import unittest from typing import List, Tuple from erpnext.tests.utils import ReportFilters, ReportName, execute_script_report DEFAULT_FILTERS = { "company": "_Test Company", "from_date": "2010-01-01", "to_date": "2030-01-01", "period_start_date": "2010-01-01", "period_end_date": "2030-01-01" } REPORT_FILTER_TEST_CASES: List[Tuple[ReportName, ReportFilters]] = [ ("General Ledger", {"group_by": "Group by Voucher (Consolidated)"} ), ("General Ledger", {"group_by": "Group by Voucher (Consolidated)", "include_dimensions": 1} ), ("Accounts Payable", {"range1": 30, "range2": 60, "range3": 90, "range4": 120}), ("Accounts Receivable", {"range1": 30, "range2": 60, "range3": 90, "range4": 120}), ("Consolidated Financial Statement", {"report": "Balance Sheet"} ), ("Consolidated Financial Statement", {"report": "Profit and Loss Statement"} ), ("Consolidated Financial Statement", {"report": "Cash Flow"} ), ("Gross Profit", {"group_by": "Invoice"}), ("Gross Profit", {"group_by": "Item Code"}), ("Gross Profit", {"group_by": "Item Group"}), ("Gross Profit", {"group_by": "Customer"}), ("Gross Profit", {"group_by": "Customer Group"}), ("Item-wise Sales Register", {}), ("Item-wise Purchase Register", {}), ("Sales Register", {}), ("Purchase Register", {}), ("Tax Detail", {"mode": "run", "report_name": "Tax Detail"},), ] OPTIONAL_FILTERS = {} class TestReports(unittest.TestCase): def test_execute_all_accounts_reports(self): """Test that all script report in stock modules are executable with supported filters""" for report, filter in REPORT_FILTER_TEST_CASES: with self.subTest(report=report): execute_script_report( report_name=report, module="Accounts", filters=filter, default_filters=DEFAULT_FILTERS, optional_filters=OPTIONAL_FILTERS if filter.get("_optional") else None, )