# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt import webnotes, os, datetime import webnotes.utils from webnotes.widgets import query_report import random import json webnotes.session = webnotes._dict({"user":"Administrator"}) from core.page.data_import_tool.data_import_tool import upload # fix price list # fix fiscal year company = "Wind Power LLC" country = "United States" currency = "USD" time_zone = "America/New York" start_date = '2010-01-01' runs_for = 20 prob = { "default": { "make": 0.6, "qty": (1,5) }, "Purchase Order": { "make": 0.7, "qty": (1,15) }, "Purchase Receipt": { "make": 0.7, "qty": (1,15) }, } def make(reset=False): webnotes.connect() webnotes.print_messages = True webnotes.mute_emails = True webnotes.rollback_on_exception = True if reset: setup() simulate() def setup(): install() complete_setup() make_customers_suppliers_contacts() make_items() make_users_and_employees() # make_opening_stock() # make_opening_accounts() def simulate(): current_date = None for i in xrange(runs_for): if not current_date: # get last stock ledger posting date or use default last_posting = webnotes.conn.sql("""select max(posting_date) from `tabStock Ledger Entry`""") if last_posting[0][0]: current_date = webnotes.utils.add_days(last_posting[0][0], 1) else: current_date = webnotes.utils.getdate(start_date) else: current_date = webnotes.utils.add_days(current_date, 1) print current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if current_date.weekday() in (5, 6): continue run_sales(current_date) run_purchase(current_date) run_manufacturing(current_date) run_stock(current_date) def run_sales(current_date): if can_make("Quotation"): for i in xrange(how_many("Quotation")): make_quotation(current_date) if can_make("Sales Order"): for i in xrange(how_many("Sales Order")): make_sales_order(current_date) def run_stock(current_date): # make purchase requests if can_make("Purchase Receipt"): from buying.doctype.purchase_order.purchase_order import make_purchase_receipt report = "Purchase Order Items To Be Received" for po in list(set([r[0] for r in query_report.run(report)["result"] if r[0]!="Total"]))[:how_many("Purchase Receipt")]: pr = webnotes.bean(make_purchase_receipt(po)) pr.doc.posting_date = current_date pr.doc.fiscal_year = "2010" pr.insert() pr.submit() webnotes.conn.commit() # make delivery notes (if possible) if can_make("Delivery Note"): from selling.doctype.sales_order.sales_order import make_delivery_note from stock.stock_ledger import NegativeStockError from stock.doctype.stock_ledger_entry.stock_ledger_entry import SerialNoRequiredError, SerialNoQtyError report = "Ordered Items To Be Delivered" for so in list(set([r[0] for r in query_report.run(report)["result"] if r[0]!="Total"]))[:how_many("Delivery Note")]: dn = webnotes.bean(make_delivery_note(so)) dn.doc.posting_date = current_date dn.doc.fiscal_year = "2010" dn.insert() try: dn.submit() webnotes.conn.commit() except NegativeStockError: pass except SerialNoRequiredError: pass except SerialNoQtyError: pass # try submitting existing for dn in webnotes.conn.get_values("Delivery Note", {"docstatus": 0}, "name"): b = webnotes.bean("Delivery Note", dn[0]) b.submit() webnotes.conn.commit() def run_purchase(current_date): # make material requests for purchase items that have negative projected qtys if can_make("Material Request"): report = "Items To Be Requested" for row in query_report.run(report)["result"][:how_many("Material Request")]: mr = webnotes.new_bean("Material Request") mr.doc.material_request_type = "Purchase" mr.doc.transaction_date = current_date mr.doc.fiscal_year = "2010" mr.doclist.append({ "doctype": "Material Request Item", "parentfield": "indent_details", "schedule_date": webnotes.utils.add_days(current_date, 7), "item_code": row[0], "qty": -row[-1] }) mr.insert() mr.submit() # make supplier quotations if can_make("Supplier Quotation"): from stock.doctype.material_request.material_request import make_supplier_quotation report = "Material Requests for which Supplier Quotations are not created" for row in query_report.run(report)["result"][:how_many("Supplier Quotation")]: if row[0] != "Total": sq = webnotes.bean(make_supplier_quotation(row[0])) sq.doc.transaction_date = current_date sq.doc.fiscal_year = "2010" sq.insert() sq.submit() webnotes.conn.commit() # make purchase orders if can_make("Purchase Order"): from stock.doctype.material_request.material_request import make_purchase_order report = "Requested Items To Be Ordered" for row in query_report.run(report)["result"][:how_many("Purchase Order")]: if row[0] != "Total": po = webnotes.bean(make_purchase_order(row[0])) po.doc.transaction_date = current_date po.doc.fiscal_year = "2010" po.insert() po.submit() webnotes.conn.commit() def run_manufacturing(current_date): from stock.stock_ledger import NegativeStockError from stock.doctype.stock_entry.stock_entry import IncorrectValuationRateError, DuplicateEntryForProductionOrderError ppt = webnotes.bean("Production Planning Tool", "Production Planning Tool") ppt.doc.company = company ppt.doc.use_multi_level_bom = 1 ppt.doc.purchase_request_for_warehouse = "Stores - WP" ppt.run_method("get_open_sales_orders") ppt.run_method("get_items_from_so") ppt.run_method("raise_production_order") ppt.run_method("raise_purchase_request") webnotes.conn.commit() # submit production orders for pro in webnotes.conn.get_values("Production Order", {"docstatus": 0}, "name"): b = webnotes.bean("Production Order", pro[0]) b.doc.wip_warehouse = "Work in Progress - WP" b.submit() webnotes.conn.commit() # submit material requests for pro in webnotes.conn.get_values("Material Request", {"docstatus": 0}, "name"): b = webnotes.bean("Material Request", pro[0]) b.submit() webnotes.conn.commit() # stores -> wip if can_make("Stock Entry for WIP"): for pro in query_report.run("Open Production Orders")["result"][:how_many("Stock Entry for WIP")]: make_stock_entry_from_pro(pro[0], "Material Transfer", current_date) # wip -> fg if can_make("Stock Entry for FG"): for pro in query_report.run("Production Orders in Progress")["result"][:how_many("Stock Entry for FG")]: make_stock_entry_from_pro(pro[0], "Manufacture/Repack", current_date) # try posting older drafts (if exists) for st in webnotes.conn.get_values("Stock Entry", {"docstatus":0}, "name"): try: webnotes.bean("Stock Entry", st[0]).submit() webnotes.conn.commit() except NegativeStockError: pass except IncorrectValuationRateError: pass except DuplicateEntryForProductionOrderError: pass def make_stock_entry_from_pro(pro_id, purpose, current_date): from manufacturing.doctype.production_order.production_order import make_stock_entry from stock.stock_ledger import NegativeStockError from stock.doctype.stock_entry.stock_entry import IncorrectValuationRateError, DuplicateEntryForProductionOrderError st = webnotes.bean(make_stock_entry(pro_id, purpose)) st.doc.posting_date = current_date st.doc.fiscal_year = "2010" st.doc.expense_adjustment_account = "Stock in Hand - WP" try: st.insert() webnotes.conn.commit() st.submit() webnotes.conn.commit() except NegativeStockError: pass except IncorrectValuationRateError: pass except DuplicateEntryForProductionOrderError: pass def make_quotation(current_date): b = webnotes.bean([{ "creation": current_date, "doctype": "Quotation", "quotation_to": "Customer", "customer": get_random("Customer"), "order_type": "Sales", "transaction_date": current_date, "fiscal_year": "2010" }]) add_random_children(b, { "doctype": "Quotation Item", "parentfield": "quotation_details", }, rows=3, randomize = { "qty": (1, 5), "item_code": ("Item", {"is_sales_item": "Yes"}) }, unique="item_code") b.insert() webnotes.conn.commit() b.submit() webnotes.conn.commit() def make_sales_order(current_date): q = get_random("Quotation", {"status": "Submitted"}) if q: from selling.doctype.quotation.quotation import make_sales_order so = webnotes.bean(make_sales_order(q)) so.doc.transaction_date = current_date so.doc.delivery_date = webnotes.utils.add_days(current_date, 10) so.insert() webnotes.conn.commit() so.submit() webnotes.conn.commit() def add_random_children(bean, template, rows, randomize, unique=None): for i in xrange(random.randrange(1, rows)): d = template.copy() for key, val in randomize.items(): if isinstance(val[0], basestring): d[key] = get_random(*val) else: d[key] = random.randrange(*val) if unique: if not bean.doclist.get({"doctype": d["doctype"], unique:d[unique]}): bean.doclist.append(d) else: bean.doclist.append(d) def get_random(doctype, filters=None): condition = [] if filters: for key, val in filters.items(): condition.append("%s='%s'" % (key, val)) if condition: condition = " where " + " and ".join(condition) else: condition = "" out = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from `tab%s` %s order by RAND() limit 0,1""" % (doctype, condition)) return out and out[0][0] or None def can_make(doctype): return random.random() < prob.get(doctype, prob["default"])["make"] def how_many(doctype): return random.randrange(*prob.get(doctype, prob["default"])["qty"]) def install(): print "Creating Fresh Database..." from webnotes.install_lib.install import Installer inst = Installer('root') inst.import_from_db("demo", verbose = 1) def complete_setup(): print "Complete Setup..." webnotes.get_obj("Setup Control").setup_account({ "first_name": "Test", "last_name": "User", "fy_start": "1st Jan", "industry": "Manufacturing", "company_name": company, "company_abbr": "WP", "currency": currency, "timezone": time_zone, "country": country }) import_data("Fiscal_Year") def make_items(): import_data("Item") import_data("BOM", submit=True) def make_customers_suppliers_contacts(): import_data(["Customer", "Supplier", "Contact", "Address", "Lead"]) def make_users_and_employees(): webnotes.conn.set_value("HR Settings", None, "emp_created_by", "Naming Series") webnotes.conn.commit() import_data(["Profile", "Employee", "Salary_Structure"]) def import_data(dt, submit=False): if not isinstance(dt, (tuple, list)): dt = [dt] for doctype in dt: print "Importing", doctype.replace("_", " "), "..." webnotes.form_dict = {} if submit: webnotes.form_dict["params"] = json.dumps({"_submit": 1}) webnotes.uploaded_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "demo_docs", doctype+".csv") upload() if __name__=="__main__": make()