from __future__ import unicode_literals import random, json from import data import frappe, erpnext import frappe.utils def setup_data(): domain = frappe.flags.domain complete_setup(domain) setup_demo_page() setup_fiscal_year() setup_holiday_list() setup_customer() setup_supplier() setup_item() setup_warehouse() import_json('Address') import_json('Contact') setup_workstation() import_json('Operation') import_json('Lead') setup_item_price() show_item_groups_in_website() setup_currency_exchange() import_json('BOM', submit=True) setup_user() setup_employee() setup_salary_structure() setup_user_roles() frappe.db.commit() frappe.clear_cache() def complete_setup(domain='Manufacturing'): print "Complete Setup..." from import setup_complete if not frappe.get_all('Company', limit=1): setup_complete({ "first_name": "Test", "last_name": "User", "email": "", "company_tagline": 'Awesome Products and Services', "password": "test", "fy_start_date": "2015-01-01", "fy_end_date": "2015-12-31", "bank_account": "National Bank", "industry": domain, "company_name": data.get(domain).get('company_name'), "chart_of_accounts": "Standard", "company_abbr": ''.join([d[0] for d in data.get(domain).get('company_name').split()]).upper(), "currency": 'USD', "timezone": 'America/New_York', "country": 'United States', "language": "english" }) def setup_demo_page(): # home page should always be "start" website_settings = frappe.get_doc("Website Settings", "Website Settings") website_settings.home_page = "demo" def setup_fiscal_year(): fiscal_year = None for year in xrange(2014, frappe.utils.now_datetime().year + 1, 1): try: fiscal_year = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Fiscal Year", "year": frappe.utils.cstr(year), "year_start_date": "{0}-01-01".format(year), "year_end_date": "{0}-12-31".format(year) }).insert() except frappe.DuplicateEntryError: pass # set the last fiscal year (current year) as default fiscal_year.set_as_default() def setup_holiday_list(): """Setup Holiday List for the current year""" year = frappe.utils.now_datetime().year holiday_list = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Holiday List", "holiday_list_name": str(year), "from_date": "{0}-01-01".format(year), "to_date": "{0}-12-31".format(year), }) holiday_list.insert() holiday_list.weekly_off = "Saturday" holiday_list.get_weekly_off_dates() holiday_list.weekly_off = "Sunday" holiday_list.get_weekly_off_dates() frappe.set_value("Company", erpnext.get_default_company(), "default_holiday_list", def setup_customer(): customers = [u'Asian Junction', u'Life Plan Counselling', u'Two Pesos', u'Mr Fables', u'Intelacard', u'Big D Supermarkets', u'Adaptas', u'Nelson Brothers', u'Landskip Yard Care', u'Buttrey Food & Drug', u'Fayva', u'Asian Fusion', u'Crafts Canada', u'Consumers and Consumers Express', u'Netobill', u'Choices', u'Chi-Chis', u'Red Food', u'Endicott Shoes', u'Hind Enterprises'] for c in customers: frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Customer", "customer_name": c, "customer_group": "Commercial", "customer_type": random.choice(["Company", "Individual"]), "territory": "Rest Of The World" }).insert() def setup_supplier(): suppliers = [u'Helios Air', u'Ks Merchandise', u'HomeBase', u'Scott Ties', u'Reliable Investments', u'Nan Duskin', u'Rainbow Records', u'New World Realty', u'Asiatic Solutions', u'Eagle Hardware', u'Modern Electricals'] for s in suppliers: frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Supplier", "supplier_name": s, "supplier_type": random.choice(["Services", "Raw Material"]), }).insert() def setup_workstation(): workstations = [u'Drilling Machine 1', u'Lathe 1', u'Assembly Station 1', u'Assembly Station 2', u'Packing and Testing Station'] for w in workstations: frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Workstation", "workstation_name": w, "holiday_list": frappe.get_all("Holiday List")[0].name, "hour_rate_consumable": int(random.random() * 20), "hour_rate_electricity": int(random.random() * 10), "hour_rate_labour": int(random.random() * 40), "hour_rate_rent": int(random.random() * 10), "working_hours": [ { "enabled": 1, "start_time": "8:00:00", "end_time": "15:00:00" } ] }).insert() def show_item_groups_in_website(): """set show_in_website=1 for Item Groups""" products = frappe.get_doc("Item Group", "Products") products.show_in_website = 1 products.route = 'products' def setup_item(): items = json.loads(open(frappe.get_app_path('erpnext', 'demo', 'data', 'item.json')).read()) for i in items: item = frappe.new_doc('Item') item.update(i) item.min_order_qty = random.randint(10, 30) item.default_warehouse = frappe.get_all('Warehouse', filters={'warehouse_name': item.default_warehouse}, limit=1)[0].name item.insert() def setup_warehouse(): w = frappe.new_doc('Warehouse') w.warehouse_name = 'Supplier' w.insert() def setup_currency_exchange(): frappe.get_doc({ 