// Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
// License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
// tree of chart of accounts / cost centers
// multiple companies
// add node
// edit node
// see ledger
pscript['onload_Accounts Browser'] = function(wrapper){
parent: wrapper,
single_column: true
var main = $(wrapper).find(".layout-main"),
chart_area = $("
.css({"margin-bottom": "15px", "min-height": "200px"})
help_area = $('
'+__('Quick Help')+' '+
''+__('To add child nodes, explore tree and click on the node under which you want to add more nodes.')+' '+
__('Accounting Entries can be made against leaf nodes, called')+
' ' +__('Ledgers')+' . '+ __('Entries against ') +
'' +__('Groups') + ' '+ __('are not allowed.')+
' '+
''+__('Please do NOT create Account (Ledgers) for Customers and Suppliers. They are created directly from the Customer / Supplier masters.')+' '+
''+__('To create a Bank Account')+' : '+
__('Go to the appropriate group (usually Application of Funds > Current Assets > Bank Accounts and create a new Account Ledger (by clicking on Add Child) of type "Bank"')+
' '+
''+__('To create a Tax Account') +' : '+
__('Go to the appropriate group (usually Source of Funds > Current Liabilities > Taxes and Duties and create a new Account Ledger (by clicking on Add Child) of type "Tax" and do mention the Tax rate.')+
' '+
' '+
'+__('Please setup your chart of accounts before you start Accounting Entries')+'
if (frappe.boot.user.can_create.indexOf("Company") !== -1) {
wrapper.page.add_menu_item(__('New Company'), function() { newdoc('Company'); }, true);
wrapper.page.set_secondary_action(__('Refresh'), function() {
wrapper.page.set_primary_action(__('New'), function() {
erpnext.account_chart && erpnext.account_chart.new_account();
// company-select
wrapper.$company_select = wrapper.page.add_select("Company", [])
.change(function() {
var ctype = frappe.get_route()[1] || 'Account';
erpnext.account_chart = new erpnext.AccountsChart(ctype, $(this).val(),
pscript.set_title(wrapper, ctype, $(this).val());
// load up companies
return frappe.call({
method: 'erpnext.accounts.page.accounts_browser.accounts_browser.get_companies',
callback: function(r) {
$.each(r.message, function(i, v) {
').html(v).attr('value', v).appendTo(wrapper.$company_select);
wrapper.$company_select.val(frappe.defaults.get_user_default("company") || r.message[0]).change();
pscript.set_title = function(wrapper, ctype, val) {
pscript['onshow_Accounts Browser'] = function(wrapper){
// set route
var ctype = frappe.get_route()[1] || 'Account';
if(erpnext.account_chart && erpnext.account_chart.ctype != ctype) {
pscript.set_title(wrapper, ctype);
erpnext.AccountsChart = Class.extend({
init: function(ctype, company, wrapper) {
var me = this;
me.ctype = ctype;
me.can_create = frappe.model.can_create(this.ctype);
me.can_delete = frappe.model.can_delete(this.ctype);
me.can_write = frappe.model.can_write(this.ctype);
me.company = company;
this.tree = new frappe.ui.Tree({
parent: $(wrapper),
label: ctype==="Account" ? __("Accounts") : __("Cost Centers"),
args: {ctype: ctype, comp: company},
method: 'erpnext.accounts.page.accounts_browser.accounts_browser.get_children',
click: function(link) {
// bold
$('.bold').removeClass('bold'); // deselect
$(link).parent().find('.balance-area:first').addClass('bold'); // select
toolbar: [
{ toggle_btn: true },
label: __("Open"),
condition: function(node) { return !node.root },
click: function(node, btn) {
frappe.set_route("Form", me.ctype, node.label);
condition: function(node) { return !node.root && node.expandable; },
label: __("Add Child"),
click: function() {
if(me.ctype=='Account') {
} else {
condition: function(node) {
return !node.root && me.ctype === 'Account'
