# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt import json from typing import Dict, Optional import frappe from frappe.utils.nestedset import get_root_of from erpnext.accounts.doctype.pos_invoice.pos_invoice import get_stock_availability from erpnext.accounts.doctype.pos_profile.pos_profile import get_child_nodes, get_item_groups from erpnext.stock.utils import scan_barcode def search_by_term(search_term, warehouse, price_list): result = search_for_serial_or_batch_or_barcode_number(search_term) or {} item_code = result.get("item_code") or search_term serial_no = result.get("serial_no") or "" batch_no = result.get("batch_no") or "" barcode = result.get("barcode") or "" if result: item_info = frappe.db.get_value( "Item", item_code, [ "name as item_code", "item_name", "description", "stock_uom", "image as item_image", "is_stock_item", ], as_dict=1, ) item_stock_qty, is_stock_item = get_stock_availability(item_code, warehouse) price_list_rate, currency = frappe.db.get_value( "Item Price", {"price_list": price_list, "item_code": item_code}, ["price_list_rate", "currency"], ) or [None, None] item_info.update( { "serial_no": serial_no, "batch_no": batch_no, "barcode": barcode, "price_list_rate": price_list_rate, "currency": currency, "actual_qty": item_stock_qty, } ) return {"items": [item_info]} @frappe.whitelist() def get_items(start, page_length, price_list, item_group, pos_profile, search_term=""): warehouse, hide_unavailable_items = frappe.db.get_value( "POS Profile", pos_profile, ["warehouse", "hide_unavailable_items"] ) result = [] if search_term: result = search_by_term(search_term, warehouse, price_list) or [] if result: return result if not frappe.db.exists("Item Group", item_group): item_group = get_root_of("Item Group") condition = get_conditions(search_term) condition += get_item_group_condition(pos_profile) lft, rgt = frappe.db.get_value("Item Group", item_group, ["lft", "rgt"]) bin_join_selection, bin_join_condition = "", "" if hide_unavailable_items: bin_join_selection = ", `tabBin` bin" bin_join_condition = ( "AND bin.warehouse = %(warehouse)s AND bin.item_code = item.name AND bin.actual_qty > 0" ) items_data = frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT item.name AS item_code, item.item_name, item.description, item.stock_uom, item.image AS item_image, item.is_stock_item FROM `tabItem` item {bin_join_selection} WHERE item.disabled = 0 AND item.has_variants = 0 AND item.is_sales_item = 1 AND item.is_fixed_asset = 0 AND item.item_group in (SELECT name FROM `tabItem Group` WHERE lft >= {lft} AND rgt <= {rgt}) AND {condition} {bin_join_condition} ORDER BY item.name asc LIMIT {page_length} offset {start}""".format( start=start, page_length=page_length, lft=lft, rgt=rgt, condition=condition, bin_join_selection=bin_join_selection, bin_join_condition=bin_join_condition, ), {"warehouse": warehouse}, as_dict=1, ) if items_data: items = [d.item_code for d in items_data] item_prices_data = frappe.get_all( "Item Price", fields=["item_code", "price_list_rate", "currency"], filters={"price_list": price_list, "item_code": ["in", items]}, ) item_prices = {} for d in item_prices_data: item_prices[d.item_code] = d for item in items_data: item_code = item.item_code item_price = item_prices.get(item_code) or {} item_stock_qty, is_stock_item = get_stock_availability(item_code, warehouse) row = {} row.update(item) row.update( { "price_list_rate": item_price.get("price_list_rate"), "currency": item_price.get("currency"), "actual_qty": item_stock_qty, } ) result.append(row) return {"items": result} @frappe.whitelist() def search_for_serial_or_batch_or_barcode_number(search_value: str) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: return scan_barcode(search_value) def get_conditions(search_term): condition = "(" condition += """item.name like {search_term} or item.item_name like {search_term}""".format( search_term=frappe.db.escape("%" + search_term + "%") ) condition += add_search_fields_condition(search_term) condition += ")" return condition def add_search_fields_condition(search_term): condition = "" search_fields = frappe.get_all("POS Search Fields", fields=["fieldname"]) if search_fields: for field in search_fields: condition += " or item.