from tabItem""", as_dict=1): item_map.setdefault(item.name, item) warehouse_map = get_warehosue_map() naming_series = "STE/13/" for company in webnotes.conn.sql("select name from tabCompany"): stock_entry = [{ "doctype": "Stock Entry", "naming_series": naming_series, "posting_date": nowdate(), "posting_time": nowtime(), "purpose": "Material Transfer", "company": company[0], "remarks": "Material Transfer to activate perpetual inventory", "fiscal_year": get_fiscal_year(nowdate())[0] }] expense_account = "Cost of Goods Sold - NISL" cost_center = "Default CC Ledger - NISL" for bin in webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from tabBin bin where ifnull(item_code, '')!='' and ifnull(warehouse, '') in (%s) and ifnull(actual_qty, 0) != 0 and (select company from tabWarehouse where name=bin.warehouse)=%s""" % (', '.join(['%s']*len(warehouse_map)), '%s'), (warehouse_map.keys() + [company[0]]), as_dict=1): item_details = item_map[bin.item_code] new_warehouse = warehouse_map[bin.warehouse].get("fixed_asset_warehouse") \ if cstr(item_details.is_asset_item) == "Yes" \ else warehouse_map[bin.warehouse].get("current_asset_warehouse") if item_details.has_serial_no == "Yes": serial_no = "\n".join([d[0] for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from `tabSerial No` where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s and status in ('Available', 'Sales Returned')""", (bin.item_code, bin.warehouse))]) else: serial_no = None stock_entry.append({ "doctype": "Stock Entry Detail", "parentfield": "mtn_details", "s_warehouse": bin.warehouse, "t_warehouse": new_warehouse, "item_code": bin.item_code, "description": item_details.description, "qty": bin.actual_qty, "transfer_qty": bin.actual_qty, "uom": item_details.stock_uom, "stock_uom": item_details.stock_uom, "conversion_factor": 1, "expense_account": expense_account, "cost_center": cost_center, "serial_no": serial_no }) webnotes.bean(stock_entry).insert() def get_warehosue_map(): return { "MAHAPE": { "current_asset_warehouse": "Mahape-New - NISL", "fixed_asset_warehouse": "" }, "DROP SHIPMENT": { "current_asset_warehouse": "Drop Shipment-New - NISL", "fixed_asset_warehouse": "" }, "TRANSIT": { "current_asset_warehouse": "Transit-New - NISL", "fixed_asset_warehouse": "" }, "ASSET - MAHAPE": { "current_asset_warehouse": "", "fixed_asset_warehouse": "Assets-New - NISL" } }