frappe.provide("erpnext.pos"); {% include "erpnext/public/js/controllers/taxes_and_totals.js" %} frappe.pages['pos'].on_page_load = function (wrapper) { var page = frappe.ui.make_app_page({ parent: wrapper, title: __('Point of Sale'), single_column: true }); frappe.db.get_value('POS Settings', {name: 'POS Settings'}, 'is_online', (r) => { if (r && r.use_pos_in_offline_mode && cint(r.use_pos_in_offline_mode)) { // offline wrapper.pos = new erpnext.pos.PointOfSale(wrapper); cur_pos = wrapper.pos; } else { // online frappe.flags.is_online = true frappe.set_route('point-of-sale'); } }); } frappe.pages['pos'].refresh = function (wrapper) { window.onbeforeunload = function () { return wrapper.pos.beforeunload() } if (frappe.flags.is_online) { frappe.set_route('point-of-sale'); } } erpnext.pos.PointOfSale = erpnext.taxes_and_totals.extend({ init: function (wrapper) { this.page_len = 20; this.freeze = false; =; this.wrapper = $(wrapper).find('.page-content'); this.set_indicator(); this.onload(); this.make_menu_list(); this.bind_events(); this.bind_items_event(); this.si_docs = this.get_doc_from_localstorage(); }, beforeunload: function (e) { if (this.connection_status == false && frappe.get_route()[0] == "pos") { e = e || window.event; // For IE and Firefox prior to version 4 if (e) { e.returnValue = __("You are in offline mode. You will not be able to reload until you have network."); return } // For Safari return __("You are in offline mode. You will not be able to reload until you have network."); } }, check_internet_connection: function () { var me = this; //Check Internet connection after every 30 seconds setInterval(function () { me.set_indicator(); }, 5000) }, set_indicator: function () { var me = this; // navigator.onLine this.connection_status = false;"Offline"), "grey"){ method: "", callback: function (r) { if (r.message) { me.connection_status = true;"Online"), "green") } } }) }, onload: function () { var me = this; this.get_data_from_server(function () { me.make_control(); me.create_new(); me.make(); }); }, make_menu_list: function () { var me = this;; // for mobile"Pay"), function () { me.validate(); me.update_paid_amount_status(true); me.create_invoice(); me.make_payment(); }).addClass('visible-xs');"New Sales Invoice"), function () { me.save_previous_entry(); me.create_new(); })"Sync Master Data"), function () { me.get_data_from_server(function () { me.load_data(false); me.make_item_list(); me.set_missing_values(); }) });"Sync Offline Invoices"), function () { me.freeze_screen = true; me.sync_sales_invoice() });"POS Profile"), function () { frappe.set_route('List', 'POS Profile'); }); }, email_prompt: function() { var me = this; var fields = [{label:__("To"), fieldtype:"Data", reqd: 0, fieldname:"recipients",length:524288}, {fieldtype: "Section Break", collapsible: 1, label: "CC & Standard Reply"}, {fieldtype: "Section Break"}, {label:__("Subject"), fieldtype:"Data", reqd: 1, fieldname:"subject",length:524288}, {fieldtype: "Section Break"}, {label:__("Message"), fieldtype:"Text Editor", reqd: 1, fieldname:"content"}, {fieldtype: "Section Break"}, {fieldtype: "Column Break"}]; this.email_dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({ title: "Email", fields: fields, primary_action_label: __("Send"), primary_action: function() { me.send_action(); } }); }, send_action: function() { this.email_queue = this.get_email_queue() this.email_queue[this.frm.doc.offline_pos_name] = JSON.stringify(this.email_dialog.get_values()) this.update_email_queue() this.email_dialog.hide() }, update_email_queue: function () { try { localStorage.setItem('email_queue', JSON.stringify(this.email_queue)); } catch (e) { frappe.throw(__("LocalStorage is full, did not save")) } }, get_email_queue: function () { try { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('email_queue')) || {}; } catch (e) { return {} } }, get_customers_details: function () { try { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('customer_details')) || {}; } catch (e) { return {} } }, edit_record: function () { var me = this; doc_data = this.get_invoice_doc(this.si_docs); if (doc_data) { this.frm.doc = doc_data[0][this.frm.doc.offline_pos_name]; this.set_missing_values(); this.refresh(false); this.toggle_input_field(); this.list_dialog && this.list_dialog.hide(); } }, delete_records: function () { var me = this; this.validate_list() this.remove_doc_from_localstorage() this.update_localstorage(); this.toggle_delete_button(); }, validate_list: function() { var me = this; this.si_docs = this.get_submitted_invoice() $.each(this.removed_items, function(index, pos_name){ $.each(me.si_docs, function(key, data){ if(me.si_docs[key][pos_name] && me.si_docs[key][pos_name].offline_pos_name == pos_name ){ frappe.throw(__("Submitted orders can not be deleted")) } }) }) }, toggle_delete_button: function () { var me = this; if(this.pos_profile_data["allow_delete"]) { if (this.removed_items && this.removed_items.length > 0) { $('.btn-danger').show(); } else { $('.btn-danger').hide(); } } }, get_doctype_status: function (doc) { if (doc.docstatus == 0) { return { status: "Draft", indicator: "red" } } else if (doc.outstanding_amount == 0) { return { status: "Paid", indicator: "green" } } else { return { status: "Submitted", indicator: "blue" } } }, set_missing_values: function () { var me = this; doc = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('doc')) if (this.frm.doc.payments.length == 0) { this.frm.doc.payments = doc.payments; this.calculate_outstanding_amount(); } this.set_customer_value_in_party_field(); if (!this.frm.doc.write_off_account) { this.frm.doc.write_off_account = doc.write_off_account } if (!this.frm.doc.account_for_change_amount) { this.frm.doc.account_for_change_amount = doc.account_for_change_amount } }, set_customer_value_in_party_field: function() { if (this.frm.doc.customer) { this.party_field.