`{0}` like {1}".format( field["fieldname"], frappe.db.escape("%" + search_term + "%") ) return condition def get_item_group_condition(pos_profile): cond = "and 1=1" item_groups = get_item_groups(pos_profile) if item_groups: cond = "and item.item_group in (%s)" % (", ".join(["%s"] * len(item_groups))) return cond % tuple(item_groups) @frappe.whitelist() @frappe.validate_and_sanitize_search_inputs def item_group_query(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters): item_groups = [] cond = "1=1" pos_profile = filters.get("pos_profile") if pos_profile: item_groups = get_item_groups(pos_profile) if item_groups: cond = "name in (%s)" % (", ".join(["%s"] * len(item_groups))) cond = cond % tuple(item_groups) return frappe.db.sql( """ select distinct name from `tabItem Group` where {condition} and (name like %(txt)s) limit {page_len} offset {start}""".format( condition=cond, start=start, page_len=page_len ), {"txt": "%%%s%%" % txt}, ) @frappe.whitelist() def check_opening_entry(user): open_vouchers = frappe.db.get_all( "POS Opening Entry", filters={"user": user, "pos_closing_entry": ["in", ["", None]], "docstatus": 1}, fields=["name", "company", "pos_profile", "period_start_date"], order_by="period_start_date desc", ) return open_vouchers @frappe.whitelist() def create_opening_voucher(pos_profile, company, balance_details): balance_details = json.loads(balance_details) new_pos_opening = frappe.get_doc( { "doctype": "POS Opening Entry", "period_start_date": frappe.utils.get_datetime(), "posting_date": frappe.utils.getdate(), "user": frappe.session.user, "pos_profile": pos_profile, "company": company, } ) new_pos_opening.set("balance_details", balance_details) new_pos_opening.submit() return new_pos_opening.as_dict() @frappe.whitelist() def get_past_order_list(search_term, status, limit=20): fields = ["name", "grand_total", "currency", "customer", "posting_time", "posting_date"] invoice_list = [] if search_term and status: invoices_by_customer = frappe.db.get_all( "POS Invoice", filters={"customer": ["like", "%{}%".format(search_term)], "status": status}, fields=fields, page_length=limit, ) invoices_by_name = frappe.db.get_all( "POS Invoice", filters={"name": ["like", "%{}%".format(search_term)], "status": status}, fields=fields, page_length=limit, ) invoice_list = invoices_by_customer + invoices_by_name elif status: invoice_list = frappe.db.get_all( "POS Invoice", filters={"status": status}, fields=fields, page_length=limit ) return invoice_list @frappe.whitelist() def set_customer_info(fieldname, customer, value=""): if fieldname == "loyalty_program": frappe.db.set_value("Customer", customer, "loyalty_program", value) contact = frappe.get_cached_value("Customer", customer, "customer_primary_contact") if not contact: contact = frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT parent FROM `tabDynamic Link` WHERE parenttype = 'Contact' AND parentfield = 'links' AND link_doctype = 'Customer' AND link_name = %s """, (customer), as_dict=1, ) contact = contact[0].get("parent") if contact else None if not contact: new_contact = frappe.new_doc("Contact") new_contact.is_primary_contact = 1 new_contact.first_name = customer new_contact.set("links", [{"link_doctype": "Customer", "link_name": customer}]) new_contact.save() contact = new_contact.name frappe.db.set_value("Customer", customer, "customer_primary_contact", contact) contact_doc = frappe.get_doc("Contact", contact) if fieldname == "email_id": contact_doc.set("email_ids", [{"email_id": value, "is_primary": 1}]) frappe.db.set_value("Customer", customer, "email_id", value) elif fieldname == "mobile_no": contact_doc.set("phone_nos", [{"phone": value, "is_primary_mobile_no": 1}]) frappe.db.set_value("Customer", customer, "mobile_no", value) contact_doc.save() @frappe.whitelist() def get_pos_profile_data(pos_profile): pos_profile = frappe.get_doc("POS Profile", pos_profile) pos_profile = pos_profile.as_dict() _customer_groups_with_children = [] for row in pos_profile.customer_groups: children = get_child_nodes("Customer Group", row.customer_group) _customer_groups_with_children.extend(children) pos_profile.customer_groups = _customer_groups_with_children return pos_profile