# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2018, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors # For license information, please see license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe import _ import difflib from frappe.utils import flt from six import iteritems from erpnext import get_company_currency @frappe.whitelist() def reconcile(bank_transaction, payment_doctype, payment_name): transaction = frappe.get_doc("Bank Transaction", bank_transaction) payment_entry = frappe.get_doc(payment_doctype, payment_name) account = frappe.db.get_value("Bank Account", transaction.bank_account, "account") gl_entry = frappe.get_doc("GL Entry", dict(account=account, voucher_type=payment_doctype, voucher_no=payment_name)) if transaction.unallocated_amount == 0: frappe.throw(_("This bank transaction is already fully reconciled")) if transaction.credit > 0 and gl_entry.credit > 0: frappe.throw(_("The selected payment entry should be linked with a debtor bank transaction")) if transaction.debit > 0 and gl_entry.debit > 0: frappe.throw(_("The selected payment entry should be linked with a creditor bank transaction")) add_payment_to_transaction(transaction, payment_entry, gl_entry) return 'reconciled' def add_payment_to_transaction(transaction, payment_entry, gl_entry): gl_amount, transaction_amount = (gl_entry.credit, transaction.debit) if gl_entry.credit > 0 else (gl_entry.debit, transaction.credit) allocated_amount = gl_amount if gl_amount <= transaction_amount else transaction_amount transaction.append("payment_entries", { "payment_document": payment_entry.doctype, "payment_entry": payment_entry.name, "allocated_amount": allocated_amount }) transaction.save() transaction.update_allocations() @frappe.whitelist() def get_linked_payments(bank_transaction): transaction = frappe.get_doc("Bank Transaction", bank_transaction) bank_account = frappe.db.get_values("Bank Account", transaction.bank_account, ["account", "company"], as_dict=True) # Get all payment entries with a matching amount amount_matching = check_matching_amount(bank_account[0].account, bank_account[0].company, transaction) # Get some data from payment entries linked to a corresponding bank transaction description_matching = get_matching_descriptions_data(bank_account[0].company, transaction) if amount_matching: return check_amount_vs_description(amount_matching, description_matching) elif description_matching: description_matching = filter(lambda x: not x.get('clearance_date'), description_matching) if not description_matching: return [] return sorted(list(description_matching), key = lambda x: x["posting_date"], reverse=True) else: return [] def check_matching_amount(bank_account, company, transaction): payments = [] amount = transaction.credit if transaction.credit > 0 else transaction.debit payment_type = "Receive" if transaction.credit > 0 else "Pay" account_from_to = "paid_to" if transaction.credit > 0 else "paid_from" currency_field = "paid_to_account_currency as currency" if transaction.credit > 0 else "paid_from_account_currency as currency" payment_entries = frappe.get_all("Payment Entry", fields=["'Payment Entry' as doctype", "name", "paid_amount", "payment_type", "reference_no", "reference_date", "party", "party_type", "posting_date", "{0}".format(currency_field)], filters=[["paid_amount", "like", "{0}%".format(amount)], ["docstatus", "=", "1"], ["payment_type", "=", [payment_type, "Internal Transfer"]], ["ifnull(clearance_date, '')", "=", ""], ["{0}".format(account_from_to), "=", "{0}".format(bank_account)]]) if transaction.credit > 0: journal_entries = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT 'Journal Entry' as doctype, je.name, je.posting_date, je.cheque_no as reference_no, je.pay_to_recd_from as party, je.cheque_date as reference_date, jea.debit_in_account_currency as paid_amount FROM `tabJournal Entry Account` as jea JOIN `tabJournal Entry` as je ON jea.parent = je.name WHERE (je.clearance_date is null or je.clearance_date='0000-00-00') AND jea.account = %s AND jea.debit_in_account_currency like %s AND je.docstatus = 1 """, (bank_account, amount), as_dict=True) else: journal_entries = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT 'Journal Entry' as doctype, je.name, je.posting_date, je.cheque_no as reference_no, jea.account_currency as