$input.val(this.frm.doc.customer); } }, get_invoice_doc: function (si_docs) { var me = this; this.si_docs = this.get_doc_from_localstorage(); return $.grep(this.si_docs, function (data) { for (key in data) { return key == me.frm.doc.offline_pos_name; } }) }, get_data_from_server: function (callback) { var me = this;{ method: "erpnext.accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.pos.get_pos_data", freeze: true, freeze_message: __("Master data syncing, it might take some time"), callback: function (r) { localStorage.setItem('doc', JSON.stringify(r.message.doc)); me.init_master_data(r) me.set_interval_for_si_sync(); me.check_internet_connection(); if (callback) { callback(); } } }) }, init_master_data: function (r) { var me = this; this.doc = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('doc')); this.meta = r.message.meta; this.item_data = r.message.items; this.item_groups = r.message.item_groups; this.customers = r.message.customers; this.serial_no_data = r.message.serial_no_data; this.batch_no_data = r.message.batch_no_data; this.barcode_data = r.message.barcode_data; this.tax_data = r.message.tax_data; this.contacts = r.message.contacts; this.address = r.message.address || {}; this.price_list_data = r.message.price_list_data; this.bin_data = r.message.bin_data; this.pricing_rules = r.message.pricing_rules; this.print_template = r.message.print_template; this.pos_profile_data = r.message.pos_profile; this.default_customer = r.message.default_customer || null; this.print_settings = locals[":Print Settings"]["Print Settings"]; this.letter_head = (this.pos_profile_data.length > 0) ? frappe.boot.letter_heads[this.pos_profile_data[letter_head]] : {}; }, save_previous_entry: function () { if (this.frm.doc.docstatus < 1 && this.frm.doc.items.length > 0) { this.create_invoice(); } }, create_new: function () { var me = this; this.frm = {} this.load_data(true); this.setup(); this.set_default_customer() }, load_data: function (load_doc) { var me = this; this.items = this.item_data; this.actual_qty_dict = {}; if (load_doc) { this.frm.doc = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('doc')); this.frm.doc.offline_pos_name = null; } $.each(this.meta, function (i, data) { frappe.meta.sync(data) locals["DocType"][] = data; }) this.print_template_data = frappe.render_template("print_template", { content: this.print_template, title: "POS", base_url: frappe.urllib.get_base_url(), print_css: frappe.boot.print_css, print_settings: this.print_settings, header: this.letter_head.header, footer: this.letter_head.footer, landscape: false, columns: [] }) }, setup: function () { this.set_primary_action(); this.party_field.$input.attr('disabled', false); if(this.selected_row) { this.selected_row.hide() } }, set_default_customer: function() { if (this.default_customer && !this.frm.doc.customer) { this.party_field.$input.val(this.default_customer); this.frm.doc.customer = this.default_customer;; this.toggle_list_customer(false) this.toggle_item_cart(true) } }, set_transaction_defaults: function (party) { var me = this; = party; this.price_list = (party == "Customer" ? this.frm.doc.selling_price_list : this.frm.doc.buying_price_list); this.price_list_field = (party == "Customer" ? "selling_price_list" : "buying_price_list"); this.sales_or_purchase = (party == "Customer" ? "Sales" : "Purchase"); }, make: function () { this.make_item_list(); this.make_discount_field() }, make_control: function() { this.frm = {} this.frm.doc = this.doc this.set_transaction_defaults("Customer"); this.frm.doc["allow_user_to_edit_rate"] = this.pos_profile_data["allow_user_to_edit_rate"] ? true : false, this.wrapper.html(frappe.render_template("pos", this.frm.doc)); this.make_search(); this.make_customer(); this.make_list_customers(); this.bind_numeric_keypad(); }, make_search: function () { var me = this; this.serach_item = frappe.ui.form.make_control({ df: { "fieldtype": "Data", "label": "Item", "fieldname": "pos_item", "placeholder": __("Search Item") }, parent: this.wrapper.find(".search-item"), only_input: true, }); this.serach_item.make_input(); this.serach_item.$input.on("keypress", function (event) { clearTimeout(me.last_search_timeout); me.last_search_timeout = setTimeout(() => { if((me.serach_item.$input.val() != "") || (event.which == 13)) { me.items = me.get_items(); me.make_item_list(); } }, 400); }); this.search_item_group = this.wrapper.find('.search-item-group'); sorted_item_groups = this.get_sorted_item_groups() var dropdown_html = { return "
  • "+item_group+"
  • "; }).join(""); this.search_item_group.find('.dropdown-menu').html(dropdown_html); this.search_item_group.on('click', '.dropdown-menu a', function() { me.selected_item_group = $(this).attr('data-value'); me.search_item_group.find('.dropdown-text').text(me.selected_item_group); me.page_len = 20; me.items = me.get_items(); me.make_item_list(); }) me.toggle_more_btn(); this.wrapper.on("click", ".btn-more", function() { me.page_len += 20; me.items = me.get_items(); me.make_item_list(); me.toggle_more_btn(); });"click", ".edit-customer-btn", function() { me.update_customer() }) }, get_sorted_item_groups: function() { list = {} $.each(this.item_groups, function(i, data) { list[i] = data[0] }) return Object.keys(list).sort(function(a,b){return list[a]-list[b]}) }, toggle_more_btn: function() { if(!this.items || this.items.length <= this.page_len) { this.wrapper.find(".btn-more").hide(); } else { this.wrapper.find(".btn-more").show(); } }, toggle_totals_area: function(show) { if(show === undefined) { show = this.is_totals_area_collapsed; } var totals_area = this.wrapper.find('.totals-area'); totals_area.find('.net-total-area, .tax-area, .discount-amount-area') .toggle(show); if(show) { totals_area.find('.collapse-btn i') .removeClass('octicon-chevron-down') .addClass('octicon-chevron-up'); } else { totals_area.find('.collapse-btn i') .removeClass('octicon-chevron-up') .addClass('octicon-chevron-down'); } this.is_totals_area_collapsed = !show; }, make_list_customers: function () { var me = this; this.list_customers_btn ='.list-customers-btn'); this.add_customer_btn = this.wrapper.find('.add-customer-btn'); this.pos_bill = this.wrapper.find('.pos-bill-wrapper').hide(); this.list_customers = this.wrapper.find('.list-customers'); this.numeric_keypad = this.wrapper.find('.numeric_keypad'); this.list_customers_btn.addClass("view_customer") me.render_list_customers(); me.toggle_totals_area(false);'click', '.list-customers-btn', function() { $(this).toggleClass("view_customer"); if($(this).hasClass("view_customer")) { me.render_list_customers();; me.pos_bill.hide(); me.numeric_keypad.hide(); me.toggle_delete_button() } else { if(me.frm.doc.docstatus == 0) { me.party_field.