{% extends "templates/web.html" %} {% from "erpnext/templates/includes/macros.html" import recommended_item_row %} {% block title %} {{ title }} {% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbs %}
{% include "templates/includes/breadcrumbs.html" %}
{% endblock %} {% block page_content %}
{% from "erpnext/templates/includes/macros.html" import product_image %}
{% include "templates/generators/item/item_image.html" %} {% include "templates/generators/item/item_details.html" %}
{% set show_recommended_items = recommended_items and shopping_cart.cart_settings.enable_recommendations %} {% set info_col = 'col-9' if show_recommended_items else 'col-12' %} {% set padding_top = 'pt-0' if (show_tabs and tabs) else '' %}
{% if show_tabs and tabs %}
{{ web_block("Section with Tabs", values=tabs, add_container=0, add_top_padding=0, add_bottom_padding=0) }}
{% elif website_specifications %} {% include "templates/generators/item/item_specifications.html"%} {% endif %} {{ doc.website_content or '' }} {% if shopping_cart.cart_settings.enable_reviews and not doc.has_variants %} {% include "templates/generators/item/item_reviews.html"%} {% endif %}
{% if show_recommended_items %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block base_scripts %} {{ include_script("frappe-web.bundle.js") }} {{ include_script("controls.bundle.js") }} {{ include_script("dialog.bundle.js") }} {% endblock %}