currency, je.pay_to_recd_from as party, je.cheque_date as reference_date, jea.credit_in_account_currency as paid_amount FROM `tabJournal Entry Account` as jea JOIN `tabJournal Entry` as je ON jea.parent = je.name WHERE (je.clearance_date is null or je.clearance_date='0000-00-00') AND jea.account = %(bank_account)s AND jea.credit_in_account_currency like %(txt)s AND je.docstatus = 1 """, { 'bank_account': bank_account, 'txt': '%%%s%%' % amount }, as_dict=True) frappe.errprint(journal_entries) if transaction.credit > 0: sales_invoices = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT 'Sales Invoice' as doctype, si.name, si.customer as party, si.posting_date, sip.amount as paid_amount FROM `tabSales Invoice Payment` as sip JOIN `tabSales Invoice` as si ON sip.parent = si.name WHERE (sip.clearance_date is null or sip.clearance_date='0000-00-00') AND sip.account = %s AND sip.amount like %s AND si.docstatus = 1 """, (bank_account, amount), as_dict=True) else: sales_invoices = [] if transaction.debit > 0: purchase_invoices = frappe.get_all("Purchase Invoice", fields = ["'Purchase Invoice' as doctype", "name", "paid_amount", "supplier as party", "posting_date", "currency"], filters=[ ["paid_amount", "like", "{0}%".format(amount)], ["docstatus", "=", "1"], ["is_paid", "=", "1"], ["ifnull(clearance_date, '')", "=", ""], ["cash_bank_account", "=", "{0}".format(bank_account)] ] ) mode_of_payments = [x["parent"] for x in frappe.db.get_list("Mode of Payment Account", filters={"default_account": bank_account}, fields=["parent"])] company_currency = get_company_currency(company) expense_claims = frappe.get_all("Expense Claim", fields=["'Expense Claim' as doctype", "name", "total_sanctioned_amount as paid_amount", "employee as party", "posting_date", "'{0}' as currency".format(company_currency)], filters=[ ["total_sanctioned_amount", "like", "{0}%".format(amount)], ["docstatus", "=", "1"], ["is_paid", "=", "1"], ["ifnull(clearance_date, '')", "=", ""], ["mode_of_payment", "in", "{0}".format(tuple(mode_of_payments))] ] ) else: purchase_invoices = expense_claims = [] for data in [payment_entries, journal_entries, sales_invoices, purchase_invoices, expense_claims]: if data: payments.extend(data) return payments def get_matching_descriptions_data(company, transaction): if not transaction.description : return [] bank_transactions = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT bt.name, bt.description, bt.date, btp.payment_document, btp.payment_entry FROM `tabBank Transaction` as bt LEFT JOIN `tabBank Transaction Payments` as btp ON bt.name = btp.parent WHERE bt.allocated_amount > 0 AND bt.docstatus = 1 """, as_dict=True) selection = [] for bank_transaction in bank_transactions: if bank_transaction.description: seq=difflib.SequenceMatcher(lambda x: x == " ", transaction.description, bank_transaction.description) if seq.ratio() > 0.6: bank_transaction["ratio"] = seq.ratio() selection.append(bank_transaction) document_types = set([x["payment_document"] for x in selection]) links = {} for document_type in document_types: links[document_type] = [x["payment_entry"] for x in selection if x["payment_document"]==document_type] data = [] company_currency = get_company_currency(company) for key, value in iteritems(links): if key == "Payment Entry": data.extend(frappe.get_all("Payment Entry", filters=[["name", "in", value]], fields=["'Payment Entry' as doctype", "posting_date", "party", "reference_no", "reference_date", "paid_amount", "paid_to_account_currency as currency", "clearance_date"])) if key == "Journal Entry": journal_entries = frappe.get_all("Journal Entry", filters=[["name", "in", value]], fields=["name", "'Journal Entry' as doctype", "posting_date", "pay_to_recd_from as party", "cheque_no as reference_no", "cheque_date as reference_date", "total_credit as paid_amount", "clearance_date"]) for journal_entry in journal_entries: journal_entry_accounts = frappe.get_all("Journal Entry Account", filters={"parenttype": journal_entry["doctype"], "parent": journal_entry["name"]}, fields=["account_currency"]) journal_entry["currency"] = journal_entry_accounts[0]["account_currency"] if journal_entry_accounts else company_currency data.extend(journal_entries) if key == "Sales Invoice": data.extend(frappe.get_all("Sales Invoice", filters=[["name", "in", value]], fields=["'Sales Invoice' as