from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe import frappe.utils import frappe.defaults from frappe.utils import cint, cstr, getdate, nowdate, get_first_day, get_last_day from frappe.model.naming import make_autoname from frappe import _, msgprint, throw month_map = {'Monthly': 1, 'Quarterly': 3, 'Half-yearly': 6, 'Yearly': 12} def create_recurring_documents(): manage_recurring_documents("Sales Order") manage_recurring_documents("Sales Invoice") def manage_recurring_documents(doctype, next_date=None, commit=True): """ Create recurring documents on specific date by copying the original one and notify the concerned people """ next_date = next_date or nowdate() if doctype == "Sales Order": date_field = "transaction_date" elif doctype == "Sales Invoice": date_field = "posting_date" recurring_documents = frappe.db.sql("""select name, recurring_id from `tab{}` where ifnull(is_recurring, 0)=1 and docstatus=1 and next_date='{}' and next_date <= ifnull(end_date, '2199-12-31')""".format(doctype, next_date)) exception_list = [] for ref_document, recurring_id in recurring_documents: if not frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tab%s` where %s=%s and recurring_id=%s and docstatus=1""" % (doctype, date_field, '%s', '%s'), (next_date, recurring_id)): try: ref_wrapper = frappe.get_doc(doctype, ref_document) new_document_wrapper = make_new_document(ref_wrapper, date_field, next_date) send_notification(new_document_wrapper) if commit: frappe.db.commit() except: if commit: frappe.db.rollback() frappe.db.begin() frappe.db.sql("update `tab%s` \ set is_recurring = 0 where name = %s" % (doctype, '%s'), (ref_document)) notify_errors(ref_document, doctype, ref_wrapper.customer, ref_wrapper.owner) frappe.db.commit() exception_list.append(frappe.get_traceback()) finally: if commit: frappe.db.begin() if exception_list: exception_message = "\n\n".join([cstr(d) for d in exception_list]) frappe.throw(exception_message) def make_new_document(ref_wrapper, date_field, posting_date): from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year new_document = frappe.copy_doc(ref_wrapper) mcount = month_map[ref_wrapper.recurring_type] from_date = get_next_date(ref_wrapper.from_date, mcount) # get last day of the month to maintain period if the from date is first day of its own month # and to date is the last day of its own month if (cstr(get_first_day(ref_wrapper.from_date)) == \ cstr(ref_wrapper.from_date)) and \ (cstr(get_last_day(ref_wrapper.to_date)) == \ cstr(ref_wrapper.to_date)): to_date = get_last_day(get_next_date(ref_wrapper.to_date, mcount)) else: to_date = get_next_date(ref_wrapper.to_date, mcount) new_document.update({ date_field: posting_date, "from_date": from_date, "to_date": to_date, "fiscal_year": get_fiscal_year(posting_date)[0], "owner": ref_wrapper.owner, }) if ref_wrapper.doctype == "Sales Order": new_document.update({ "delivery_date": get_next_date(ref_wrapper.delivery_date, mcount, cint(ref_wrapper.repeat_on_day_of_month)) }) new_document.submit() return new_document def get_next_date(dt, mcount, day=None): dt = getdate(dt) from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta dt += relativedelta(months=mcount, day=day) return dt def send_notification(new_rv): """Notify concerned persons about recurring document generation""" frappe.sendmail(new_rv.notification_email_address, subject= _("New {0}: #{1}").format(new_rv.doctype,, message = _("Please find attached {0} #{1}").format(new_rv.doctype,, attachments = [{ "fname": + ".pdf", "fcontent": frappe.get_print_format(new_rv.doctype,, as_pdf=True) }]) def notify_errors(doc, doctype, customer, owner): from frappe.utils.user import get_system_managers recipients = get_system_managers(only_name=True) frappe.sendmail(recipients + [frappe.db.get_value("User", owner, "email")], subject="[Urgent] Error while creating recurring %s for %s" % (doctype, doc), message = frappe.get_template("templates/emails/recurring_document_failed.html").render({ "type": doctype, "name": doc, "customer": customer })) assign_task_to_owner(doc, doctype, "Recurring Invoice Failed", recipients) def assign_task_to_owner(doc, doctype, msg, users): for d in users: from frappe.widgets.form import assign_to args = { 'assign_to' : d, 'doctype' : doctype, 'name' : doc, 'description' : msg, 'priority' : 'High' } assign_to.add(args) def validate_recurring_document(doc): if doc.is_recurring: validate_notification_email_id(doc) if not doc.recurring_type: msgprint(_("Please select {0}").format(doc.meta.get_label("recurring_type")), raise_exception=1) elif not (doc.from_date and doc.to_date): throw(_("Period From and Period To dates mandatory for recurring %s") % doc.doctype) def convert_to_recurring(doc, autoname, posting_date): if doc.is_recurring: if not doc.recurring_id: frappe.db.set(doc, "recurring_id", make_autoname(autoname)) set_next_date(doc, posting_date) elif doc.recurring_id: frappe.db.sql("""update `tab%s` set is_recurring = 0 where recurring_id = %s""" % (doc.doctype, '%s'), (doc.recurring_id)) def validate_notification_email_id(doc): if doc.notification_email_address: email_list = filter(None, [cstr(email).strip() for email in doc.notification_email_address.replace("\n", "").split(",")]) from frappe.utils import validate_email_add for email in email_list: if not validate_email_add(email): throw(_("{0} is an invalid email address in 'Notification \ Email Address'").format(email)) else: frappe.throw(_("'Notification Email Addresses' not specified for recurring %s") \ % doc.doctype) def set_next_date(doc, posting_date): """ Set next date on which recurring document will be created""" if not doc.repeat_on_day_of_month: msgprint(_("Please enter 'Repeat on Day of Month' field value"), raise_exception=1) next_date = get_next_date(posting_date, month_map[doc.recurring_type], cint(doc.repeat_on_day_of_month)) frappe.db.set(doc, 'next_date', next_date) msgprint(_("Next Recurring {0} will be created on {1}").format(doc.doctype, next_date))