// ERPNext - web based ERP (http://erpnext.com) // Copyright (C) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . pscript['onload_question-view'] = function(wrapper) { wrapper.appframe = new wn.ui.AppFrame($(wrapper).find('.layout-appframe')); wrapper.appframe.title('Knowledge Base'); wrapper.add_answer_area = $('.add-answer-area').get(0); } pscript['refresh_question-view'] = function() { // href var qid = window.location.hash.split('/')[1]; console.log(qid) if(qid) { pscript.question_view(qid); } } pscript.question_view = function(qid, qtext) { var w = wn.pages['question-view']; new KBQuestionView(w, qid, qtext); } KBQuestionView = function(w, qid, qtext) { var me = this; this.make_question = function() { $(w).find('.qv-question-wrapper').empty(); new EditableText({ parent: $(w).find('.qv-question-wrapper').get(0), dt: 'Question', dn: qid, fieldname: 'question', text: qtext, inp_class: 'qv-input', disp_class: 'qv-text' }); // show tags } // answer list this.make_answer_list = function() { $(w).find('.qv-answer-wrapper').empty(); this.ans_list = new KBAnswerList({ parent: $(w).find('.qv-answer-wrapper').get(0), qid: qid }) } // check if users has answered // (if no) then add a box to add a new answer this.make_add_answer = function() { $c_page('knowledge_base', 'question_view', 'has_answered', qid, function(r, rt) { if(r.message=='No') { me.make_answer_box_link(); } }); } // add a link to open add answer this.make_answer_box_link = function() { wn.pages['question-view'].appframe.add_button('Add your answer', function() { $(this).toggle(false); me.make_answer_box(); }, 'icon-plus'); } // answer box // text area + add button this.make_answer_box = function() { $ds(w.add_answer_area); $a(w.add_answer_area, 'h3', '', {}, 'Add Your Answer') this.input = $a(w.add_answer_area, 'textarea'); wn.tinymce.add_simple(this.input); this.btn = $btn($a(w.add_answer_area, 'div'), 'Post', function() { var v = wn.tinymce.get_value(me.input); if(!v) { msgprint('Write something!'); return; } me.btn.set_working(); $c_page('knowledge_base', 'question_view', 'add_answer', {qid: qid, answer:v}, function(r, rt) { me.btn.done_working(); me.ans_list.list.run(); $dh(w.add_answer_area); } ); }); } this.setup = function() { if(qtext) { this.make(); } else { $c_page('knowledge_base', 'question_view', 'get_question', qid, function(r, rt) { qtext = r.message; me.make(); }); } } this.make = function() { set_title(qtext); this.make_question(); this.make_answer_list(); this.make_add_answer(); } this.setup(); } // kb answer list KBAnswerList = function(args) { var me = this; $.extend(this, args); this.make_list = function() { wn.pages['question-view'].appframe.clear_buttons(); this.list = new wn.ui.Listing({ parent: me.parent, appframe: wn.pages['question-view'].appframe, as_dict: 1, no_result_message: 'No answers yet, be the first one to answer!', render_row: function(body, data) { new KBAnswer(body, data, me) }, get_query: function() { return repl("SELECT t1.name, t1.owner, t1.answer, t1._users_voted, t2.first_name, " +"t2.last_name, t1.modified from tabAnswer t1, tabProfile t2 " +"where question='%(qid)s' and t1.owner = t2.name " +"order by t1.modified desc", {qid: me.qid}) } }); this.list.run(); } this.make_list(); } // kb answer // answer // by xxx | on xxx KBAnswer = function(body, data, ans_list) { body.className = 'qv-answer'; var edtxt = new EditableText({ parent: body, dt: 'Answer', dn: data.name, fieldname: 'answer', text: data.answer, inp_class: 'qv-ans-input', disp_class: 'qv-ans-text', height: '300px' }); $(edtxt.wrapper).addClass('well'); var div = $a(body, 'div', '', {}) new KBItemToolbar({ parent: div, det: data, with_tags: 0, doctype: 'Answer' }, ans_list) } wn.require('erpnext/knowledge_base/page/kb_common/kb_common.js');