{ "action": "Create Entry", "action_label": "Create your first Bill of Materials", "creation": "2020-05-05 16:41:20.239696", "description": "# Create a Bill of Materials\n\nA Bill of Materials (BOM) is a list of items and sub-assemblies with quantities required to manufacture an Item.\n\nBOM also provides cost estimation for the production of the item. It takes raw-materials cost based on valuation and operations to cost based on routing, which gives total costing for a BOM.", "docstatus": 0, "doctype": "Onboarding Step", "idx": 0, "is_complete": 0, "is_single": 0, "is_skipped": 0, "modified": "2021-08-13 16:00:51.092671", "modified_by": "Administrator", "name": "Create BOM", "owner": "Administrator", "reference_document": "BOM", "show_form_tour": 1, "show_full_form": 1, "title": "Bill of Materials", "validate_action": 1 }