$input.attr('disabled', false); }; me.toggle_totals_area(false); me.toggle_delete_button() me.list_customers.hide();; } }); this.add_customer_btn.on('click', function() { me.save_previous_entry(); me.create_new(); me.refresh(); me.set_focus(); }); this.pos_bill.on('click', '.collapse-btn', function() { me.toggle_totals_area(); }); }, bind_numeric_keypad: function() { var me = this; $(this.numeric_keypad).find('.pos-operation').on('click', function(){ me.numeric_val = ''; }) $(this.numeric_keypad).find('.numeric-keypad').on('click', function(){ me.numeric_id = $(this).attr("id") || me.numeric_id; me.val = $(this).attr("val") if(me.numeric_id) { me.selected_field = $(me.wrapper).find('.selected-item').find('.' + me.numeric_id) } if(me.val && me.numeric_id) { me.numeric_val += me.val; me.selected_field.val(flt(me.numeric_val)) me.selected_field.trigger("change") // me.render_selected_item() } if(me.numeric_id && $(this).hasClass('pos-operation')) { me.numeric_keypad.find('button.pos-operation').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); me.selected_row.find('.pos-list-row').removeClass('active'); me.selected_field.closest('.pos-list-row').addClass('active'); } }) $(this.numeric_keypad).find('.numeric-del').click(function(){ if(me.numeric_id) { me.selected_field = $(me.wrapper).find('.selected-item').find('.' + me.numeric_id) me.numeric_val = cstr(flt(me.selected_field.val())).slice(0, -1); me.selected_field.val(me.numeric_val); me.selected_field.trigger("change") } else { //Remove an item from the cart, if focus is at selected item me.remove_selected_item() } }) $(this.numeric_keypad).find('.pos-pay').click(function(){ me.validate(); me.update_paid_amount_status(true); me.create_invoice(); me.make_payment(); }) }, remove_selected_item: function() { this.remove_item = [] idx = $(this.wrapper).find(".pos-selected-item-action").attr("data-idx") this.remove_item.push(idx) this.remove_zero_qty_item() this.update_paid_amount_status(false) }, render_list_customers: function () { var me = this; this.removed_items = []; // this.list_customers.empty(); this.si_docs = this.get_doc_from_localstorage(); if (!this.si_docs.length) { this.list_customers.find('.list-customers-table').html(""); return; } var html = ""; if(this.si_docs.length) { this.si_docs.forEach(function (data, i) { for (var key in data) { html += frappe.render_template("pos_invoice_list", { sr: i + 1, name: key, customer: data[key].customer, paid_amount: format_currency(data[key].paid_amount, me.frm.doc.currency), grand_total: format_currency(data[key].grand_total, me.frm.doc.currency), data: me.get_doctype_status(data[key]) }); } }); } this.list_customers.find('.list-customers-table').html(html); this.list_customers.on('click', '.customer-row', function () { me.list_customers.hide();; me.list_customers_btn.toggleClass("view_customer");;; me.frm.doc.offline_pos_name = $(this).parents().attr('invoice-name') me.edit_record(); }) //actions $(this.wrapper).find('.list-select-all').click(function () { me.list_customers.find('.list-delete').prop("checked", $(this).is(":checked")) me.removed_items = []; if ($(this).is(":checked")) { $.each(me.si_docs, function (index, data) { for (key in data) { me.removed_items.push(key) } }); } me.toggle_delete_button(); }); $(this.wrapper).find('.list-delete').click(function () { me.frm.doc.offline_pos_name = $(this).parent().parent().attr('invoice-name'); if ($(this).is(":checked")) { me.removed_items.push(me.frm.doc.offline_pos_name); } else { me.removed_items.pop(me.frm.doc.offline_pos_name) } me.toggle_delete_button(); }); }, bind_delete_event: function() { var me = this; $('click', '.btn-danger', function(){ frappe.confirm(__("Delete permanently?"), function () { me.delete_records(); me.list_customers.find('.list-customers-table').html(""); me.render_list_customers(); }) }) }, set_focus: function () { if (this.default_customer || this.frm.doc.customer) { this.set_customer_value_in_party_field(); this.serach_item.$input.focus(); } else { this.party_field.$input.focus(); } }, make_customer: function () { var me = this; if(!this.party_field) { if('.pos-bill-toolbar').length === 0) { $(frappe.render_template('customer_toolbar', { allow_delete: this.pos_profile_data["allow_delete"] })).insertAfter($title_area.hide()); } this.party_field = frappe.ui.form.make_control({ df: { "fieldtype": "Data", "options":, "label":, "fieldname":, "placeholder": __("Select or add new customer") }, parent:".party-area"), only_input: true, }); this.party_field.make_input(); setTimeout(this.set_focus.bind(this), 500); me.toggle_delete_button(); } this.party_field.awesomeplete = new Awesomplete(this.party_field.$input.get(0), { minChars: 0, maxItems: 99, autoFirst: true, list: [], filter: function (item, input) { if (item.value.includes('is_action')) { return true; } input = input.toLowerCase(); item = this.get_item(item.value); result = item ? item.searchtext.includes(input) : ''; if(!result) { me.prepare_customer_mapper(input); } else { return result; } }, item: function (item, input) { var d = this.get_item(item.value); var html = "" + __(d.label || d.value) + ""; if(d.customer_name) { html += '
    ' + __(d.customer_name) + ''; } return $('
  • ') .data('item.autocomplete', d) .html('

    ' + html + '

    ') .get(0); } }); this.prepare_customer_mapper() this.autocomplete_customers(); this.party_field.$input .on('input', function (e) { if(me.customers_mapper.length <= 1) { me.prepare_customer_mapper(; } me.party_field.awesomeplete.list = me.customers_mapper; }) .on('awesomplete-select', function (e) { var customer = me.party_field.awesomeplete .get_item(e.originalEvent.text.value); if (!customer) return; // create customer link if (customer.action) { customer.action.apply(me); return; } me.toggle_list_customer(false); me.toggle_edit_button(true); me.update_customer_data(customer); me.refresh(); me.set_focus(); me.list_customers_btn.removeClass("view_customer"); }) .on('focus', function (e) { $('').trigger('input'); me.toggle_edit_button(false); if(me.frm.doc.items.length) { me.toggle_list_customer(false) me.toggle_item_cart(true) } else { me.toggle_list_customer(true) me.toggle_item_cart(false) } }) .on("awesomplete-selectcomplete", function (e) { var item = me.party_field.awesomeplete .get_item(e.originalEvent.text.value); // clear text input if item is action if (item.action) { $(this).val(""); } }); }, prepare_customer_mapper: function(key) { var