'doctype': 'Currency Exchange', 'from_currency': 'EUR', 'to_currency': 'USD', 'exchange_rate': 1.13 }).insert() frappe.get_doc({ 'doctype': 'Currency Exchange', 'from_currency': 'CNY', 'to_currency': 'USD', 'exchange_rate': 0.16 }).insert() def setup_product_bundle(): frappe.get_doc({ 'doctype': 'Product Bundle', 'new_item_code': 'Wind Mill A Series with Spare Bearing', 'items': [ {'item_code': 'Wind Mill A Series', 'qty': 1}, {'item_code': 'Bearing Collar', 'qty': 1}, {'item_code': 'Bearing Assembly', 'qty': 1}, ] }).insert() def setup_user(): frappe.db.sql('delete from tabUser where name not in ("Guest", "Administrator")') for u in json.loads(open(frappe.get_app_path('erpnext', 'demo', 'data', 'user.json')).read()): user = frappe.new_doc("User") user.update(u) user.flags.no_welcome_mail user.password = 'demo' user.insert() def import_json(doctype, submit=False, values=None): frappe.flags.in_import = True data = json.loads(open(frappe.get_app_path('erpnext', 'demo', 'data', frappe.scrub(doctype) + '.json')).read()) for d in data: doc = frappe.new_doc(doctype) doc.update(d) doc.insert() if submit: doc.submit() frappe.db.commit() def setup_employee(): frappe.db.set_value("HR Settings", None, "emp_created_by", "Naming Series") frappe.db.commit() import_json('Employee') def setup_item_price(): frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabItem Price`") standard_selling = { "Base Bearing Plate": 28, "Base Plate": 21, "Bearing Assembly": 300, "Bearing Block": 14, "Bearing Collar": 103.6, "Bearing Pipe": 63, "Blade Rib": 46.2, "Disc Collars": 42, "External Disc": 56, "Internal Disc": 70, "Shaft": 340, "Stand": 400, "Upper Bearing Plate": 300, "Wind Mill A Series": 320, "Wind Mill A Series with Spare Bearing": 750, "Wind MIll C Series": 400, "Wind Turbine": 400, "Wing Sheet": 30.8 } standard_buying = { "Base Bearing Plate": 20, "Base Plate": 28, "Base Plate Un Painted": 16, "Bearing Block": 13, "Bearing Collar": 96.4, "Bearing Pipe": 55, "Blade Rib": 38, "Disc Collars": 34, "External Disc": 50, "Internal Disc": 60, "Shaft": 250, "Stand": 300, "Upper Bearing Plate": 200, "Wing Sheet": 25 } for price_list in ("standard_buying", "standard_selling"): for item, rate in locals().get(price_list).iteritems(): frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Item Price", "price_list": price_list.replace("_", " ").title(), "item_code": item, "selling": 1 if price_list=="standard_selling" else 0, "buying": 1 if price_list=="standard_buying" else 0, "price_list_rate": rate, "currency": "USD" }).insert() def setup_salary_structure(): f = frappe.get_doc('Fiscal Year', frappe.defaults.get_global_default('fiscal_year')) for e in frappe.get_all('Employee', fields=['name', 'date_of_joining']): ss = frappe.new_doc('Salary Structure') ss.employee = if not e.date_of_joining: continue ss.from_date = e.date_of_joining if (e.date_of_joining and e.date_of_joining > f.year_start_date) else f.year_start_date ss.to_date = f.year_end_date ss.append('earnings', { 'salary_component': 'Basic', 'amount': random.random() * 10000 }) ss.append('deductions', { 'salary_component': 'Income Tax', 'amount': random.random() * 1000 }) ss.insert() def setup_account(): frappe.flags.in_import = True data = json.loads(open(frappe.get_app_path('erpnext', 'demo', 'data', 'account.json')).read()) for d in data: doc = frappe.new_doc('Account') doc.update(d) doc.parent_account = frappe.db.get_value('Account', {'account_name': doc.parent_account}) doc.insert() def setup_user_roles(): if not frappe.db.get_global('demo_hr_user'): user = frappe.get_doc('User', '') user.add_roles('HR User', 'HR Manager', 'Accounts User') frappe.db.set_global('demo_hr_user', if not frappe.db.get_global('demo_sales_user_1'): user = frappe.get_doc('User', '') user.add_roles('Sales User') frappe.db.set_global('demo_sales_user_1', if not frappe.db.get_global('demo_sales_user_2'): user = frappe.get_doc('User', '') user.add_roles('Sales User', 'Sales Manager', 'Accounts User') frappe.db.set_global('demo_sales_user_2', if not frappe.db.get_global('demo_purchase_user'): user = frappe.get_doc('User', '') user.add_roles('Purchase User', 'Purchase Manager', 'Accounts User', 'Stock User') frappe.db.set_global('demo_purchase_user', if not frappe.db.get_global('demo_manufacturing_user'): user = frappe.get_doc('User', '') user.add_roles('Manufacturing User', 'Stock User', 'Purchase User', 'Accounts User') frappe.db.set_global('demo_manufacturing_user', if not frappe.db.get_global('demo_stock_user'): user = frappe.get_doc('User', '') user.add_roles('Manufacturing User', 'Stock User', 'Purchase User', 'Accounts User') frappe.db.set_global('demo_stock_user', if not frappe.db.get_global('demo_accounts_user'): user = frappe.get_doc('User', '') user.add_roles('Accounts User', 'Accounts Manager', 'Sales User', 'Purchase User') frappe.db.set_global('demo_accounts_user',