&& frappe.boot.user.can_read.indexOf("GL Entry") !== -1
label: __("View Ledger"),
click: function(node, btn) {
frappe.route_options = {
"account": node.label,
"from_date": sys_defaults.year_start_date,
"to_date": sys_defaults.year_end_date,
"company": me.company
frappe.set_route("query-report", "General Ledger");
condition: function(node) { return !node.root && me.can_write },
label: __("Rename"),
click: function(node) {
frappe.model.rename_doc(me.ctype, node.label, function(new_name) {
condition: function(node) { return !node.root && me.can_delete },
label: __("Delete"),
click: function(node) {
frappe.model.delete_doc(me.ctype, node.label, function() {
onrender: function(node) {
var dr_or_cr = node.data.balance < 0 ? "Cr" : "Dr";
if (me.ctype == 'Account' && node.data && node.data.balance!==undefined) {
+ format_currency(Math.abs(node.data.balance), node.data.currency)
+ " " + dr_or_cr
+ ' ').insertBefore(node.$ul);
set_title: function(val) {
var chart_str = this.ctype=="Account" ? __("Chart of Accounts") : __("Chart of Cost Centers");
if(val) {
wrapper.page.set_title(chart_str + " - " + cstr(val));
} else {
new_account: function() {
var me = this;
var node = me.tree.get_selected_node();
if(!(node && node.expandable)) {
frappe.msgprint(__("Select a group node first."));
// the dialog
var d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title:__('New Account'),
fields: [
{fieldtype:'Data', fieldname:'account_name', label:__('New Account Name'), reqd:true,
description: __("Name of new Account. Note: Please don't create accounts for Customers and Suppliers, they are created automatically from the Customer and Supplier master")},
{fieldtype:'Select', fieldname:'group_or_ledger', label:__('Group or Ledger'),
options:'Group\nLedger', description: __('Further accounts can be made under Groups, but entries can be made against Ledger')},
{fieldtype:'Select', fieldname:'account_type', label:__('Account Type'),
options: ['', 'Bank', 'Cash', 'Warehouse', 'Receivable', 'Payable',
'Equity', 'Cost of Goods Sold', 'Fixed Asset', 'Expense Account',
'Income Account', 'Tax', 'Chargeable'].join('\n'),
description: __("Optional. This setting will be used to filter in various transactions.") },
{fieldtype:'Float', fieldname:'tax_rate', label:__('Tax Rate')}
var fd = d.fields_dict;
// account type if ledger
$(fd.group_or_ledger.input).change(function() {
if($(this).val()=='Group') {
} else {
if(fd.account_type.get_value()=='Tax') {
// tax rate if tax
$(fd.account_type.input).change(function() {
if($(this).val()=='Tax') {
} else {
// create
d.set_primary_action(__("Create New"), function() {
var btn = this;
var v = d.get_values();
if(!v) return;
var node = me.tree.get_selected_node();
v.parent_account = node.label;
v.company = me.company;
return frappe.call({
args: v,
method: 'erpnext.accounts.utils.add_ac',
callback: function(r) {
if(node.expanded) {
// show
d.onshow = function() {
new_cost_center: function(){
var me = this;
// the dialog
var d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
title:__('New Cost Center'),
fields: [
{fieldtype:'Data', fieldname:'cost_center_name', label:__('New Cost Center Name'), reqd:true},
{fieldtype:'Select', fieldname:'group_or_ledger', label:__('Group or Ledger'),
options:'Group\nLedger', description:__('Further accounts can be made under Groups but entries can be made against Ledger')},
{fieldtype:'Button', fieldname:'create_new', label:__('Create New') }
// create
$(d.fields_dict.create_new.input).click(function() {
var v = d.get_values();
if(!v) return;
var node = me.tree.get_selected_node();
v.parent_cost_center = node.label;
v.company = me.company;
return frappe.call({
args: v,
method: 'erpnext.accounts.utils.add_cc',
callback: function(r) {
if(node.expanded) {