# Copyright (c) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd. # License: GNU General Public License (v3). For more information see license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import webnotes @webnotes.whitelist(allow_guest=True) def get_product_list(args=None): """ args = { 'limit_start': 0, 'limit_page_length': 20, 'search': '', 'product_group': '', } """ import webnotes from webnotes.utils import cstr if not args: args = webnotes.form_dict # base query query = """\ select name, item_name, page_name, website_image, description, web_short_description from `tabItem` where is_sales_item = 'Yes' and docstatus = 0 and show_in_website = 1""" # search term condition if args.get('search'): query += """ and ( web_short_description like %(search)s or web_long_description like %(search)s or description like %(search)s or item_name like %(search)s or name like %(search)s )""" args['search'] = "%" + cstr(args.get('search')) + "%" # product group condition if args.get('product_group') and args.get('product_group') != 'All Products': query += """ and item_group = %(product_group)s""" # order by query += """ order by item_name asc, name asc""" from webnotes.widgets.query_builder import add_limit_to_query query, args = add_limit_to_query(query, args) return webnotes.conn.sql(query, args, as_dict=1) @webnotes.whitelist(allow_guest=True) def get_product_category_list(args=None): """ args = { 'limit_start': 0, 'limit_page_length': 5, } """ import webnotes if not args: args = webnotes.form_dict query = """\ select count(name) as items, item_group from `tabItem` where is_sales_item = 'Yes' and docstatus = 0 and show_in_website = 1 group by item_group order by items desc""" from webnotes.widgets.query_builder import add_limit_to_query query, args = add_limit_to_query(query, args) result = webnotes.conn.sql(query, args, as_dict=1) # add All Products link total_count = sum((r.get('items') or 0 for r in result)) result = [{'items': total_count, 'item_group': 'All Products'}] + (result or []) return result @webnotes.whitelist(allow_guest=True) def get_similar_product_list(args=None): """ args = { 'limit_start': 0, 'limit_page_length': 5, 'product_name': '', 'product_group': '', } """ import webnotes if not args: args = webnotes.form_dict query = """\ select name, item_name, page_name, website_image, description, web_short_description from `tabItem` where is_sales_item = 'Yes' and docstatus = 0 and show_in_website = 1 and name != %(product_name)s and item_group = %(product_group)s order by item_name""" from webnotes.widgets.query_builder import add_limit_to_query query, args = add_limit_to_query(query, args) result = webnotes.conn.sql(query, args, as_dict=1) return result