doctype", "posting_date", "customer_name as party", "paid_amount", "currency"])) if key == "Purchase Invoice": data.extend(frappe.get_all("Purchase Invoice", filters=[["name", "in", value]], fields=["'Purchase Invoice' as doctype", "posting_date", "supplier_name as party", "paid_amount", "currency"])) if key == "Expense Claim": expense_claims = frappe.get_all("Expense Claim", filters=[["name", "in", value]], fields=["'Expense Claim' as doctype", "posting_date", "employee_name as party", "total_amount_reimbursed as paid_amount"]) data.extend([dict(x,**{"currency": company_currency}) for x in expense_claims]) return data def check_amount_vs_description(amount_matching, description_matching): result = [] if description_matching: for am_match in amount_matching: for des_match in description_matching: if des_match.get("clearance_date"): continue if am_match["party"] == des_match["party"]: if am_match not in result: result.append(am_match) continue if "reference_no" in am_match and "reference_no" in des_match: if difflib.SequenceMatcher(lambda x: x == " ", am_match["reference_no"], des_match["reference_no"]).ratio() > 70: if am_match not in result: result.append(am_match) if result: return sorted(result, key = lambda x: x["posting_date"], reverse=True) else: return sorted(amount_matching, key = lambda x: x["posting_date"], reverse=True) else: return sorted(amount_matching, key = lambda x: x["posting_date"], reverse=True) def get_matching_transactions_payments(description_matching): payments = [x["payment_entry"] for x in description_matching] payment_by_ratio = {x["payment_entry"]: x["ratio"] for x in description_matching} if payments: reference_payment_list = frappe.get_all("Payment Entry", fields=["name", "paid_amount", "payment_type", "reference_no", "reference_date", "party", "party_type", "posting_date", "paid_to_account_currency"], filters=[["name", "in", payments]]) return sorted(reference_payment_list, key=lambda x: payment_by_ratio[x["name"]]) else: return [] def payment_entry_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters): account = frappe.db.get_value("Bank Account", filters.get("bank_account"), "account") if not account: return return frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT name, party, paid_amount, received_amount, reference_no FROM `tabPayment Entry` WHERE (clearance_date is null or clearance_date='0000-00-00') AND (paid_from = %(account)s or paid_to = %(account)s) AND (name like %(txt)s or party like %(txt)s) AND docstatus = 1 ORDER BY if(locate(%(_txt)s, name), locate(%(_txt)s, name), 99999), name LIMIT %(start)s, %(page_len)s""", { 'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt, '_txt': txt.replace("%", ""), 'start': start, 'page_len': page_len, 'account': account } ) def journal_entry_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters): account = frappe.db.get_value("Bank Account", filters.get("bank_account"), "account") return frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT jea.parent, je.pay_to_recd_from, if(jea.debit_in_account_currency > 0, jea.debit_in_account_currency, jea.credit_in_account_currency) FROM `tabJournal Entry Account` as jea LEFT JOIN `tabJournal Entry` as je ON jea.parent = je.name WHERE (je.clearance_date is null or je.clearance_date='0000-00-00') AND jea.account = %(account)s AND (jea.parent like %(txt)s or je.pay_to_recd_from like %(txt)s) AND je.docstatus = 1 ORDER BY if(locate(%(_txt)s, jea.parent), locate(%(_txt)s, jea.parent), 99999), jea.parent LIMIT %(start)s, %(page_len)s""", { 'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt, '_txt': txt.replace("%", ""), 'start': start, 'page_len': page_len, 'account': account } ) def sales_invoices_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters): return frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT sip.parent, si.customer, sip.amount, sip.mode_of_payment FROM `tabSales Invoice Payment` as sip LEFT JOIN `tabSales Invoice` as si ON sip.parent = si.name WHERE (sip.clearance_date is null or sip.clearance_date='0000-00-00') AND (sip.parent like %(txt)s or si.customer like %(txt)s) ORDER BY if(locate(%(_txt)s, sip.parent), locate(%(_txt)s, sip.parent), 99999), sip.parent LIMIT %(start)s, %(page_len)s""", { 'txt': "%%%s%%" % txt, '_txt': txt.replace("%", ""), 'start': start, 'page_len': page_len } )