# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe.utils import flt, getdate, cstr from frappe import _ def execute(filters=None): account_details = {} for acc in frappe.db.sql("""select name, is_group from tabAccount""", as_dict=1): account_details.setdefault(acc.name, acc) validate_filters(filters, account_details) validate_party(filters) columns = get_columns() res = get_result(filters, account_details) return columns, res def validate_filters(filters, account_details): if filters.get("account") and not account_details.get(filters.account): frappe.throw(_("Account {0} does not exists").format(filters.account)) if filters.get("account") and filters.get("group_by_account") \ and account_details[filters.account].is_group == 0: frappe.throw(_("Can not filter based on Account, if grouped by Account")) if filters.get("voucher_no") and filters.get("group_by_voucher"): frappe.throw(_("Can not filter based on Voucher No, if grouped by Voucher")) if filters.from_date > filters.to_date: frappe.throw(_("From Date must be before To Date")) def validate_party(filters): party_type, party = filters.get("party_type"), filters.get("party") if party: if not party_type: frappe.throw(_("To filter based on Party, select Party Type first")) elif not frappe.db.exists(party_type, party): frappe.throw(_("Invalid {0}: {1}").format(party_type, party)) def get_columns(): return [_("Posting Date") + ":Date:90", _("Account") + ":Link/Account:200", _("Debit") + ":Float:100", _("Credit") + ":Float:100", _("Voucher Type") + "::120", _("Voucher No") + ":Dynamic Link/Voucher Type:160", _("Against Account") + "::120", _("Party Type") + "::80", _("Party") + "::150", _("Cost Center") + ":Link/Cost Center:100", _("Remarks") + "::400"] def get_result(filters, account_details): gl_entries = get_gl_entries(filters) data = get_data_with_opening_closing(filters, account_details, gl_entries) result = get_result_as_list(data) return result def get_gl_entries(filters): group_by_condition = "group by voucher_type, voucher_no, account, cost_center" \ if filters.get("group_by_voucher") else "group by name" gl_entries = frappe.db.sql("""select posting_date, account, party_type, party, sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) as debit, sum(ifnull(credit, 0)) as credit, voucher_type, voucher_no, cost_center, remarks, against, is_opening from `tabGL Entry` where company=%(company)s {conditions} {group_by_condition} order by posting_date, account"""\ .format(conditions=get_conditions(filters), group_by_condition=group_by_condition), filters, as_dict=1) return gl_entries def get_conditions(filters): conditions = [] if filters.get("account"): lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Account", filters["account"], ["lft", "rgt"]) conditions.append("""account in (select name from tabAccount where lft>=%s and rgt<=%s and docstatus<2)""" % (lft, rgt)) if filters.get("voucher_no"): conditions.append("voucher_no=%(voucher_no)s") if filters.get("party_type"): conditions.append("party_type=%(party_type)s") if filters.get("party"): conditions.append("party=%(party)s") if not (filters.get("account") or filters.get("party") or filters.get("group_by_account")): conditions.append("posting_date >=%(from_date)s") from frappe.desk.reportview import build_match_conditions match_conditions = build_match_conditions("GL Entry") if match_conditions: conditions.append(match_conditions) return "and {}".format(" and ".join(conditions)) if conditions else "" def get_data_with_opening_closing(filters, account_details, gl_entries): data = [] gle_map = initialize_gle_map(gl_entries) opening, total_debit, total_credit, gle_map = get_accountwise_gle(filters, gl_entries, gle_map) # Opening for filtered account if filters.get("account") or filters.get("party"): data += [get_balance_row(_("Opening"), opening), {}] for acc, acc_dict in gle_map.items(): if acc_dict.entries: # Opening for individual ledger, if grouped by account if filters.get("group_by_account"): data.append(get_balance_row(_("Opening"), acc_dict.opening)) data += acc_dict.entries # Totals and closing for individual ledger, if grouped by account if filters.get("group_by_account"): data += [{"account": "'" + _("Totals") + "'", "debit": acc_dict.total_debit, "credit": acc_dict.total_credit}, get_balance_row(_("Closing (Opening + Totals)"), (acc_dict.opening + acc_dict.total_debit - acc_dict.total_credit)), {}] # Total debit and credit between from and to date if total_debit or total_credit: data.append({"account": "'" + _("Totals") + "'", "debit": total_debit, "credit": total_credit}) # Closing for filtered account if filters.get("account") or filters.get("party"): data.append(get_balance_row(_("Closing (Opening + Totals)"), (opening + total_debit - total_credit))) return data def initialize_gle_map(gl_entries): gle_map = frappe._dict() for gle in gl_entries: gle_map.setdefault(gle.account, frappe._dict({ "opening": 0, "entries": [], "total_debit": 0, "total_credit": 0, "closing": 0 })) return gle_map def get_accountwise_gle(filters, gl_entries, gle_map): opening, total_debit, total_credit = 0, 0, 0 from_date, to_date = getdate(filters.from_date), getdate(filters.to_date) for gle in gl_entries: amount = flt(gle.debit, 3) - flt(gle.credit, 3) if (filters.get("account") or filters.get("party") or filters.get("group_by_account")) \ and (gle.posting_date < from_date or cstr(gle.is_opening) == "Yes"): gle_map[gle.account].opening += amount if filters.get("account") or filters.get("party"): opening += amount elif gle.posting_date <= to_date: gle_map[gle.account].entries.append(gle) gle_map[gle.account].total_debit += flt(gle.debit, 3) gle_map[gle.account].total_credit += flt(gle.credit, 3) total_debit += flt(gle.debit, 3) total_credit += flt(gle.credit, 3) return opening, total_debit, total_credit, gle_map def get_balance_row(label, balance): return { "account": "'" + label + "'", "debit": balance if balance > 0 else 0, "credit": -1*balance if balance < 0 else 0, } def get_result_as_list(data): result = [] for d in data: result.append([d.get("posting_date"), d.get("account"), d.get("debit"), d.get("credit"), d.get("voucher_type"), d.get("voucher_no"), d.get("against"), d.get("party_type"), d.get("party"), d.get("cost_center"), d.get("remarks")]) return result