import frappe def execute(): frappe.reload_doc("stock", "doctype", "material_request_item") frappe.reload_doc("selling", "doctype", "sales_order_item") for doctype in ["Sales Order", "Material Request"]: condition = ( " and child_doc.stock_qty > child_doc.produced_qty and ROUND(doc.per_delivered, 2) < 100" ) if doctype == "Material Request": condition = " and doc.per_ordered < 100 and doc.material_request_type = 'Manufacture'" frappe.db.sql( """ UPDATE `tab{doc}` as doc, `tab{doc} Item` as child_doc, tabItem as item SET child_doc.bom_no = item.default_bom WHERE child_doc.item_code = and child_doc.docstatus < 2 and child_doc.parent = and item.default_bom is not null and item.default_bom != '' {cond} """.format( doc=doctype, cond=condition ) )