me = this; var customer_data = ''; if (key) { key = key.toLowerCase().trim(); var re = new RegExp('%', 'g'); var reg = new RegExp(key.replace(re, '\\w*\\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]*')); customer_data = $.grep(this.customers, function(data) { contact = me.contacts[]; if(reg.test( || reg.test(data.customer_name.toLowerCase()) || (contact && reg.test(contact["mobile_no"])) || (contact && reg.test(contact["phone"])) || (data.customer_group && reg.test(data.customer_group.toLowerCase()))){ return data; } }) } else { customer_data = this.customers; } this.customers_mapper = []; customer_data.forEach(function (c, index) { if(index < 30) { contact = me.contacts[]; if(contact && !c['phone']) { c["phone"] = contact["phone"]; c["email_id"] = contact["email_id"]; c["mobile_no"] = contact["mobile_no"]; } me.customers_mapper.push({ label:, value:, customer_name: c.customer_name, customer_group: c.customer_group, territory: c.territory, phone: contact ? contact["phone"] : '', mobile_no: contact ? contact["mobile_no"] : '', email_id: contact ? contact["email_id"] : '', searchtext: ['customer_name', 'customer_group', 'name', 'value', 'label', 'email_id', 'phone', 'mobile_no'] .map(key => c[key]).join(' ') .toLowerCase() }); } else { return; } }); this.customers_mapper.push({ label: "" + " " + __("Create a new Customer") + "", value: 'is_action', action: me.add_customer }); }, autocomplete_customers: function() { this.party_field.awesomeplete.list = this.customers_mapper; }, toggle_edit_button: function(flag) {'.edit-customer-btn').toggle(flag); }, toggle_list_customer: function(flag) { this.list_customers.toggle(flag); }, toggle_item_cart: function(flag) { this.wrapper.find('.pos-bill-wrapper').toggle(flag); }, add_customer: function() { this.frm.doc.customer = ""; this.update_customer(true);; }, update_customer: function (new_customer) { var me = this; this.customer_doc = new frappe.ui.Dialog({ 'title': 'Customer', fields: [ { "label": __("Full Name"), "fieldname": "full_name", "fieldtype": "Data", "reqd": 1 }, { "fieldtype": "Section Break" }, { "label": __("Email Id"), "fieldname": "email_id", "fieldtype": "Data" }, { "fieldtype": "Column Break" }, { "label": __("Contact Number"), "fieldname": "phone", "fieldtype": "Data" }, { "fieldtype": "Section Break" }, { "label": __("Address Name"), "read_only": 1, "fieldname": "name", "fieldtype": "Data" }, { "label": __("Address Line 1"), "fieldname": "address_line1", "fieldtype": "Data" }, { "label": __("Address Line 2"), "fieldname": "address_line2", "fieldtype": "Data" }, { "fieldtype": "Column Break" }, { "label": __("City"), "fieldname": "city", "fieldtype": "Data" }, { "label": __("State"), "fieldname": "state", "fieldtype": "Data" }, { "label": __("ZIP Code"), "fieldname": "pincode", "fieldtype": "Data" }, { "label": __("Customer POS Id"), "fieldname": "customer_pos_id", "fieldtype": "Data", "hidden": 1 } ] }) this.render_address_data() this.customer_doc.set_primary_action(__("Save"), function () { me.make_offline_customer(new_customer);; me.list_customers.hide(); }); }, render_address_data: function() { var me = this; this.address_data = this.address[this.frm.doc.customer] || {}; if(!this.address_data.email_id || ! { this.address_data = this.contacts[this.frm.doc.customer]; } this.customer_doc.set_values(this.address_data) if(!this.customer_doc.fields_dict.full_name.$input.val()) { this.customer_doc.set_value("full_name", this.frm.doc.customer) } if(!this.customer_doc.fields_dict.customer_pos_id.value) { this.customer_doc.set_value("customer_pos_id", $.now()) } }, get_address_from_localstorage: function() { this.address_details = this.get_customers_details() return this.address_details[this.frm.doc.customer] }, make_offline_customer: function(new_customer) { this.frm.doc.customer = this.frm.doc.customer || this.customer_doc.get_values().full_name; this.frm.doc.customer_pos_id = this.customer_doc.fields_dict.customer_pos_id.value; this.customer_details = this.get_customers_details(); this.customer_details[this.frm.doc.customer] = this.get_prompt_details(); this.party_field.$input.val(this.frm.doc.customer); this.update_address_and_customer_list(new_customer) this.autocomplete_customers(); this.update_customer_in_localstorage() this.update_customer_in_localstorage() this.customer_doc.hide() }, update_address_and_customer_list: function(new_customer) { var me = this; if(new_customer) { this.customers_mapper.push({ label: this.frm.doc.customer, value: this.frm.doc.customer, customer_group: "", territory: "" }); } this.address[this.frm.doc.customer] = JSON.parse(this.get_prompt_details()) }, get_prompt_details: function() { this.prompt_details = this.customer_doc.get_values(); this.prompt_details['country'] =; this.prompt_details['territory'] = this.pos_profile_data["territory"]; this.prompt_details['customer_group'] = this.pos_profile_data["customer_group"]; this.prompt_details['customer_pos_id'] = this.customer_doc.fields_dict.customer_pos_id.value; return JSON.stringify(this.prompt_details) }, update_customer_data: function (doc) { var me = this; this.frm.doc.customer = doc.label ||; this.frm.doc.customer_name = doc.customer_name; this.frm.doc.customer_group = doc.customer_group; this.frm.doc.territory = doc.territory;;; }, make_item_list: function () { var me = this; if (!this.price_list) { frappe.msgprint(__("Price List not found or disabled")); return; } me.item_timeout = null; var $wrap = me.wrapper.find(".item-list"); me.wrapper.find(".item-list").empty(); if (this.items.length > 0) { $.each(this.items, function(index, obj) { if(index < me.page_len) { $(frappe.render_template("pos_item", { item_code:, item_price: format_currency(me.price_list_data[], me.frm.doc.currency), item_name: === obj.item_name ? "" : obj.item_name, item_image: obj.image, item_stock: __('Stock Qty') + ": " + me.get_actual_qty(obj), color: frappe.get_palette(obj.item_name), abbr: frappe.get_abbr(obj.item_name) })).tooltip().appendTo($wrap); } }); $wrap.append(`
    Load more items
    `); me.toggle_more_btn(); } else { $("

    " +__("Not items found")+"

