from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe def execute(): if frappe.db.table_exists("Time Log") and "employee" in frappe.db.get_table_columns("Time Log"): timesheet = frappe.db.sql("""select tl.employee as employee, as name, tl.modified as modified, tl.modified_by as modified_by, tl.creation as creation, tl.owner as owner from `tabTimesheet` ts, `tabTimesheet Detail` tsd, `tabTime Log` tl where tsd.parent = and tl.from_time = tsd.from_time and tl.to_time = tsd.to_time and tl.hours = tsd.hours and tl.billing_rate = tsd.billing_rate and tsd.idx=1 and tl.docstatus < 2 and (ts.employee = '' or ts.employee is null)""", as_dict=1) for data in timesheet: ts_doc = frappe.get_doc('Timesheet', if len(ts_doc.time_logs) == 1: frappe.db.sql(""" update `tabTimesheet` set creation = %(creation)s, owner = %(owner)s, modified = %(modified)s, modified_by = %(modified_by)s, employee = %(employee)s where name = %(name)s""", data)