class CallPopup { constructor(call_log) { this.caller_number = call_log.from; this.call_log = call_log; this.setup_listener(); this.make(); } make() { this.dialog = new frappe.ui.Dialog({ 'static': true, 'minimizable': true, 'fields': [{ 'fieldname': 'name', 'label': 'Name', 'default': this.get_caller_name() || __('Unknown Caller'), 'fieldtype': 'Data', 'read_only': 1 }, { 'fieldtype': 'Button', 'label': __('Open Contact'), 'click': () => frappe.set_route('Form', 'Contact',, 'depends_on': () => }, { 'fieldtype': 'Button', 'label': __('Open Lead'), 'click': () => frappe.set_route('Form', 'Lead', this.call_log.lead), 'depends_on': () => this.call_log.lead }, { 'fieldtype': 'Button', 'label': __('Create New Contact'), 'click': () => frappe.new_doc('Contact', { 'mobile_no': this.caller_number }), 'depends_on': () => !this.get_caller_name() }, { 'fieldtype': 'Button', 'label': __('Create New Lead'), 'click': () => frappe.new_doc('Lead', { 'mobile_no': this.caller_number }), 'depends_on': () => !this.get_caller_name() }, { 'fieldtype': 'Column Break', }, { 'fieldname': 'number', 'label': 'Phone Number', 'fieldtype': 'Data', 'default': this.caller_number, 'read_only': 1 }, { 'fielname': 'last_interaction', 'fieldtype': 'Section Break', 'label': __('Activity'), 'depends_on': () => this.get_caller_name() }, { 'fieldtype': 'Small Text', 'label': __('Last Issue'), 'fieldname': 'last_issue', 'read_only': true, 'depends_on': () =>, 'default': `${__('No issue has been raised by the caller.')}` }, { 'fieldtype': 'Small Text', 'label': __('Last Communication'), 'fieldname': 'last_communication', 'read_only': true, 'default': `${__('No communication found.')}` }, { 'fieldtype': 'Section Break', }, { 'fieldtype': 'Small Text', 'label': __('Call Summary'), 'fieldname': 'call_summary', }, { 'fieldtype': 'Button', 'label': __('Save'), 'click': () => { const call_summary = this.dialog.get_value('call_summary'); if (!call_summary) return; frappe.xcall('erpnext.communication.doctype.call_log.call_log.add_call_summary', { 'call_log':, 'summary': call_summary, }).then(() => { this.close_modal(); frappe.show_alert({ message: ` ${__('Call Summary Saved')}
${__('View call log')} `, indicator: 'green' }); }); } }], }); this.set_call_status(); this.dialog.get_close_btn().show(); this.make_last_interaction_section(); this.dialog.$body.addClass('call-popup'); this.dialog.set_secondary_action(this.close_modal.bind(this)); frappe.utils.play_sound('incoming-call');; } set_indicator(color, blink=false) { let classes = `indicator ${color} ${blink ? 'blink': ''}`; this.dialog.header.find('.indicator').attr('class', classes); } set_call_status(call_status) { let title = ''; call_status = call_status || this.call_log.status; if (['Ringing'].includes(call_status) || !call_status) { title = __('Incoming call from {0}', [this.get_caller_name() || this.caller_number]); this.set_indicator('blue', true); } else if (call_status === 'In Progress') { title = __('Call Connected'); this.set_indicator('yellow'); } else if (call_status === 'Missed') { this.set_indicator('red'); title = __('Call Missed'); } else if (['Completed', 'Disconnected'].includes(call_status)) { this.set_indicator('red'); title = __('Call Disconnected'); } else { this.set_indicator('blue'); title = call_status; } this.dialog.set_title(title); } update_call_log(call_log) { this.call_log = call_log; this.set_call_status(); } close_modal() { this.dialog.hide(); delete erpnext.call_popup; } call_disconnected(call_log) { frappe.utils.play_sound('call-disconnect'); this.update_call_log(call_log); setTimeout(() => { if (!this.dialog.get_value('call_summary')) { this.close_modal(); } }, 30000); } make_last_interaction_section() { frappe.xcall('erpnext.crm.doctype.utils.get_last_interaction', { 'contact':, 'lead': this.call_log.lead }).then(data => { const comm_field = this.dialog.get_field('last_communication'); if (data.last_communication) { const comm = data.last_communication; comm_field.set_value(comm.content); } if (data.last_issue) { const issue = data.last_issue; const issue_field = this.dialog.get_field("last_issue"); issue_field.set_value(issue.subject); issue_field.$wrapper.append(` ${__('View all issues from {0}', [issue.customer])} `); } }); } get_caller_name() { let log = this.call_log; return log.contact_name || log.lead_name; } setup_listener() { frappe.realtime.on(`call_${}_disconnected`, call_log => { this.call_disconnected(call_log); // Remove call disconnect listener after the call is disconnected`call_${}_disconnected`); }); } } $(document).on('app_ready', function () { frappe.realtime.on('show_call_popup', call_log => { if (!erpnext.call_popup) { erpnext.call_popup = new CallPopup(call_log); } else { erpnext.call_popup.update_call_log(call_log);; } }); });