# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe import _ from erpnext.stock.utils import update_included_uom_in_report def execute(filters=None): include_uom = filters.get("include_uom") columns = get_columns() items = get_items(filters) sl_entries = get_stock_ledger_entries(filters, items) item_details = get_item_details(items, sl_entries, include_uom) opening_row = get_opening_balance(filters, columns) data = [] conversion_factors = [] if opening_row: data.append(opening_row) for sle in sl_entries: item_detail = item_details[sle.item_code] data.append([sle.date, sle.item_code, item_detail.item_name, item_detail.item_group, item_detail.brand, item_detail.description, sle.warehouse, item_detail.stock_uom, sle.actual_qty, sle.qty_after_transaction, (sle.incoming_rate if sle.actual_qty > 0 else 0.0), sle.valuation_rate, sle.stock_value, sle.voucher_type, sle.voucher_no, sle.batch_no, sle.serial_no, sle.project, sle.company]) if include_uom: conversion_factors.append(item_detail.conversion_factor) update_included_uom_in_report(columns, data, include_uom, conversion_factors) return columns, data def get_columns(): columns = [ {"label": _("Date"), "fieldname": "date", "fieldtype": "Datetime", "width": 95}, {"label": _("Item"), "fieldname": "item_code", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Item", "width": 130}, {"label": _("Item Name"), "fieldname": "item_name", "width": 100}, {"label": _("Item Group"), "fieldname": "item_group", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Item Group", "width": 100}, {"label": _("Brand"), "fieldname": "brand", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Brand", "width": 100}, {"label": _("Description"), "fieldname": "description", "width": 200}, {"label": _("Warehouse"), "fieldname": "warehouse", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Warehouse", "width": 100}, {"label": _("Stock UOM"), "fieldname": "stock_uom", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "UOM", "width": 100}, {"label": _("Qty"), "fieldname": "actual_qty", "fieldtype": "Float", "width": 50, "convertible": "qty"}, {"label": _("Balance Qty"), "fieldname": "qty_after_transaction", "fieldtype": "Float", "width": 100, "convertible": "qty"}, {"label": _("Incoming Rate"), "fieldname": "incoming_rate", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 110, "options": "Company:company:default_currency", "convertible": "rate"}, {"label": _("Valuation Rate"), "fieldname": "valuation_rate", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 110, "options": "Company:company:default_currency", "convertible": "rate"}, {"label": _("Balance Value"), "fieldname": "stock_value", "fieldtype": "Currency", "width": 110, "options": "Company:company:default_currency"}, {"label": _("Voucher Type"), "fieldname": "voucher_type", "width": 110}, {"label": _("Voucher #"), "fieldname": "voucher_no", "fieldtype": "Dynamic Link", "options": "voucher_type", "width": 100}, {"label": _("Batch"), "fieldname": "batch_no", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Batch", "width": 100}, {"label": _("Serial #"), "fieldname": "serial_no", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Serial No", "width": 100}, {"label": _("Project"), "fieldname": "project", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Project", "width": 100}, {"label": _("Company"), "fieldname": "company", "fieldtype": "Link", "options": "Company", "width": 110} ] return columns def get_stock_ledger_entries(filters, items): item_conditions_sql = '' if items: item_conditions_sql = 'and sle.item_code in ({})'\ .format(', '.join([frappe.db.escape(i) for i in items])) return frappe.db.sql("""select concat_ws(" ", posting_date, posting_time) as date, item_code, warehouse, actual_qty, qty_after_transaction, incoming_rate, valuation_rate, stock_value, voucher_type, voucher_no, batch_no, serial_no, company, project from `tabStock Ledger Entry` sle where company = %(company)s and posting_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s {sle_conditions} {item_conditions_sql} order by posting_date asc, posting_time asc, name asc"""\ .format( sle_conditions=get_sle_conditions(filters), item_conditions_sql = item_conditions_sql ), filters, as_dict=1) def get_items(filters): conditions = [] if filters.get("item_code"): conditions.append("item.name=%(item_code)s") else: if filters.get("brand"): conditions.append("item.brand=%(brand)s") if filters.get("item_group"): conditions.append(get_item_group_condition(filters.get("item_group"))) items = [] if conditions: items = frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tabItem` item where {}""" .format(" and ".join(conditions)), filters) return items def get_item_details(items, sl_entries, include_uom): item_details = {} if not items: items = list(set([d.item_code for d in sl_entries])) if not items: return item_details cf_field = cf_join = "" if include_uom: cf_field = ", ucd.`conversion_factor`" cf_join = "LEFT JOIN `tabUOM Conversion Detail` ucd ON ucd.`parent`=item.`name` and ucd.`uom`=%(include_uom)s" for item in frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT item.`name`, item.`item_name`, item.`description`, item.`item_group`, item.`brand`, item.`stock_uom` {cf_field} FROM `tabItem` item {cf_join} where item.`name` in ({names}) """.format(cf_field=cf_field, cf_join=cf_join, names=', '.join([frappe.db.escape(i, percent=False) for i in items])), {"include_uom": include_uom}, as_dict=1): item_details.setdefault(item.name, item) return item_details def get_sle_conditions(filters): conditions = [] if filters.get("warehouse"): warehouse_condition = get_warehouse_condition(filters.get("warehouse")) if warehouse_condition: conditions.append(warehouse_condition) if filters.get("voucher_no"): conditions.append("voucher_no=%(voucher_no)s") if filters.get("batch_no"): conditions.append("batch_no=%(batch_no)s") if filters.get("project"): conditions.append("project=%(project)s") return "and {}".format(" and ".join(conditions)) if conditions else "" def get_opening_balance(filters, columns): if not (filters.item_code and filters.warehouse and filters.from_date): return from erpnext.stock.stock_ledger import get_previous_sle last_entry = get_previous_sle({ "item_code": filters.item_code, "warehouse_condition": get_warehouse_condition(filters.warehouse), "posting_date": filters.from_date, "posting_time": "00:00:00" }) row = [""]*len(columns) row[1] = _("'Opening'") for i, v in ((9, 'qty_after_transaction'), (11, 'valuation_rate'), (12, 'stock_value')): row[i] = last_entry.get(v, 0) return row def get_warehouse_condition(warehouse): warehouse_details = frappe.db.get_value("Warehouse", warehouse, ["lft", "rgt"], as_dict=1) if warehouse_details: return " exists (select name from `tabWarehouse` wh \ where wh.lft >= %s and wh.rgt <= %s and warehouse = wh.name)"%(warehouse_details.lft, warehouse_details.rgt) return '' def get_item_group_condition(item_group): item_group_details = frappe.db.get_value("Item Group", item_group, ["lft", "rgt"], as_dict=1) if item_group_details: return "item.item_group in (select ig.name from `tabItem Group` ig \ where ig.lft >= %s and ig.rgt <= %s and item.item_group = ig.name)"%(item_group_details.lft, item_group_details.rgt) return ''