    ").appendTo($wrap) } if (this.items.length == 1 && this.serach_item.$input.val()) { this.serach_item.$input.val(""); this.add_to_cart(); } }, get_items: function (item_code) { // To search item as per the key enter var me = this; this.item_serial_no = {}; this.item_batch_no = {}; if (item_code) { return $.grep(this.item_data, function (item) { if (item.item_code == item_code) { return true } }) } this.items_list = this.apply_category(); key = this.serach_item.$input.val().toLowerCase().replace(/[&\/\\#,+()\[\]$~.'":*?<>{}]/g, '\\$&'); var re = new RegExp('%', 'g'); var reg = new RegExp(key.replace(re, '[\\w*\\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]*]*')) search_status = true if (key) { return $.grep(this.items_list, function (item) { if (search_status) { if (in_list(me.batch_no_data[item.item_code], me.serach_item.$input.val())) { search_status = false; return me.item_batch_no[item.item_code] = me.serach_item.$input.val() } else if (me.serial_no_data[item.item_code] && in_list(Object.keys(me.serial_no_data[item.item_code]), me.serach_item.$input.val())) { search_status = false; me.item_serial_no[item.item_code] = [me.serach_item.$input.val(), me.serial_no_data[item.item_code][me.serach_item.$input.val()]] return true } else if (in_list(me.barcode_data[item.item_code], me.serach_item.$input.val())) { search_status = false; return true; } else if (reg.test(item.item_code.toLowerCase()) || (item.description && reg.test(item.description.toLowerCase())) || reg.test(item.item_name.toLowerCase()) || reg.test(item.item_group.toLowerCase())) { return true } } }) } else { return this.items_list; } }, apply_category: function() { var me = this; category = this.selected_item_group || "All Item Groups"; if(category == 'All Item Groups') { return this.item_data } else { return this.item_data.filter(function(element, index, array){ return element.item_group == category; }); } }, bind_items_event: function() { var me = this; $(this.wrapper).on('click', '.pos-bill-item', function() { $(me.wrapper).find('.pos-bill-item').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); me.numeric_val = ""; me.numeric_id = "" me.item_code = $(this).attr("data-item-code"); me.render_selected_item() me.bind_qty_event() me.update_rate() $(me.wrapper).find(".selected-item").scrollTop(1000); }) }, bind_qty_event: function () { var me = this; $(this.wrapper).on("change", ".pos-item-qty", function () { var item_code = $(this).parents(".pos-selected-item-action").attr("data-item-code"); var qty = $(this).val(); me.update_qty(item_code, qty) me.update_value() }) $(this.wrapper).find("[data-action='increase-qty']").on("click", function () { var item_code = $(this).parents(".pos-bill-item").attr("data-item-code"); var qty = flt($(this).parents(".pos-bill-item").find('.pos-item-qty').val()) + 1; me.update_qty(item_code, qty) }) $(this.wrapper).find("[data-action='decrease-qty']").on("click", function () { var item_code = $(this).parents(".pos-bill-item").attr("data-item-code"); var qty = flt($(this).parents(".pos-bill-item").find('.pos-item-qty').val()) - 1; me.update_qty(item_code, qty) }) $(this.wrapper).on("change", ".pos-item-disc", function () { var item_code = $(this).parents(".pos-selected-item-action").attr("data-item-code"); var discount = $(this).val(); if(discount > 100){ discount = $(this).val(''); frappe.show_alert({ indicator: 'red', message: __('Discount amount cannot be greater than 100%') }); me.update_discount(item_code, discount); }else{ me.update_discount(item_code, discount); me.update_value(); } }) }, bind_events: function() { var me = this; // if form is local then allow this function // $(me.wrapper).find(".pos-item-wrapper").on("click", function () { $(this.wrapper).on("click", ".pos-item-wrapper", function () { me.item_code = ''; me.customer_validate(); if($(me.pos_bill).is(":hidden")) return; if (me.frm.doc.docstatus == 0) { me.items = me.get_items($(this).attr("data-item-code")) me.add_to_cart(); me.clear_selected_row(); } }); me.bind_delete_event() }, update_qty: function (item_code, qty) { var me = this; this.items = this.get_items(item_code); this.validate_serial_no() this.set_item_details(item_code, "qty", qty); }, update_discount: function(item_code, discount) { var me = this; this.items = this.get_items(item_code); this.set_item_details(item_code, "discount_percentage", discount); }, update_rate: function () { var me = this; $(this.wrapper).on("change", ".pos-item-price", function () { var item_code = $(this).parents(".pos-selected-item-action").attr("data-item-code"); me.set_item_details(item_code, "rate", $(this).val()); me.update_value() }) }, update_value: function() { var me = this; var fields = {qty: ".pos-item-qty", "discount_percentage": ".pos-item-disc", "rate": ".pos-item-price", "amount": ".pos-amount"} this.child_doc = this.get_child_item(this.item_code); if(me.child_doc.length) { $.each(fields, function(key, field) { $(me.selected_row).find(field).val(me.child_doc[0][key]) }) } else { this.clear_selected_row(); } }, clear_selected_row: function() { $(this.wrapper).find('.selected-item').empty(); }, render_selected_item: function() { this.child_doc = this.get_child_item(this.item_code); $(this.wrapper).find('.selected-item').empty(); if(this.child_doc.length) { this.child_doc[0]["allow_user_to_edit_rate"] = this.pos_profile_data["allow_user_to_edit_rate"] ? true : false, this.selected_row = $(frappe.render_template("pos_selected_item", this.child_doc[0])) $(this.wrapper).find('.selected-item').html(this.selected_row) } $(this.selected_row).find('.form-control').click(function(){ $(this).select(); }) }, get_child_item: function(item_code) { var me = this; return $.map(me.frm.doc.items, function(doc){ if(doc.item_code == item_code) { return doc } }) }, set_item_details: function (item_code, field, value) { var me = this; if (value < 0) { frappe.throw(__("Enter value must be positive")); } this.remove_item = [] $.each(this.frm.doc["items"] || [], function (i, d) { if (d.item_code == item_code) { if (d.serial_no && field == 'qty') { me.validate_serial_no_qty(d, item_code, field, value) } d[field] = flt(value); d.amount = flt(d.rate) * flt(d.qty); if (d.qty == 0) { me.remove_item.push(d.idx) } if(field=="discount_percentage" && value == 0) { d.rate = d.price_list_rate; } } }); if (field == 'qty') { this.remove_zero_qty_item(); } this.update_paid_amount_status(false) }, remove_zero_qty_item: function () { var me = this; var idx = 0; this.items = [] $.each(this.frm.doc["items"] || [], function (i, d) { if (!in_list(me.remove_item, d.idx)) { d.idx = idx; me.items.push(d); idx++; } }); this.frm.doc["items"] = this.items; }, make_discount_field: function () { var me = this; this.wrapper.find('').on("change", function () { me.frm.doc.additional_discount_percentage = flt($(this).val(), precision("additional_discount_percentage")); if(me.frm.doc.additional_discount_percentage && me.frm.doc.discount_amount) { // Reset discount amount me.frm.doc.discount_amount = 0; } var total = me.frm.doc.grand_total if (me.frm.doc.apply_discount_on == 'Net Total') { total = me.frm.doc.net_total } me.frm.doc.discount_amount = flt(total * flt(me.frm.doc.additional_discount_percentage) / 100, precision("discount_amount")); me.refresh(); me.wrapper.find('').val(me.frm.doc.discount_amount) }); this.wrapper.find('').on("change", function () { me.frm.doc.discount_amount = flt($(this).val(), precision("discount_amount")); me.frm.doc.additional_discount_percentage = 0.0; me.refresh(); me.wrapper.find('').val(0); }); }, customer_validate: function () { var me = this; if (!this.frm.doc.customer || this.party_field.get_value() == "") { frappe.throw(__("Please select customer")) } }, add_to_cart: function () { var me = this; var caught = false; var no_of_items = me.wrapper.find(".pos-bill-item").length; this.customer_validate(); this.mandatory_batch_no(); this.validate_serial_no(); this.validate_warehouse(); if (no_of_items != 0) { $.each(this.frm.doc["items"] || [], function (i, d) { if (d.item_code == me.items[0].item_code) { caught = true; d.qty += 1; d.amount = flt(d.rate) * flt(d.qty); if (me.item_serial_no[d.item_code]) { d.serial_no += '\n' + me.item_serial_no[d.item_code][0] d.warehouse = me.item_serial_no[d.item_code][1] } if (me.item_batch_no.length) { d.batch_no = me.item_batch_no[d.item_code] } } }); } // if item not found then add new item if (!caught) this.add_new_item_to_grid(); this.update_paid_amount_status(false) this.wrapper.find(".item-cart-items").scrollTop(1000); }, add_new_item_to_grid: function () { var me = this; this.child = frappe.model.add_child(this.frm.doc, this.frm.doc.doctype + " Item", "items"); this.child.item_code = this.items[0].item_code; this.child.item_name = this.items[0].item_name; this.child.stock_uom = this.items[0].stock_uom; this.child.brand = this.items[0].brand; this.child.description = this.items[0].description || this.items[0].item_name; this.child.discount_percentage = 0.0; this.child.qty = 1; this.child.item_group = this.items[0].item_group; this.child.cost_center = this.pos_profile_data['cost_center'] || this.items[0].cost_center; this.child.income_account = this.pos_profile_data['income_account'] || this.items[0].income_account; this.child.warehouse = (this.item_serial_no[this.child.item_code] ? this.item_serial_no[this.child.item_code][1] : (this.pos_profile_data['warehouse'] || this.items[0].default_warehouse)); this.child.price_list_rate = flt(this.price_list_data[this.child.item_code], 9) / flt(this.frm.doc.conversion_rate, 9); this.child.rate = flt(this.price_list_data[this.child.item_code], 9) / flt(this.frm.doc.conversion_rate, 9); this.child.actual_qty = me.get_actual_qty(this.items[0]); this.child.amount = flt(this.child.qty) * flt(this.child.rate); this.child.batch_no = this.item_batch_no[this.child.item_code]; this.child.serial_no = (this.item_serial_no[this.child.item_code] ? this.item_serial_no[this.child.item_code][0] : ''); this.child.item_tax_rate = JSON.stringify(this.tax_data[this.child.item_code]); }, update_paid_amount_status: function (update_paid_amount) { if (this.frm.doc.offline_pos_name) { update_paid_amount = update_paid_amount ? false : true; } this.refresh(update_paid_amount); }, refresh: function (update_paid_amount) { var me = this; this.refresh_fields(update_paid_amount); this.set_primary_action(); }, refresh_fields: function (update_paid_amount) { this.apply_pricing_rule(); this.discount_amount_applied = false; this._calculate_taxes_and_totals(); this.calculate_discount_amount(); this.show_items_in_item_cart(); this.set_taxes(); this.calculate_outstanding_amount(update_paid_amount); this.set_totals(); }, get_company_currency: function () { return erpnext.get_currency(; }, show_items_in_item_cart: function () { var me = this; var $items = this.wrapper.find(".items").empty(); var $no_items_message = this.wrapper.find(".no-items-message"); $no_items_message.toggle(this.frm.doc.items.length === 0); var $totals_area = this.wrapper.find('.totals-area'); $totals_area.toggle(this.frm.doc.items.length > 0); $.each(this.frm.doc.items || [], function (i, d) { $(frappe.render_template("pos_bill_item_new", { item_code: d.item_code, item_name: (d.item_name === d.item_code || !d.item_name) ? "" : ("
    " + d.item_name), qty: d.qty, discount_percentage: d.discount_percentage || 0.0, actual_qty: me.actual_qty_dict[d.item_code] || 0.0, projected_qty: d.projected_qty, rate: format_currency(d.rate, me.frm.doc.currency), amount: format_currency(d.amount, me.frm.doc.currency), selected_class: (me.item_code == d.item_code) ? "active" : "" })).appendTo($items); }); this.wrapper.find("input.pos-item-qty").on("focus", function () { $(this).select(); }); this.wrapper.find("input.pos-item-disc").on("focus", function () { $(this).select(); }); this.wrapper.find("input.pos-item-price").on("focus", function () { $(this).select(); }); }, set_taxes: function () { var me = this; me.frm.doc.total_taxes_and_charges = 0.0 var taxes = this.frm.doc.taxes || []; $(this.wrapper) .find(".tax-area").toggleClass("hide", (taxes && taxes.length) ? false : true) .find(".tax-table").empty(); $.each(taxes, function (i, d) { if (d.tax_amount && cint(d.included_in_print_rate) == 0) { $(frappe.render_template("pos_tax_row", { description: d.description, tax_amount: format_currency(flt(d.tax_amount_after_discount_amount), me.frm.doc.currency) })).appendTo(me.wrapper.find(".tax-table")); } }); }, set_totals: function () { var me = this; this.wrapper.find(".net-total").text(format_currency(, me.frm.doc.currency)); this.wrapper.find(".grand-total").text(format_currency(me.frm.doc.grand_total, me.frm.doc.currency)); this.wrapper.find('').val(this.frm.doc.additional_discount_percentage); this.wrapper.find('').val(this.frm.doc.discount_amount); }, set_primary_action: function () { var me = this;"New Cart"), function () { me.make_new_cart() me.make_menu_list() }, "fa fa-plus") if (this.frm.doc.docstatus == 1 || this.pos_profile_data["allow_print_before_pay"]) {"Print"), function () { me.create_invoice(); var html = frappe.render(me.print_template_data, me.frm.doc) me.print_document(html) }) } if (this.frm.doc.docstatus == 1) {"Email"), function () { me.email_prompt() }) } }, make_new_cart: function (){ this.item_code = '';; this.save_previous_entry(); this.create_new(); this.refresh(); this.toggle_input_field(); this.render_list_customers(); this.set_focus(); }, print_dialog: function () { var me = this; this.msgprint = frappe.msgprint( `${__('Print')} ${__('New')}`); $('.print_doc').click(function () { var html = frappe.render(me.print_template_data, me.frm.doc) me.print_document(html) }) $('.new_doc').click(function () { me.msgprint.hide() me.make_new_cart() }) }, print_document: function (html) { var w =; w.document.write(html); w.document.close(); setTimeout(function () { w.print(); w.close(); }, 1000) }, submit_invoice: function () { var me = this; this.change_status(); this.update_serial_no() if (this.frm.doc.docstatus == 1) { this.print_dialog() } }, update_serial_no: function() { var me = this; //Remove the sold serial no from the cache $.each(this.frm.doc.items, function(index, data) { var sn = data.serial_no.split('\n') if(sn.length) { var serial_no_list = me.serial_no_data[data.item_code] if(serial_no_list) { $.each(sn, function(i, serial_no) { if(in_list(Object.keys(serial_no_list), serial_no)) { delete serial_no_list[serial_no] } }) me.serial_no_data[data.item_code] = serial_no_list; } } }) }, change_status: function () { if (this.frm.doc.docstatus == 0) { this.frm.doc.docstatus = 1; this.update_invoice(); this.toggle_input_field(); } }, toggle_input_field: function () { var pointer_events = 'inherit' var disabled = this.frm.doc.docstatus == 1 ? true: false; $(this.wrapper).find('input').attr("disabled", disabled); $(this.wrapper).find('select').attr("disabled", disabled); $(this.wrapper).find('input').attr("disabled", disabled); $(this.wrapper).find('select').attr("disabled", disabled); $(this.wrapper).find('button').attr("disabled", disabled); this.party_field.$input.attr('disabled', disabled); if (this.frm.doc.docstatus == 1) { pointer_events = 'none'; } $(this.wrapper).find('.pos-bill').css('pointer-events', pointer_events); $(this.wrapper).find('.pos-items-section').css('pointer-events', pointer_events); this.set_primary_action(); }, create_invoice: function () { var me = this; var invoice_data = {}; this.si_docs = this.get_doc_from_localstorage(); if (this.frm.doc.offline_pos_name) { this.update_invoice() //to retrieve and set the default payment invoice_data[this.frm.doc.offline_pos_name] = this.frm.doc; invoice_data[this.frm.doc.offline_pos_name].payments[0].amount = this.frm.doc.net_total invoice_data[this.frm.doc.offline_pos_name].payments[0].base_amount = this.frm.doc.net_total this.frm.doc.paid_amount = this.frm.doc.net_total this.frm.doc.outstanding_amount = 0 } else { this.frm.doc.offline_pos_name = $.now(); this.frm.doc.posting_date = frappe.datetime.get_today(); this.frm.doc.posting_time = frappe.datetime.now_time(); this.frm.doc.pos_profile = this.pos_profile_data['name']; invoice_data[this.frm.doc.offline_pos_name] = this.frm.doc; this.si_docs.push(invoice_data); this.update_localstorage(); this.set_primary_action(); } return invoice_data; }, update_invoice: function () { var me = this; this.si_docs = this.get_doc_from_localstorage(); $.each(this.si_docs, function (index, data) { for (var key in data) { if (key == me.frm.doc.offline_pos_name) { me.si_docs[index][key] = me.frm.doc; me.update_localstorage(); } } }); }, update_localstorage: function () { try { localStorage.setItem('sales_invoice_doc', JSON.stringify(this.si_docs)); } catch (e) { frappe.throw(__("LocalStorage is full , did not save")) } }, get_doc_from_localstorage: function () { try { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('sales_invoice_doc')) || []; } catch (e) { return [] } }, set_interval_for_si_sync: function () { var me = this; setInterval(function () { me.freeze_screen = false; me.sync_sales_invoice() }, 60000) }, sync_sales_invoice: function () { var me = this; this.si_docs = this.get_submitted_invoice() || []; this.email_queue_list = this.get_email_queue() || {}; this.customers_list = this.get_customers_details() || {}; if(this.customer_doc) { this.freeze = this.customer_doc.display } freeze_screen = this.freeze_screen || false; if ((this.si_docs.length || this.email_queue_list || this.customers_list) && !this.freeze) { this.freeze = true;{ method: "erpnext.accounts.doctype.sales_invoice.pos.make_invoice", freeze: freeze_screen, args: { doc_list: me.si_docs, email_queue_list: me.email_queue_list, customers_list: me.customers_list }, callback: function (r) { if (r.message) { me.freeze = false; me.customers = r.message.synced_customers_list; me.address = r.message.synced_address; me.contacts = r.message.synced_contacts; me.removed_items = r.message.invoice; me.removed_email = r.message.email_queue; me.removed_customers = r.message.customers; me.remove_doc_from_localstorage(); me.remove_email_queue_from_localstorage(); me.remove_customer_from_localstorage(); me.prepare_customer_mapper(); me.autocomplete_customers(); me.render_list_customers(); } } }) } }, get_submitted_invoice: function () { var invoices = []; var index = 1; var docs = this.get_doc_from_localstorage(); if (docs) { invoices = $.map(docs, function (data) { for (var key in data) { if (data[key].docstatus == 1 && index < 50) { index++ data[key].docstatus = 0; return data } } }); } return invoices }, remove_doc_from_localstorage: function () { var me = this; this.si_docs = this.get_doc_from_localstorage(); this.new_si_docs = []; if (this.removed_items) { $.each(this.si_docs, function (index, data) { for (var key in data) { if (!in_list(me.removed_items, key)) { me.new_si_docs.push(data); } } }) this.removed_items = []; this.si_docs = this.new_si_docs; this.update_localstorage(); } }, remove_email_queue_from_localstorage: function() { var me = this; this.email_queue = this.get_email_queue() if (this.removed_email) { $.each(this.email_queue_list, function (index, data) { if (in_list(me.removed_email, index)) { delete me.email_queue[index] } }) this.update_email_queue(); } }, remove_customer_from_localstorage: function() { var me = this; this.customer_details = this.get_customers_details() if (this.removed_customers) { $.each(this.customers_list, function (index, data) { if (in_list(me.removed_customers, index)) { delete me.customer_details[index] } }) this.update_customer_in_localstorage(); } }, validate: function () { var me = this; this.customer_validate(); this.item_validate(); this.validate_mode_of_payments(); }, item_validate: function () { if (this.frm.doc.items.length == 0) { frappe.throw(__("Select items to save the invoice")) } }, validate_mode_of_payments: function () { if (this.frm.doc.payments.length === 0) { frappe.throw(__("Payment Mode is not configured. Please check, whether account has been set on Mode of Payments or on POS Profile.")) } }, validate_serial_no: function () { var me = this; var item_code = '' var serial_no = ''; for (var key in this.item_serial_no) { item_code = key; serial_no = me.item_serial_no[key][0]; } if (this.items[0].has_serial_no && serial_no == "") { this.refresh(); frappe.throw(__(repl("Error: Serial no is mandatory for item %(item)s", { 'item': this.items[0].item_code }))) } if (item_code && serial_no) { $.each(this.frm.doc.items, function (index, data) { if (data.item_code == item_code) { if (in_list(data.serial_no.split('\n'), serial_no)) { frappe.throw(__(repl("Serial no %(serial_no)s is already taken", { 'serial_no': serial_no }))) } } }) } }, validate_serial_no_qty: function (args, item_code, field, value) { var me = this; if (args.item_code == item_code && args.serial_no && field == 'qty' && cint(value) != value) { args.qty = 0.0; this.refresh(); frappe.throw(__("Serial no item cannot be a fraction")) } if (args.item_code == item_code && args.serial_no && args.serial_no.split('\n').length != cint(value)) { args.qty = 0.0; args.serial_no = '' this.refresh(); frappe.throw(__(repl("Total nos of serial no is not equal to quantity for item %(item)s.", { 'item': item_code }))) } }, mandatory_batch_no: function () { var me = this; if (this.items[0].has_batch_no && !this.item_batch_no[this.items[0].item_code]) { frappe.prompt([{ 'fieldname': 'batch', 'fieldtype': 'Select', 'label': __('Batch No'), 'reqd': 1, 'options': this.batch_no_data[this.items[0].item_code] }], function(values){ me.item_batch_no[me.items[0].item_code] = values.batch; }, __('Select Batch No')) } }, apply_pricing_rule: function () { var me = this; $.each(this.frm.doc["items"], function (n, item) { var pricing_rule = me.get_pricing_rule(item) me.validate_pricing_rule(pricing_rule) if (pricing_rule.length) { item.pricing_rule = pricing_rule[0].name; item.margin_type = pricing_rule[0].margin_type; item.price_list_rate = pricing_rule[0].price || item.price_list_rate; item.margin_rate_or_amount = pricing_rule[0].margin_rate_or_amount; item.discount_percentage = pricing_rule[0].discount_percentage || 0.0; me.apply_pricing_rule_on_item(item) } else if (item.pricing_rule) { item.price_list_rate = me.price_list_data[item.item_code] item.margin_rate_or_amount = 0.0; item.discount_percentage = 0.0; item.pricing_rule = null; me.apply_pricing_rule_on_item(item) } if(item.discount_percentage > 0) { me.apply_pricing_rule_on_item(item) } }) }, get_pricing_rule: function (item) { var me = this; return $.grep(this.pricing_rules, function (data) { if (item.qty >= data.min_qty && (item.qty <= (data.max_qty ? data.max_qty : item.qty))) { if (me.validate_item_condition(data, item)) { if (in_list(['Customer', 'Customer Group', 'Territory', 'Campaign'], data.applicable_for)) { return me.validate_condition(data) } else { return true } } } }) }, validate_item_condition: function (data, item) { var apply_on = frappe.model.scrub(data.apply_on); return (data.apply_on == 'Item Group') ? this.validate_item_group(data.item_group, item.item_group) : (data[apply_on] == item[apply_on]); }, validate_item_group: function (pr_item_group, cart_item_group) { //pr_item_group = pricing rule's item group //cart_item_group = cart item's item group //this.item_groups has information about item group's lft and rgt //for example: {'Foods': [12, 19]} pr_item_group = this.item_groups[pr_item_group] cart_item_group = this.item_groups[cart_item_group] return (cart_item_group[0] >= pr_item_group[0] && cart_item_group[1] <= pr_item_group[1]) }, validate_condition: function (data) { //This method check condition based on applicable for var condition = this.get_mapper_for_pricing_rule(data)[data.applicable_for] if (in_list(condition[1], condition[0])) { return true } }, get_mapper_for_pricing_rule: function (data) { return { 'Customer': [data.customer, [this.frm.doc.customer]], 'Customer Group': [data.customer_group, [this.frm.doc.customer_group, 'All Customer Groups']], 'Territory': [data.territory, [this.frm.doc.territory, 'All Territories']], 'Campaign': [data.campaign, [this.frm.doc.campaign]], } }, validate_pricing_rule: function (pricing_rule) { //This method validate duplicate pricing rule var pricing_rule_name = ''; var priority = 0; var pricing_rule_list = []; var priority_list = [] if (pricing_rule.length > 1) { $.each(pricing_rule, function (index, data) { pricing_rule_name += + ',' priority_list.push(data.priority) if (priority <= data.priority) { priority = data.priority pricing_rule_list.push(data) } }) var count = 0 $.each(priority_list, function (index, value) { if (value == priority) { count++ } }) if (priority == 0 || count > 1) { frappe.throw(__(repl("Multiple Price Rules exists with same criteria, please resolve conflict by assigning priority. Price Rules: %(pricing_rule)s", { 'pricing_rule': pricing_rule_name }))) } return pricing_rule_list } }, validate_warehouse: function () { if (this.items[0].is_stock_item && !this.items[0].default_warehouse && !this.pos_profile_data['warehouse']) { frappe.throw(__("Default warehouse is required for selected item")) } }, get_actual_qty: function (item) { this.actual_qty = 0.0; var warehouse = this.pos_profile_data['warehouse'] || item.default_warehouse; if (warehouse && this.bin_data[item.item_code]) { this.actual_qty = this.bin_data[item.item_code][warehouse] || 0; this.actual_qty_dict[item.item_code] = this.actual_qty } return this.actual_qty }, update_customer_in_localstorage: function() { var me = this; try { localStorage.setItem('customer_details', JSON.stringify(this.customer_details)); } catch (e) { frappe.throw(__("LocalStorage is full , did not save")) } } })